Two Nearby Potentially Habitable Planets Are Rocky Worlds

8 years ago

When Hubble first observed the atmospheric conditions of an extrasolar planet in 2000, it opened up that entire field of…

The Moon’s Mare Imbrium Was Hit By Protoplanetary Size Impactor

8 years ago

The asteroid that punched an “eye” in the Moon is about 10 times more massive than originally thought. Researchers say…

Looking for Canada’s Next Generation of Space Explorers

8 years ago

With a long history of contributing to space exploration, the Canadian Space Agency is looking for the next generation of…

Uh, We’re Going To Need A Bigger Landing Pad

8 years ago

With the upcoming test of the Falcon Heavy rocket, SpaceX is looking to expand its facilities by introducing two new…

How Big is the Great Red Spot?

8 years ago

Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot is a huge cyclonic storm big enough to swallow the Earth. But it’s been getting…

Book Review: The Caloris Network

8 years ago

Thinking of taking a vacation this summer? Maybe you want to distract yourself with a bit of light science fiction…

Viking: Remembering Humanity’s First Successful Mission On Mars Surface

8 years ago

We toast the 40th anniversary of the dual Viking missions to Mars this week. Time to celebrate an achievement that…

Apollo 11 Landing 47 Years Ago; See it Through New Eyes

8 years ago

Looking for a way to commemorate the 47th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission landing on the Moon? Here are…

Flawless Capture and Berthing of SpaceX Dragon Supply Ship at ISS

8 years ago

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - Following a flawless post midnight blastoff two mornings ago, a pair of NASA astronauts executed…

How Fast Does Venus Rotate?

8 years ago

Venus' orbit has some strange properties, which includes taking 243.025 days to rotate once, and the fact that it rotates…