LEGO Apollo Saturn V: Tallest LEGO Ideas Set Ever Made

7 years ago

LEGO announced their new LEGO Apollo Saturn V rocket set for June 1, 2017. With 1969-pieces, it'll be the tallest…

TRAPPIST-1 System Ideal For Life Swapping

7 years ago

A new study of the TRAPPIST-1 system indicates that life-swapping may take place between the planets in its habitable zone,…

Weekly Space Hangout – April 28, 2017: Tim Blais of A Capella Science

7 years ago

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guest: Tim Blais is the founder of A Capella Science, an "educational and utterly nerdy…

Pardon My Vomit: Zero G Ettiquette In the Age Of Space Tourism

7 years ago

With multiple commercial aerospace companies offering flights into space, to the Moon, and even beyond, would-be passengers are starting to…

Breakthrough Listen Publishes First Analysis Of 692 Stars In ET Search

7 years ago

Breakthrough Listen, the most ambitious SETI program in history, just released an analysis of their first year of data, which…

A Survivor’s Tale: Cassini Lives Through First Ring Dive

7 years ago

One down, twenty-one to go! The Cassini spacecraft survived the first dive through the narrow gap between Saturn and its…

Europe & China Discuss Moonbase Partnership

7 years ago

The ESA and Chinese National Space Agency have announced their plans to create a "Moon Village" on the lunar surface…

What Are Fast Radio Bursts?

7 years ago

Here's a big mystery in astronomy: fast radio bursts. Brief shrieks of radio waves coming from space. What are they?…

Is Another Universe Sitting Too Close To Us On The Multiverse Bus?

7 years ago

A new survey of the CMB's Cold Spot has ruled out the possibility that this anomaly is caused by a…

The Next Pluto Mission: An Orbiter and Lander?

7 years ago

For decades, we could only imagine what the view of Pluto’s surface might be. Now, we have the real thing.…