Name of Saturn

Name of Saturn

Where you wondering how did Saturn get its name? Like all of the planets, Saturn is named after a character in Roman mythology. Saturn is named after the god Saturnus, the god of agriculture and harvest. Saturn is equivalent to the ancient Greek god Kronos. They decided to make the outermost planet sacred to Kronos, and the Romans did the same.

In ancient times, astronomers could see that there were some stars that moved across the sky compared to others. The Greek astronomers called these objects planetes asteres or wandering stars. Almost everyone believed that all the planets, the Moon, the Sun and even the stars orbited around the Earth.

According to the ancient Romans, Saturn was said to carry a sickle in his left hand and a bundle of wheat in his right hand. He was the son of Helen, or Hel. Saturn’s wife was Ops (the equivalent of Rhea), and he was the father of Ceres, Jupiter and Veritas – as well as a few others.

It wasn’t until 1610 that Galileo Galilei first pointed his crude telescope and learned that Saturn actually had rings. Of course, Galileo didn’t realize what he was looking at when he first observed Saturn. He thought the planet had two huge moons orbiting very close to the planet. It wasn’t until 1655, when Christiaan Huygens pointed his much more powerful telescope at Saturn that it was possible to distinguish that the planet had rings.

Have you wondered how other planets got their names? Here’s how Jupiter got its name, and here’s how Mars got its name.

Want more information on Saturn? Here’s a link to Hubblesite’s News Releases about Saturn, and here’s NASA’s Solar System Exploration Guide.

We have recorded a podcast just about Saturn for Astronomy Cast. Click here and listen to Episode 59: Saturn.

Saturn Hexagon

The Saturn hexagon as seen by Voyager 1 in 1980 (NASA)

One of the most bizarre weather patterns ever discovered is a hexagon-shaped storm located at Saturn’s northern pole.

The hexagon at Saturn was first seen by NASA’s Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft when they first visited the planet more than two decades ago. More recently, the Saturn hexagon was imaged in great detail by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, currently in orbit around Saturn. The Saturn hexagon is exactly that; a hexagon-shaped band of clouds sitting right at Saturn’s north pole. The hexagon is 25,000 km (15,000 miles) across. In fact, you could nearly fit 4 planets the size of Earth in there.

We have a similar feature here on Earth called the polar vortex. But on Earth, the polar vortex winds travel in a circular pattern around the north pole. The Saturn hexagon rotates exactly the same speed as Saturn rotates, and has been since it was first discovered by Voyager more than 25 years ago.

The northern hexagon is dramatically different from Saturn’s southern pole, which has a huge hurricane with a giant eye. Astronomers originally believed that there wasn’t a hexagon at Saturn’s south pole, but new research found one there too.

So why is the hexagon there? Astronomers have no idea. Here’s what Kevin Baines, atmospheric expert and member of Cassini’s visual and infrared mapping spectrometer team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. had to say, “This is a very strange feature, lying in a precise geometric fashion with six nearly equally straight sides. We’ve never seen anything like this on any other planet. Indeed, Saturn’s thick atmosphere where circularly-shaped waves and convective cells dominate is perhaps the last place you’d expect to see such a six-sided geometric figure, yet there it is.”

We have written many articles about Saturn for Universe Today. Here’s the article where we first announced the updated images of the Saturn hexagon. And here’s an article with images of a hexagon at Saturn’s southern pole.

Want more information on Saturn? Here’s a link to Hubblesite’s News Releases about Saturn, and here’s NASA’s Solar System Exploration Guide.

We have recorded a podcast just about Saturn for Astronomy Cast. Click here and listen to Episode 59: Saturn.


What is the Surface of Saturn Like?

Like all gas giants, Saturn does not have a "surface" per se, but it does have many layers with different compositions. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute.

Saturn is a ball made up almost entirely of hydrogen and helium. The density and temperature changes the deeper into the planet you go, but Saturn can’t be said to have a solid surface. If you tried to walk on the surface of Saturn, you would fall into the planet, suffering higher temperatures and pressures until you were crushed inside the planet.

But Saturn appears to have a surface, so what are we looking at. The outer atmosphere of Saturn consists of 93% molecular hydrogen and the rest helium, with trace amounts of ammonia, acetylene, ethane, phosphine and methane. It’s these trace amounts that create the visible bands and clouds that we see in pictures of Saturn.

There are three main regions in Saturn’s troposphere – the part of the planet where weather is actually occurring. These three regions are completely defined by the temperature at which droplets condense into vapor and form clouds. The top visible cloud deck is made up of ammonia clouds and is found about 100 km below the top of the troposphere, in a region called the tropopause. Below that is a second cloud deck of ammonium hydrosulphide clouds. And below that, where temperatures are 0-degrees C, there are clouds of water.

Of course you can’t stand on the surface of Saturn, but if you could, you would experience about 91% of Earth’s gravity. In other words, if your bathroom scale says 100 kg on Earth, it would only say 91 kg on Saturn.

We have written many articles about Saturn for Universe Today. Here’s an article about patterns in Saturn’s atmosphere, and here’s a nice picture of Saturn’s clouds in silhouette.

Want more information on Saturn? Here’s a link to Hubblesite’s News Releases about Saturn, and here’s NASA’s Solar System Exploration Guide.

We have recorded a podcast just about Saturn for Astronomy Cast. Click here and listen to Episode 59: Saturn.

What is the Atmosphere Like on Saturn?

Natural color images taken by NASA's Cassini wide-angle camera, showing the changing appearance of Saturn's north polar region between 2012 and 2016.. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute/Hampton University

Like the rest of the planet, the atmosphere of Saturn is made up approximately 75% hydrogen and 25% helium, with trace amounts of other substances like water ice and methane.

From a distance, in visible light, Saturn’s atmosphere looks more boring than Jupiter; Saturn has cloud bands in its atmosphere, but they’re pale orange and faded. This orange color is because Saturn has more sulfur in its atmosphere. In addition to the sulfur in Saturn’s upper atmosphere, there are also quantities of nitrogen and oxygen. These atoms mix together into complex molecules we have here on Earth; you might know it as “smog”. Under different wavelengths of light, like the color-enhanced images returned by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, Saturn’s atmosphere looks much more spectacular.

Saturn has some of the fastest winds in the Solar System. As NASA’s Voyager spacecraft was approaching Saturn, it clocked winds going as fast as 1800 km/hour at the planet’s equator. Large white storms can form within the bands that circle the planet, but unlike Jupiter, these storms only last a few months and are absorbed into the atmosphere again.

The part of Saturn that was can see is the visible cloud deck. The clouds are made of ammonia, and sit about 100 km below the top of Saturn’s troposphere (the tropopause), where temperatures dip down to -250 degrees C. Below this upper cloud deck is a lower cloud deck made of ammonium hydrosulphide clouds, located about 170 km below. Here the temperature is only -70 degrees C. The lowest cloud deck is made of water clouds, and located about 130 km below the tropopause. Temperatures here are 0 degrees; the freezing point of water.

Below the cloud decks pressures and temperatures increase with depth, and the hydrogen gas slowly changes to liquid. And below that, the helium forms a liquid as well.

We have written many articles about Saturn for Universe Today. Here’s an article about long-term patterns in Saturn’s atmosphere, and here’s an article about Saturn’s southern atmosphere.

Want more information on Saturn? Here’s a link to Hubblesite’s News Releases about Saturn, and here’s NASA’s Solar System Exploration Guide.

We have recorded a podcast just about Saturn for Astronomy Cast. Click here and listen to Episode 59: Saturn.

NASA Saturn Fun Facts

Rotation of Jupiter

Jupiter from the VLT. Credit: ESO

Jupiter has the fastest rotation of all the planets in the Solar System, completing one rotation on its axis every 9.9 hours. It sounds like a simple question: what’s the rotation of Jupiter? But finding out the answer was surprisingly complicated.

Why was it so difficult to figure out Jupiter’s rotation? Unlike the inner terrestrial planets, Jupiter is a ball of almost entirely hydrogen and helium. Unlike Mars or Mercury, Jupiter has no surface features that you track to measure the rotation speed; there are no craters or mountains that rotate into view after a specific amount of time.

Jupiter has the fastest rotation of all the planets in the Solar System. This is quite a feat when you consider that Jupiter is also the largest planet in the Solar System; it’s turning a lot of mass very quickly. The rapid rotation causes the planet’s equator to bulge out. Instead of being a perfect sphere, Jupiter looks more like a squashed ball. The bulge at the equator is even visible in small, backyard telescopes.

This bulge dramatically effects the diameter of Jupiter, depending on whether you measure it from the center of Jupiter to the equator or to the poles. The polar radius of Jupiter is 66,800 km, while the equatorial radius is 71,500 km. In other words, points along Jupiter’s equator are actually 4,700 km more distant from the planet’s center.

Jupiter is a ball of gas, and so it actually experiences differential rotation. The rotation takes different amounts of time depending on where you are on the planet. The rotation of Jupiter at its poles takes about 5 minutes longer than the rotation of Jupiter at its equator. So the commonly quoted 9.9 hours is actually an average amount for the entire planet.

Scientists actually use three different systems to calculate the rotation of Jupiter. System 1 is for latitudes 10 degrees north and south of Jupiter’s equator – the rotation is 9 hours 50 minutes. System II is for latitudes north and south of this region, and the rotation rate is 9 hours, 55 minutes. These rates are measured by how long it takes for specific storms to come back into view. The final system, System III, measures the rotation speed of Jupiter’s magnetosphere and is usually considered the official rotation rate.

We have written many articles about Jupiter for Universe Today. Here’s an article about how Jupiter has Van Allen Belts, just like Earth. And here’s an article about how Jupiter is buffeted by the Solar wind.

Want more information on Jupiter? Here’s a link to Hubblesite’s News Releases about Jupiter, and here’s NASA’s Solar System Exploration Guide.

We have recorded a podcast just about Jupiter for Astronomy Cast. Click here and listen to Episode 56: Jupiter.


Jupiter Retrograde

Retrograde motion

Jupiter is one of the 5 planets visible with the unaided eye, and so it has been known for thousands of years. But the movement of Jupiter and the other planets was a mystery until just a few hundred years ago. Jupiter moves across the sky in a very predictable pattern, but every now and then it reverses direction in the sky, making a tiny loop against the background stars – this is Jupiter retrograde.

Of course, Jupiter isn’t actually moving backwards in the sky – it orbits the Sun in the same counter-clockwise direction as the other planets. So what’s going on?

In ancient times, astronomers thought that the Sun, the Moon, the planets and the stars orbited around the Earth. This helped explain the movement of the planets, but there was a problem. The planets would occasionally reverse direction in the sky – move in a retrograde direction from the way they normally go. To explain these movements, astronomers developed a complicated model of orbiting spheres, where the planets followed a spiral path around the Earth.

This model was turned on its ear by Copernicus in the 1500s when he proposed that the planets orbited around the Sun. This also elegantly explained why Jupiter has a retrograde motion, as well as the other planets. Jupiter is following a roughly circular orbit around the Sun, but it takes 12 years to complete an orbit; while Earth takes just a year for an orbit.

The retrograde motion of Jupiter actually comes from Earth catching up to Jupiter in its orbit. As Earth passes Jupiter in orbit, we’re looking back at it as we go by. Think of a car passing another car on the highway. You see the car up ahead, and then as you pass it, the car appears to be moving backwards from your point of view. It’s not actually going backwards, of course, it’s all in your perspective.

Each Jupiter retrograde period lasts about 4 months, and happen every 9 months. Consider the orbit of the Earth and Jupiter, and you can understand that this is how long it takes Earth to complete an orbit around the Sun and then catch up with Jupiter again.

Astrologers think that Jupiter retrograde indicates some kind of change of luck and fortune, but there is nothing in the science of astronomy that supports that view at all.

Want more information on Jupiter? Here’s a link to Hubblesite’s News Releases about Jupiter, and here’s NASA’s Solar System Exploration Guide.

We have recorded a podcast just about Jupiter for Astronomy Cast. Click here and listen to Episode 56: Jupiter.

Wikipedia: Jupiter
Wikipedia: Retrograde Motion

Atmospheres of Super Earths

Artist illustration of a super Earth around Gliese 581

We stand on the edge of the next phase of planetary discovery. Hundreds of massive, Jupiter-like planets have been discovered, but now astronomers are turning up smaller, more familiar planets. Planets the mass of Earth are out of reach today, but a new class of super Earth planets are now being discovered, and more will be turned up with the next generation of ground and space-based telescopes. Perhaps the most interesting research will be in the atmospheres of these planets.

Super Earths can have up to 10 times the mass of the Earth, but with a solid surface and liquid water they could very well be habitable. A recent presentation by Eliza Miller-Ricci from Harvard University at the 213th meeting of the American Astronomical Society discussed the kinds of atmospheres astronomers might see as these super Earths start turning up. Although interesting scientifically – geologic outgassing, evidence of plate tectonics, and the thickness or thinness of the atmosphere, the most interesting question will be: can super Earth planets support life?

To have life as we understand it, super Earth planets (like regular Earth planets) will need to have liquid water on their surface, and the requires a certain temperature range – the parent star’s habitable zone. As we see in our own Solar System, the atmosphere of a planet helps regulate its temperature; Venus has a thick atmosphere and it’s hot enough to melt lead, while Earth has a nice temperature to allow liquid water to form on its surface. Mars has a thin atmosphere and it’s really cold. It’s not just the thickness of the atmosphere that matters, it’s also what’s in it: carbon dioxide, water, etc.

High mass planets like Jupiter are mostly formed from hydrogen. Low mass terrestrial planets like Earth can’t hold onto their hydrogen and it escapes into space during the planet’s early history. But these super Earths might be able to hold onto their hydrogen. Instead of a low-hydrogen atmosphere like Earth, they might have an atmosphere with large quantities of water. And water is a powerful greenhouse gas – trace amounts of water vapor in Earth’s atmosphere account for 60% of our greenhouse effect, keeping the planet warm and habitable.

I asked Miller-Ricci about what impact large quantities of hydrogen will have on the atmosphere of a super Earth planet. We have water here on Earth, but very little in the atmosphere. Water vapor is a powerful greenhouse gas and would help define the temperature of the planet. “The amount of hydrogen in the atmosphere of a super Earth planet would significantly affect its habitable zone. This is a really important question, it’s what we’re looking at next.”

Current missions can detect super Earths using the transit method, where the planet dims light from its parent star as it passes in front. By subtracting the chemical signature when the planet passes behind the star, astronomers can determine its atmosphere.

Finding super Earths is at the limit of current telescopes, but more powerful instruments are launching soon. NASA’s Kepler mission, launching in April 2009, will turn up even more super Earths than have already been found. But the next generation of space telescopes, like NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope will allow astronomers to image these planet’s atmospheres directly.

International Year of Astronomy Opening Ceremonies

George Hrab performing at the IYA 2009 Opening Ceremonies

Nothing works better than repetition. 2009 is the International Year of Astronomy! We’ve said it more than a few times before, and you’ll read a lot of coverage over the next year here on Universe Today. But last night we got to officially kick things off and celebrate the beginning of IYA 2009 events in the US.

Chorus to the 365 Days of Astronomy podcast intro
Chorus to the 365 Days of Astronomy podcast intro

The IYA 2009 opening ceremonies started out with a mini-concert by George Hrab. In addition to playing this gig, George provided the intro music for IYA 2009 365 Days of Astronomy podcast. The podcast has the chorus, but George has a longer version which he performed last night. George led a sing-along, performing the lyrics and the 700ish people in the audience helped out with the chorus. George is a great performer, and an amazing guy. Check out his podcast at

The highlight of the evening for me was a live linkup between the Los Angeles party and party goers at the Cincinnati Observatory. The live video worked out great, and there was a real feeling of camaraderie between the two locations. The big plan was for the Cincinnati folks to broadcast a live image of the Pleiades star cluster, but they had cloudy skies – a picture taken a few days ago was used instead.

There was a simultaneous ribbon cutting ceremony in Second Life, on the IYA 2009 island. Unfortunately, the island totally filled up, and it was difficult to actually interact with the people there. As we were singing along with George in the real world, the avatars in
Second Life were singing along too.

The final treat of the evening was a special advance viewing of the new PBS documentary, 400 Years of the Telescope, with a voiceover by Neil deGrasse Tyson. This documentary won’t air until April 12, 2009, sadly, so there’s no place to watch it until then. The documentary starts with the invention of the telescope and then follows the major technological improvements that bring us to the modern observatories we have today; and a peek a the supertelescopes coming down the road.

Ian O'Neill peers at the Moon.
Ian O'Neill peers at the Moon.

As we were walking out, Celestron had set up a constellation of telescopes to check out the night sky. Of course, Los Angeles doesn’t have the clearest skies. The Moon was up and we could just barely make out the stars in Orion. So people walking out from the ceremonies could get a chance to look at objects in the sky with their own eyes. In the middle of these expensive telescopes was the prototype for the Galileo Scope (more on this in another post), so we got to take it out for a test drive. I really want one. You know… for the kids.

If you want to watch it for yourself, the Astronomy Cast media team recorded the entire opening ceremonies – except for the PBS documentary. I have no idea how long it will still be available, but check it out here.

Podcast: How Old is the Universe?

WMAP image of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation


We did a wildly popular three part series about the center, size and shape of the Universe. But every good trilogy needs a 4th episode. This week we look at age of the Universe. How old is the Universe, and how do we know? And how has this number changed over time as astronomers have gotten better tools and techniques?

Click here to download the episode.

Or subscribe to: with your podcatching software.

How Old is the Universe? – Transcript and show notes.

If Brown Isn’t a Color, What Color are Brown Dwarfs?

Artist's impression of a brown dwarf. Image credit: NASA/JPL


We’ve talked about brown dwarfs here on Universe Today for years and years. These are the “failed stars”; objects with too little mass to fully ignite nuclear fusion in their cores. Instead of blazing with red, yellow or the white light of our own stars, they’re heated by the gravitational collapse of material. They’re called brown dwarfs, but you might be surprised to know that they aren’t actually brown. In fact, it’s impossible to have brown light. So what color are they?

The term “brown dwarf” was originally coined by Jill Tarter in 1975 to describe these objects, and there were other suggestions for names, like planetar and substar. But the name “brown dwarf” stuck. And here’s the problem, as described by Jill Tarter, “it was obvious that we needed a color to describe these dwarfs that was between red and black. I proposed brown and Joe (Silk) objected that brown was not a color.”

Brown isn’t a color?!

Not for astronomers. When they consider the color of a star, astronomers are talking about the wavelength of the light being emitted. Stars emit light at various wavelengths, and whatever photons are mostly being emitted are what we see. Yellow stars emit primarily yellow photons, red stars emit mostly red photons, etc. But you can’t have a star emit brown photons because the “color” brown is a de-saturated yellow. Brown dwarfs can’t be brown because it’s impossible to emit brown light. So what color are they?

Dr. Kenneth Brecher is a professor at Boston University and the primary investigator for Project LITE. This is a research project that uses a variety of experiments to understand how people see color. I highly recommend you check out the Project LITE website and take a look at the Flash experiments they have available. You’ve probably seen some of these optical illusions in the past, where spinning wheels of black-and-white can actually create different colors in our brains. Brecher demonstrated one of these color wheels for me – it’s a CD that can spin like a top. At rest, you see black-and-white, and then spin up the disk and you can see red, green and blue. Very cool stuff (totally unconnected from the color of brown dwarfs).

The color of a brown dwarf
The color of a brown dwarf

Brecher did a presentation at the American Astronomical Society Meeting about the actual color of brown dwarfs. He even had a flashlight that shines a light the color of brown dwarfs. Unfortunately, I didn’t catch a photo of it, but check out Nature’s blog, they got one. It’s sort of a dull orange color. But here’s the cool part. There’s no way to actually see the color of a brown dwarf unless you’re having the photons strike your eyeballs.

All you color theory folks might want to know the hexidecimal code: EB4B25. And here are the RGB values: R-235, G-75, B-37

So what color would an isolated brown dwarf look like? Dr. Brecher had a slide in his presentation that shows the color – we’ve extracted it and made it bigger. I think it looks kind of reddish orange, but then color is in the eye of the beholder.