Plants Growing in Space are at Risk from Bacterial Infections

8 months ago

I have spent the last few years thinking, perhaps assuming that astronauts live off dried food, prepackaged and sent from…

Is the Habitable Zone Really Habitable?

8 months ago

The water that life knows and needs, the water that makes a world habitable, the water that acts as the…

NASA Wants to Put a Massive Telescope on the Moon

8 months ago

As part of the Artemis Program, NASA intends to establish all the necessary infrastructure to create a "sustained program of…

New Types of Hidden Stars Seen for the First Time

8 months ago

Astronomers performing a vast infrared variable star survey have discovered new additions to the stellar menagerie. These new types of…

The Improbable Origins of Life on Earth

8 months ago

We do not yet know how, where, or why life first appeared on our planet. Part of the difficulty is…

New Webb Image of a Massive Star Forming Complex

8 months ago

The James Webb Space Telescope, a collaborative effort between NASA, the ESA, and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), has revealed…

The Galactic Habitable Zone

8 months ago

Our planet sits in the Habitable Zone of our Sun, the special place where water can be liquid on the…

Nancy Grace Roman Could Find the First Stars in the Universe

8 months ago

The first stars in the Universe were made out of the primordial hydrogen and helium left over from the Big…

Watch a House-Sized Space Habitat (Intentionally) Burst

8 months ago

We live in an age of renewed space exploration, colloquially known as Space Age 2.0. Unlike the previous one, this…

The Moon is Still Shrinking, Explaining Why it Still Has Landslides

8 months ago

Although our Moon formed 4.5 billion years ago, it's still evolving. The interior continues to cool and its orbit is…