Astronomy Cast Ep. 427: Click Bait vs Clear Science

8 years ago

Did you hear that Dark Energy doesn't exist any more? Neither does Dark Matter? It turns out that NASA recalculated…

Weekly Space Hangout – November 4, 2016: Mars and Where to Land on it with Dr. Matt Golombek

8 years ago

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guest: Dr. Matt Golombek, Senior Research Scientist at the JPL; Mars Exploration Rover Project Scientist;…

Monster Meteorite Found in Texas

8 years ago

Meet the largest single chondrite in Texas.

Somebody Get This Supermassive Black Hole A Towel

8 years ago

Two galaxies collide, and one super-massive black hole is stripped almost naked of stars.

Beautiful Planetary Rings Are Dead Dwarf Planets! Dead Dwarf Planets!!!

8 years ago

A new study from a team of Japanese researchers shows that the rings of the gas giants might be the…

China Just Launched Its Largest Rocket Ever

8 years ago

China’s newest and biggest heavy-lift rocket was successfully launched today, Nov 3, 2016, testing out China’s latest rocket along with…

What is the World’s Deepest Ocean?

8 years ago

Determining which ocean is the deepest is tricky, but on average, the Pacific Ocean is deeper than the rest, thanks…

NASA’s New Asteroid Alert System Gives 5 Whole Days of Warning

8 years ago

NASA's Scout Program for the early detection of asteroids passed it's first test, giving us 5 days notice of 2016…

Watch Asteroid 2016 VA Pass Through Earth’s Shadow

8 years ago

Holy low-flying space rocks, Batman. Newly discovered asteroid 2016 VA snuck up on us last night, and crossed through the…

Pure Metal Asteroid Has Mysterious Water Deposits

8 years ago

Water has been showing up in all sorts of unexpected places in our Solar System, such as the Moon, Mercury…