Bright Binocular Nova Discovered in Lupus

8 years ago

A powerful explosion on an otherwise obscure star in the constellation Lupus is now bright enough to see in binoculars.

Drilling at Unfathomable Alien Landscapes – All in a Sols (Day’s) Work for Curiosity

8 years ago

Our beyond magnificent Curiosity rover has just finished her latest Red Planet drilling campaign - at the rock target called…

Why Are Stars Different Colors?

8 years ago

Like everything else in the Universe, stars come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and colors, and three of…

Bye, Bye Rosetta — We’ll Miss You!

8 years ago

The Rosetta comet probe will leave its flyover orbit today to prepare for its dramatic free-fall descent to the surface…

What is a Debris Flow?

8 years ago

Debris flows are fast-moving landslides made up of liquefied, unconsolidated, and saturated mass. They are one of the most dangerous…

Big Breach In 2nd Stage Helium System Likely Triggered Catastrophic Falcon 9 Explosion: SpaceX

8 years ago

Investigators have determined that a “large breach” in the second stage helium system likely triggered the catastrophic Falcon 9 launch…

How Can We Save The Sun?

8 years ago

Bad news, our Sun is living on borrowed time. It’s only got a few billion years left. But there might…

More than 100 km of Liquid Water Beneath Pluto’s Surface

8 years ago

What lies beneath Pluto’s icy heart? New research indicates there could be a salty “Dead Sea”-like ocean more than 100…

Approval For NASA Authorization Bill

8 years ago

With the recent passage of the NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2016, NASA can look forward to financial stability in…

Weekly Space Hangout – Sept 23, 2016: Dr. Frank Timmes and Online Astronomy Education

8 years ago

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guests: Dr. Frank Timmes is an astrophysicist at Arizona State University and will be discussing…