Goodbye Forever Philae; We Hardly Knew Ye

8 years ago

You can’t say they didn’t try, but the news is sad nonetheless. ESA announced the mission for the Philae lander…

Large Impact Craters on Ceres Have Gone Missing

8 years ago

Scientists have found a bit of a mystery at the dwarf planet Ceres. In the rough and tumble environment of…

How Far is Mars from the Sun?

8 years ago

Mars is not only further from the Sun than Earth, but has an eccentric orbit that leads to a great…

Celestial Photobomb: Rare Occultation of Mercury by the Moon Set for Next Week

8 years ago

Catch a rare conjunction of Mercury with the Moon next week, and an occultation for a very privileged few.

Groot & Rocket Raccoon Get Their Own Mission Patch

8 years ago

For the remainder of 2016, all payloads traveling to the US National Lab aboard the ISS will feature a mission…

What are Quark Stars?

8 years ago

Astronomers have theorized there could be an intermediate stage between neutron stars and black holes called quark stars. Are they…

Messier 20 (M20) – The Trifid Nebula

8 years ago

Located in the southern Sagittarius constellation is the Trifid Nebula, a bright star-forming region and combination nebula

Falcon Heavy Vs. Saturn V

8 years ago

A comparison between the rocket that delivered the Apollo astronauts to the Moon, and the one that promises to deliver…

NASA Welds Together 1st SLS Hydrogen Test Tank for America’s Moon/Mars Rocket – Flight Unit in Progress

8 years ago

MICHOUD ASSEMBLY FACILITY, NEW ORLEANS, LA - NASA has just finished welding together the very first fuel tank for America’s…

Two Nearby Potentially Habitable Planets Are Rocky Worlds

8 years ago

When Hubble first observed the atmospheric conditions of an extrasolar planet in 2000, it opened up that entire field of…