A Pulsar and White Dwarf Dance Together In A Surprising Orbit

8 years ago

The discovery of a millisecond pulsar orbiting a low-mass white dwarf star has astronomers puzzled, mainly because its orbit defies…

Carnival of Space #482

8 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Gadi Eidelheit at his The Venus Transit blog. Click here to read…

Some Of The Deepest & Sharpest Shots of The Moon from Earth

8 years ago

Who doesn't love to gaze at the Moon on a clear night? But astrophotographer Thierry Legault now taken Moon-gazing to…

The Orbit of the Moon

8 years ago

The Orbit of the Moon is strange, which gives rise to changes in its appearance. It is also slowly changing,…

Carnival of Space #481

8 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Stefan Lamoureux at the Links Through Space blog. Click here to read…

When Was the First Light in the Universe?

8 years ago

When was the first time that the Universe cooled down enough that light could finally move around?

The Cancer Constellation

8 years ago

Located in the Zodiac, the asterism known as Cancer is a medium-sized and relatively faint constellation, and one of 88…

SpaceX’s Fueling Process Makes NASA Queasy

8 years ago

A NASA advisory group has expressed concerns over SpaceX's safety standards in the wake of the explosion that claimed one…

Astronomy Cast Ep. 427: Click Bait vs Clear Science

8 years ago

Did you hear that Dark Energy doesn't exist any more? Neither does Dark Matter? It turns out that NASA recalculated…

Weekly Space Hangout – November 4, 2016: Mars and Where to Land on it with Dr. Matt Golombek

8 years ago

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guest: Dr. Matt Golombek, Senior Research Scientist at the JPL; Mars Exploration Rover Project Scientist;…