Astronomy Cast Ep. 424: Lightning

8 years ago

It turns out that nature figured out how to use electricity long before humans did. Lightning storms are common across…

We Land on Mars in Just 2 days!

8 years ago Watch how Schiaparelli will land on Mars. Touchdown will occur at 10:48 a.m. EDT (14:48 GMT) Wednesday Oct. 19. Cross your fingers…

An Exoplanet With Huge Rings Intrigues

8 years ago

A new study by a team of researchers has shed further light on J1407b, a distant exoplanet that is believed…

Exclusive Photos Of The Recently Found 30-Ton Argentine Meteorite

8 years ago

A gigantic piece of the famous Campo del Cielo meteorite fall that was found on September 10, 2016 has been…

Shouldn’t We Fix the Earth First?

8 years ago

Fraser gives 5 answers to the question, “why should we explore space when we have so many problems here on…

Carnival of Space #478

8 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Brian Wang at his Next Big Future blog. Click here to read Carnival…

This Weekend: A Hunter’s Full Moon Kicks Off Supermoon Season

8 years ago

Ready for some lunar action of proxigean proportions? This weekend's Full Moon ushers in that most (infamous?) of internet ready…

Opportunity Blazes Through 4500 Sunsets on Mars and Gullies are Yet to Come!

8 years ago

The longest living Martian rover ever - Opportunity - has just surpassed another unfathomable milestone - 4500 Sols (or days)…

A New Dwarf Planet Joins The Solar System Family

8 years ago

Relying on data collected by the Dark Energy Survey, astronomers have found evidence of a new dwarf planet that is…

Turns out Proxima Centauri is Strikingly Similar to our Sun

8 years ago

Contrary to what we previously though, Proxima Centauri has some striking similarities to our Sun, which includes a solar cycle