Jupiter’s Magnetosphere Will Blow Your Mind While it Kills Your Spacecraft

8 years ago

Jupiter is a huge planet, but its magnetosphere is mind-blowingly massive. It extends out to nearly 5 million kilometers (3…

Behold The Distant Universe!

8 years ago

At the annual National Astronomy Meeting, members of the Ultra Deep Survey (UDS) team shared images that are the deepest…

Juno and the Deep Space Network: Bringing The Data Home

8 years ago

Sonny Giroux, Program Manager for NASA's Deep Space Network, explains how Juno uses the Network to communicate, and some of…

Bezos Is Building A House For His Big Brother

8 years ago

Blue Origin and its founder Jeff Bezos do a little one-upmanship on the old saying, “go big or go home.”…

Very Large Telescope Images Of Jupiter Prepare Us For Juno Arrival

8 years ago

In preparation for Juno's arrival at Jupiter, a team from the European Southern Observatory is creating a breathtaking infrared map…

Professor Stephen Hawking Intends To Map The Known Universe

8 years ago

At the upcoming Starmus science conference, Professor Stephen Hawking will unveil the most ambitious plan to map the known universe…

NASA Completes Awesome Test Firing of World’s Most Powerful Booster for Human Mission to Mars – Gallery

8 years ago

The world’s most powerful booster that will one day propel NASA astronauts on exciting missions of exploration to deep space…

Returned Samples Of Asteroid Itokawa Show Violent 4.5 Billion Year History

8 years ago

Asteroid Itokawa had a sometimes violent 4.5 billion year history, according to samples returned by Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa.

7 Days Out From Orbital Insertion, NASA’s Juno Images Jupiter and its Largest Moons

8 years ago

Now just 7 days out from a critical orbital insertion burn, NASA’s Jupiter-bound Juno orbiter is closing in fast on…

Messier 16 (M16) – The Eagle Nebula

8 years ago

Welcome back to Messier Monday! In our ongoing tribute to the great Tammy Plotner, we take a look at the…