Titan Probably Doesn’t Have the Amino Acids Needed for Life to Emerge

7 months ago

Does Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, possess the necessary ingredients for life to exist? This is what a recent study published…

What Kinds of Astronomy Could Be Done With a Telescope on the Moon?

7 months ago

For decades, astronomers have said that one of the most optimal places to build large telescopes is on the surface…

The Kuiper Belt is Much Bigger Than We Thought

7 months ago

NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft is just over 8.8 billion km away, exploring the Kuiper Belt. This icy belt surrounds the…

A Planetary Disk in the Orion Nebula is Destroying and Replenishing Oceans of Water Every Month

7 months ago

Planet-forming disks are places of chaotic activity. Not only do planetesimals slam together to form larger worlds, but it now…

Brrr. JWST Looks at the Coldest Brown Dwarf

7 months ago

What are the atmospheric compositions of cold brown dwarf stars? This is what a recent study published in The Astronomical…

Cosmic Dust Could Have Helped Get Life Going on Earth

7 months ago

The early Earth didn't have many chemicals needed for life on its surface, but they were present in asteroids and…

Odysseus Moon Lander Is Tipped Over But Still Sending Data

7 months ago

The bad news is that Intuitive Machines' Odysseus lander is tipped on its side after getting tripped up during its…

Finally! Webb Finds a Neutron Star from Supernova 1987A

7 months ago

I can remember seeing images of SN1987A as it developed back in 1987. It was the explosion of a star,…

A Capsule With Antiviral Drugs Grown in Space Returns to Earth

7 months ago

On Wednesday, February 21st, at 01:40 p.m. PST (04:40 p.m. EST), an interesting package returned to Earth from space. This…

The Sun Gets Feisty, Throwing Off Three X-Class Flares Within 24 Hours

7 months ago

The Sun is heading toward solar maximum (which is likely to be about a year away) and as it does,…