Designing The Hanging Gardens Of Mars

7 years ago

Scientists are working on a system of growing food for astronauts while away from Earth for extended periods of time.

Did A Comet Impact Push Humans Into Technological Overdrive?

7 years ago

According to a study by a team of researchers from the University of Edinburgh, the oldest temple site in the…

Meet Steve, A Most Peculiar Aurora

7 years ago

A Canadian photographer captures a hot river of glowing gas so peculiar that no one knew at first what it…

Adieu Titan: So Long & Thanks For All The Hydrocarbons

7 years ago

On Friday, April 21st, the Cassini spacecraft conducted its last flyby of Titan, a maneuver which touched off the final…

Another Strange Discovery From LHC That Nobody Understands

7 years ago

"Enhanced strangeness production" surprises experimenters at LHC's ALICE experiment.

Carnival of Space #506

7 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Allen Versfeld at his Urban Astronomer blog. Click here to read Carnival…

NASA Astronaut Peggy Whitson Sets US Space Endurance Record, Speaks to President Trump

7 years ago

NASA Astronaut Peggy Whitson set the endurance record for time in space by a U.S, astronaut today, Monday, April 24,…

Messier 40 – the Winnecke 4 Double Star

7 years ago

Located in the direction of the Ursa Major constellation is Messier 40 (Winnecke 4), an optical double star that looks…

What is the Average Surface Temperature of Mercury?

7 years ago

Because of its extremely eccentric orbit, slow rotation, and lack of an atmosphere, Mercury experiences extreme variations in surface temperature.

Into The Submillimeter: The Early Universe’s Formation

7 years ago

A new study of distant, early galaxies helps us understand the early days of our Universe.