Process Behind Martian Streaks Continues To Puzzle

7 years ago

A new study released by a team of international scientists has offered another explanation for Recurring Slope Lineae on Mars,…

German ‘Largest Artificial Sun’ To Generate Climate Friendly Fuel

7 years ago

Synlight, the world's largest artificial Sun, will help German researchers extract hydrogen fuel from water using solar energy.

Curiosity Captures Gravity Wave Shaped Clouds On Mars

7 years ago

Images presented at the 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference this week showed the first indication of gravity waves around…

SpaceX Outbids ULA for Military GPS Contract Igniting Fierce Launch Competition

7 years ago

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - The fierce competition for lucrative launch contracts from the U.S. Air Force just got more…

New Study Wants To Rip T-Rex From Its Place On Dino Tree

7 years ago

If the results in a new study are accepted, the dinosaur family tree will be getting overhauled.

Astronauts Capture Great Views of Mount Etna Eruption

7 years ago

Mount Etna is Europe's most active volcano, and it's been spouting off since late February 2017. It spewed lava and…

Curiosity’s Battered Wheels Show First Breaks

7 years ago

A routine check by the Curiosity science team revealed that breaks have formed in the rover's left middle wheel since…

Why Doesn’t Earth Have Rings?

7 years ago

You'd think Saturn has all the luck, with its awesome rings. But it turns out, living on a planet with…

SpaceX & NASA Studying 2020 Landing Sites For Dragon

7 years ago

SpaceX and NASA have identified 4 possible locations for the first Dragon journey to Mars in 2020.

What’s the Difference Between a Rocket and Space Plane? Amazing Hand-Drawn Animations Explain It All

7 years ago

You gotta love Earth's atmosphere. It basically makes life (as we know it) possible on our planet by providing warmth…