OSIRIS-Rex Asteroid Mission Seeks to Search for Origin of Life Chemistry

8 years ago

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - OSIRIS-Rex, NASA’s first mission to retrieve and return samples of “pristine materials” from the surface…

SpaceX Falcon 9 Explosion Aftermath Brings Legal Battles

8 years ago

In the aftermath of the explosion that took place on Sept 1st, SpaceX may be facing legal hurdles with the…

NASA’s EM Drive Passes Peer Review, But Don’t Get Your Hopes Up

8 years ago

In the latest new to emerge about the "impossible" EM Drive, it now appears that the technology has passed the…

The Solar System Gets A Second Mercury

8 years ago

Freddie Mercury, the iconic front man from the band Queen, is having an asteroid named after him to commemorate what…

An Impalpable Penumbral Eclipse

8 years ago

Great ready for the final eclipse of 2016, with a penumbral lunar eclipse on September 16th visible from Europe to…

NASA’s InSight Lander Approved for 2018 Mars Launch

8 years ago

Top NASA managers have formally approved the launch of the agency’s InSight Lander to the Red Planet in the spring…

There It Is! Philae Lander Found

8 years ago

The search is over, and looking at these images, no wonder it was so hard to find the little Philae…

How Could We Create Settlements on Venus?

8 years ago

Colonizing Venus presents many advantages and challenges, and could be done using cities that float on top of its dense…

How Cold Are Black Holes?

8 years ago

Black holes absorb everything that falls into them, including photons of light and heat. So what does it mean to…

Juno Captures Jupiter’s Enthralling Poles From 2,500 Miles

8 years ago

The first images of Jupiter have arrived from the Juno spacecraft and they are a tantalizing taste of what's to…