Carnival of Space #504

7 years ago

It's that time again! This week’s Carnival of Space is hosted by Pamela Hoffman at the Everyday Spacer blog. Click…

SpaceX Just Re-Used a Rocket. Why This Changes Everything

7 years ago

SpaceX just flew a rocket to space for the second time. It was a fairly normal launch, but this accomplishment…

Hubble Sees Intense Auroras on Uranus

7 years ago

French astronomers discover the brightest auroras on Uranus ever seen, and they look ... weird.

What Constellation is the Sun in?

7 years ago

Since the constellations are based on their appearance from Earth, the Sun does not belong to any. But if you…

Messier 39 – The NGC 7092 Open Star Cluster

7 years ago

Welcome back to Messier Monday! In our ongoing tribute to the great Tammy Plotner, we take a look at the…

Astronomy Cast Ep. 445: Animals in Space Pt. 1: Insects and Arachnids

7 years ago

We've talked about animals traveling to space in the past, but it's time to take another look, with many other…

Hubble Takes Advantage Of Opposition To Snap Jupiter

7 years ago

During the month of April, 2017, Jupiter will make its closest approach to Earth, allowing for some prime viewing opportunities…

Finally! A Low Mass Super-Earth With Some Funky Atmosphere

7 years ago

Ongoing observation of exoplanet GJ 1132b has revealed a dense atmosphere, a finding which has great significance in the hunt…

Carnival of Space #503

7 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Brian Wang at his Next Big Future blog. Click here to read Carnival…

Weekly Space Hangout – April 7, 2017: Weekly News Roundup

7 years ago

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Guests: Paul M. Sutter ( / @PaulMattSutter) Their stories this week: Rogue Black Hole! We use…