KSC Director/Shuttle Commander Robert Cabana Talks NASA 2018 Budget- ‘Stay on the path’ with SLS, Orion, Commercial Crew: One-on-One Interview

7 years ago

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER VISITOR COMPLEX, FL - Following up last week’s announcement of NASA’s proposed Fiscal Year 2018 top line…

Construction Begins on the Next Super Telescope

7 years ago

Great progress is being made on the European Extremely Large Telescope. Construction of the dome and the main telescope was…

What Was Cosmic Inflation? The Quest to Understand the Earliest Universe

7 years ago

The Big Bang was a tremendous theory, but it had a few problems. In 1980 Alan Guth developed the revolutionary…

Super-Earth Planet Found in the Habitable Zone of a Nearby Star

7 years ago

A study produced by an international team of researchers, using the HARPS-N survey, has detected a potentially habitable super-Earth just…

Lunar Orbiter Takes a Meteorite Strike Right in the Camera

7 years ago

On October 13th, 2014, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) experienced something rare and unexpected. While monitoring the surface of the…

Juno is Ready to Tell Us What it Found at Jupiter

7 years ago

Juno is starting to reveal the complexity and beauty of our Solar System's largest planet.

There’s a Hard Rock Rain on the Moon, We Can See it From Earth

7 years ago

In the hopes of telling us more about Near-Earth Objects, the NELIOTA project has begun to study bright flashes on…

Messier 44 – The Beehive Cluster (Praesepe)

7 years ago

Located 577 light years away in the Cancer constellation is the open star cluster known as the Beehive Cluster (aka.…

SpaceX Targets June 1 Launch of Space Station Cargo Delivery Mission for NASA

7 years ago

SpaceX is targeting a June 1 blastoff for the firms next cargo delivery mission to the International Space Station (ISS)…

How Far Away is Fusion? Unlocking the Power of the Sun

7 years ago

The Sun uses its enormous mass to crush hydrogen into fusion, releasing enormous energy. How long will it be until…