Planet 9 Can’t Run Forever. Two Asteroids Give Up Some Clues

8 years ago

Last year, Caltech astronomers Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin found indirect evidence for the existence of a large planet in…

Here’s an Aerial View of a Massive Iceberg Shearing away from Antarctica

8 years ago

Members of the British Antarctic Survey shot a video of the wide crack in the Antarctic Larsen Ice Sheet, which…

Get Ready for the First Pictures of a Black Hole’s Event Horizon

8 years ago

The Event Horizon Telescope should give us our first picture of a Black Hole in the beginning of 2018.

Huge News, Seven Earth-Sized Worlds Orbiting a Red Dwarf, Three in the Habitable Zone

8 years ago

In what is the biggest announcement in exoplanet-hunting history, NASA has announced the discovery of seven rocky exoplanets around a…

Here’s Something We Never Thought We’d See on a Comet: Shifting Dunes

8 years ago

The Rosetta mission’s close-up views of the curiously-shaped Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko have already changed some long-held ideas about comets. But here’s…

The Orbit of Venus. How Long is a Year on Venus?

8 years ago

As the second closest planet to our Sun, Venus takes 224.65 days to complete a single orbit around our Sun,…

United Arab Emirates Has a Plan to Colonize Mars with 600,000 People in 100 Years

8 years ago

During the 5th World Government Summit, the United Arab Emirates announced a bold plan to build a permanent settlement on…

Sad About Pluto? How about 110 Planets in the Solar System Instead?

8 years ago

A new geophysical definition has been proposed by a team of planetary scientists, one which would result in a Solar…

Astronomy Cast Ep. 441: Destroy and Rebuild, Pt. 5: Continental Drift

8 years ago

Want to travel the world but you don't have a lot of money? No problem, your continent is drifting across…

Drone Captures Amazing Footage of Falcon 9 Landing

8 years ago

Let's just take a moment to admire how amazing it is when science fiction becomes routinely real: SpaceX CEO…