Astronomy Cast Ep. 435: The Butterfly Effect

8 years ago

Small changes can have a big impact. But can a butterfly's wingbeat in the Amazon really impact the weather halfway…

Carnival of Space #491

8 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Stefan Lamoureux at the Links Through Space blog. Click here to read…

Messier 31 – Observing Andromeda (M31)

8 years ago

Located north of the celestial equator in the direction of the Andromeda Constellation lies the spectacular Andromeda Galaxy (aka. Messier…

Exploding Binary Stars Will Light Up the Sky in 2022

8 years ago

A team from Calvin College, Michigan have discovered a binary pair of stars that will eventually collide and explode in…

Poor Weather Pushes SpaceX Return Debut with Revolutionary Iridium Relay Sats to Jan. 14

8 years ago

In the face of unrelenting days of very poor weather and a range conflict with another very critical rocket launch,…

FAA Accepts Accident Report, Grants SpaceX License for Falcon 9 ‘Return to Flight’

8 years ago

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today “accepted the investigation report” regarding the results of SpaceX’s investigation into the cause of…

Hubble Spots Possible Exocomets in Nearby Star System

8 years ago

The possible detection of comets in the nearby star system of HD 172555 could shed light on how comets behaved…

Martian Spacecraft Spies Earth and the Moon

8 years ago

The incredible HiRISE camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter turned its eyes away from its usual target – Mars’…

Weekly Space Hangout – January 6, 2017: Abigail “Astronaut Abby” Harrison

8 years ago Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guests: This week's guest is Abigail "Astronaut Abby" Harrison. Abigail is the founder of…

What is Low Earth Orbit?

8 years ago

Low Earth Orbit (LEO) is a popular place. It is where the majority of space missions are sent, where all…