Curiosity Watches a Dust Devil Go Past

8 years ago

Tis a season of incredible wind driven activity on Mars like few before witnessed by our human emissaries ! Its…

NASA Proposes a Magnetic Shield to Protect Mars’ Atmosphere

8 years ago

At the recent Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop, Director Jim Green and a panel of scientists proposed deploying a magnetic…

When Galaxies Collide, Stars Suffer the Consequences

8 years ago

A study by a team of scientists at the University of Sheffield suggests that stars being ripped apart due to…

Astronomy Cast Ep. 442: Destroy and Rebuild Pt. 6: Magnetic Pole Reversal

8 years ago

If we look back into the geologic record of the Earth, it appears that our planet's magnetic field flips polarity…

Some Active Process is Cracking Open These Faults on Mars. But What is it?

8 years ago

Mars' northern polar region is home to long lines of small pits, hinting at the presence of some dynamic process…

Volcanic Hydrogen Gives Planets a Boost for Life

8 years ago

A new study by a team of astronomers from the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell University indicates that habitable zones…

What the Oldest Fossil on Earth Means for Finding Life on Mars

8 years ago

Scientists have found evidence that life existed on Earth much earlier than previously thought and they say this discovery has…

Rise of the Super Telescopes: The European Extremely Large Telescope

8 years ago

Once the E-ELT is completed in 2014, it will be the largest optical/infrared observatory in the world.

7 Questions For 7 New Planets

8 years ago

The TRAPPIST 7 have some explaining to do. Are they really Earth-like and potentially habitable?

How Far is Mercury from the Sun?

8 years ago

As the closest (and most eccentric) planet to our Sun, Mercury's distance ranges from 46 million km (28.58 million mi)…