NASA Studies Whether to Add Crew to 1st SLS Megarocket Moon Launch in 2019

8 years ago

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - At the request of the new Trump Administration, NASA has initiated a month long study…

SETI Has Already Tried Listening to TRAPPIST-1 for Aliens

8 years ago

Ever since the presence of exoplanets was announced in the TRAPPIST-1 system, SETI has been monitoring the system for signs…

The Cepheus Constellation

8 years ago

Located in the northern hemisphere is Cepheus, one of the 48 constellations included by Ptolemy in his classic work, The…

Supernova Blast Wave Still Visible After 30 Years

8 years ago

30 years ago today, a supernova explosion was spotted in the southern hemisphere skies. The exploding star was located in…

Weekly Space Hangout – February 24, 2017: 7 New Exoplanets Around TRAPPIST-1 and More!

8 years ago

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Guests: Paul M. Sutter ( / @PaulMattSutter) Morgan Rehnberg ( / @MorganRehnberg) Their stories this week:…

Wow, Mars Sure Can Be Pretty

8 years ago

The HiRise camera aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter continues to supply stunning images of the Martian surface.

It Might Be Possible to Refreeze the Icecaps to Slow Global Warming

8 years ago

According to a new study from the School of Earth and Space Exploration, it may be possible to refreeze the…

NASA Fires a Rocket into the Northern Lights, for Science!

8 years ago

Not only is it aurora season in Alaska, its sounding rocket season! NASA started launching a series of five sounding…

Ring of Fire: Catch the Only Annular Solar Eclipse of 2017 This Sunday

8 years ago

'Tis the season... eclipse season, that is, as an annular solar eclipse marks the end of the first cycle of…

SpaceX Dragon Arrives at Space Station with Tons of Earth and Human Science Experiments

8 years ago

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - A SpaceX Dragon supply ship jam packed with more than 2.5 tons of critical science…