Distance & Speed Of Sun’s Orbit Around Galactic Centre Measured

8 years ago

Using the initial data released by the Gaia observatory, a team of Canadian astrophysicists have produced refined estimates on the…

Astronomy Cast Ep. 440: Destroy and Rebuild, Pt. 4: Supervolcanoes!

8 years ago

There are regular volcanoes, and then there are the supervolcanoes. Massive calderas of hot magma of incomprehensible size. Bad news,…

Through The Nuclear Looking Glass: The Moon & The Bomb

8 years ago

By analyzing samples of glass formed at the Trinity nuclear test sight, a team of scientists has helped resolve the…

Carnival of Space #496

8 years ago

It's that time again! This week’s Carnival of Space is hosted by Pamela Hoffman at the Everyday Spacer blog. Click…

SpaceX Falcon 9 Breathes First Fire at KSC Pad 39A – Successful Static Fire Test Paves Path to Feb. 18 ISS Launch

8 years ago

SPACE VIEW PARK/KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - For the first time in more than half a decade, a rocket came…

Meet Asteroid 2017 BQ6 — A Giant, Spinning Brick

8 years ago

New asteroid 2017 BQ6 was all elbows when it flew by Earth just a few days ago. Images reveal it…

91 Astronomers Combine 1000 Images Into One Amazing Journey to Jupiter

8 years ago

Using 1000 images taken by amateur astronomer, filmmaker Peter Rosen has created a film that takes viewers on virtual journey…

First SpaceX Falcon 9 Erected at Historic Launch Pad 39A for Feb. 18 Blastoff

8 years ago

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - The first SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket ever to grace historic launch pad 39A at NASA’s…

What is the Surface Area of the Earth?

8 years ago

Compared to other Solar planets, Earth is kind of average. And given its shape, determining its surface area is a…

The Centaurus Constellation

8 years ago

Located in the southern skies is the classic constellation Centaurus, the ninth largest constellation and one of the original 48…