Does Our Galaxy Have a Habitable Zone?

8 years ago

It’s not just our Solar System that has a habitable zone, it turns out our entire galaxy has regions which…

Phenomenal New View of Ceres ‘Lonely Mountain’ Reveals Signs of Volcanic Activity

8 years ago

An amazing new view of Ceres' Ahuna Mons reveals it as a towering volcanic dome likely composed of salty mud.…

What is Tornado Alley?

8 years ago

Reaching across the Great Plains - from Texas to the Canadian Prairies - is the infamous "Tornado Alley", where tornado…

What is the Temperature of the Earth’s Crust?

8 years ago

As Earth's outermost layer, the temperature of its crust varies considerably, depending on where it is measured from and various…

What is the Difference Between Active and Dormant Volcanoes?

8 years ago

Whether a volcano is active or dormant is complicated, as these geological features can have very long lifespans that go…

Weekly Space Hangout – Sept 16, 2016: Universe Sandbox

8 years ago

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guests: This week's guests will be the Universe Sandbox Developers Dan Dixon (Project Lead &…

Astronomy Cast Ep. 420: FIRE!

8 years ago

Visit the Astronomy Cast Page to subscribe to the audio podcast! We usually record Astronomy Cast as a live Google+…

Incredible Images of Mars from Earth

8 years ago

What did you do during your summer this year? Award-winning astrophotographer Damian Peach spent much of his 2016 summer capturing…

Hubble Captures The Sharpest Image Of A Disintegrating Comet Ever

8 years ago

Comets crack up regularly, but rarely do we get a front row seat to watch one disintegrate before our eyes.…

Spectacular Panoramas from Curiosity Reveal Layered Martian Rock Formations Like America’s Desert Southwest

8 years ago

The most stunning panoramic vistas likely ever snapped by NASA’s Curiosity rover reveal spectacularly layered Martian rock formations in such…