Astronomers Weigh the Coolest Brown Dwarfs

Pity the poor brown dwarf; a star wannabe. With as little as 3% the mass of the Sun, brown dwarfs don’t have the gravitational pressure needed to ignite fusion in their cores. Instead of blazing bright, they’re dim little objects that smolder quietly for eons. They’re small and dim, and this makes them almost impossible to locate, let alone weigh. But that’s what a team of astronomers have done. They’ve gathered accurate measurements of the lowest mass, free-floating objects ever seen.

When it comes to being a star, mass is everything. Once a star gets down below a certain point – about 7% the mass of the Sun – it doesn’t have enough pass to ignite nuclear fusion in its core. While our Sun’s temperature is nearly 6000 Kelvin, brown dwarfs are only a little hotter than an oven at 700 Kelvin. A typical brown dwarf will put out 1/300,000th the energy of the Sun. Like I said, cool and hard to find.

The most accurate way of determining mass is by looking for a binary object, where a brown dwarf is orbiting another object, like a higher-mass star (or another brown dwarf). Astronomers from Hawaii and Australia did just that.

Think back to your high school physics class. Johannes Kepler first proved in the 17th century that the total mass of any binary system can be determined by precisely measuring the orbit’s size and how long it takes for the two objects to complete one orbital cycle. If you can accurately measure the orbital periods, the mass is easy to calculate.

It’s measuring the orbital periods that was the trick. Here’s Trent Dupuy from the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy, “these are very challenging measurements, because brown dwarf binaries have tiny separations on the sky and orbit each other very slowly. We needed to obtain the sharpest measurements that are possible with current telescopes to precisely monitor their motion.”

They gathered their data using the 10-meter Keck II Telescope atop Hawaii’s Mauna Kea. The Keck II is built with an adaptive optics system that’s absolutely perfect this kind of task.

The team measured the mass of two brown dwarf binaries. One was composed of two “methane” brown dwarfs – the coolest kind of brown dwarf. The total mass of the two objects was about 6% of the Sun, so 3% of the Sun each. The other pair was a set of warmer, “dusty” brown dwarfs, with 11% the mass of the Sun – so 5.5% each.

Original Source: IFA News Release

Planet Discovered with Only 3 Times the Mass of the Earth

Most of the planets found to date have been massive and orbiting their parent stars at a fraction the orbit of Mercury – the hot jupiters. They’re interesting to astronomers, but the big goal is going to be finding Earth-mass planets orbiting other stars. To do this, astronomers are looking for less massive stars, where the effects of gravity from a smaller, Earth-sized planet will be easier to spot. Today, an international team of astronomers announced they have found a planet with only 3 times the mass of the Earth orbiting a tiny star that can barely support nuclear reactions.

The announcement of this new planet, known as MOA-2007-BLG-192Lb, was made at the 212th meeting of the American Astronomical Society held in St. Louis from June 1-5, 2008. Researchers from several universities, including the University of Notre Dame presented their findings.

The star is known as MOA-2007-BLG-192L, and it’s located about 3,000 light-years away. It’s probably not actually a star, with only 6% the mass of our own Sun. These objects are classified as brown dwarfs, because they don’t have enough mass to sustain nuclear reactions in the core. I say “probably” because the uncertainty of the observations might put it into the very low end of a hydrogen-burning star.

Researchers found the planet and star using the gravitational microlensing technique. This is where two stars line up perfectly from our point of view here on Earth. As the two stars begin to line up, the foreground star acts as a lens to magnify and distort the light from the more distant star. By watching how this brightening happens, astronomers can learn a tremendous amount about the nature of both the foreground and background star.

In this case, there was an additional gravitational distortion from the planet orbiting the foreground star MOA-2007-BLG-192L, which astronomers were able to tease out in their data.

This technique demonstrates the gravitational microlensing might be one of the best ways to find Earth-mass planets. In fact, the researchers think the technique will turn up the first one. Here’s David Bennett, from the University of Notre Dame: “I’ll hazard a prediction that the first extra-solar Earth-mass planet will be found by microlensing. But we’ll have to be very quick to beat the radial velocity programs and NASA’s Kepler mission, which will be launched in early 2009.”

Unfortunately, the lensing events can only happen one time. The foreground star will probably never be seen again since it was only revealed by the two stars lining up. Astronomers have to work fast to get all their data collected.

Original Source: University of Notre Dame News Release

AAS Meeting in St. Louis, June 1-5

It’s going be another busy week of space news. That’s because thousands of professional astronomers have descended into St. Louis for the 212th meeting of the American Astronomical Society. We’re trying to outdo our previous effort with full coverage of the meeting. Phil Plait, Pamela Gay, Chris Lintott are at the conference, as well as Universe Today’s Nancy Atkinson. I wasn’t able to go this time around, but I’ll be helping out from afar.

I’ll warn you right now, there’s going to be an enormous amount of news. I’ve seen some of the embargoed press releases (shhhh, don’t tell anyone), and there are going to be some really interesting discoveries getting announced.

Stay tuned for our coverage on Universe Today, but if you really want the full coverage from everyone, check out Astronomy Cast LIVE.

The Coldest Place on Earth

Lake Vostok, Antarctica, indicated in red. Credit:

The confirmed coldest temperature on Earth was recorded in Vostok, Antarctica at a brisk -89.2 degrees Celsius (183 Kelvin). There is an unconfirmed report of the temperature reaching -91 degrees Celsius (181 Kelvin); either way you look at it; you are still freezing your butt off.

The high velocity winds at the South Pole don’t make enduring the cold any easier by the dedicated scientists that work there. Winds can reach a velocity of 90 m/s. These temperatures were recorded during the Antarctic winter in June and July, during the period when the sun never actually rises. Even at its balmiest, Vostok only reaches temperatures of around -25 degrees Celsius (248 Kelvin). When we are looking at temperatures that cold, the Kelvin scale helps make the picture look less bleak; no ominous negative sign out front to make you lose all hope of getting warm. Incidentally, the warmest recorded temperature at Vostok was -19 degrees Celsius (254 Kelvin).

Vostok’s elevation is almost 3500 meters above sea level, and due to the density of oxygen being less towards the poles, the scientists are working at an effective height of 5000 meters above sea level.

Why would we journey to such an inviting place you might wonder? Vostok is located 1300 kilometers from the true South Pole, but is very near the Magnetic South Pole. Scientists study actinometry; the measure of solar radiation in photons, geophysics; the study of the physical properties of the Earth, mainly electrical, gravitational and magnetic forces which also includes seismology, and climatology; the study of weather systems.

End of the Earth

Artist's impression of a red giant star.

Humanity may end in many different ways. We might kill ourselves through nuclear war, or die from a global disease epidemic. Like all the species on Earth, we’ll eventually be gone. But life will survive and continue to evolve into new and interesting forms. But even the Earth won’t last forever. Eventually, our planet too will end.

So, how will the Earth end? It all depends on how the Sun ends.

The Sun is a happy main sequence star right now, but as it nears the end of its life in about 7.5 billion years, it will begin to swell up as a red giant star. Its size will get so large that it will encompass the orbits of the inner planets. Mercury and Venus will be consumed within the Sun.

As the Sun grows, it will let off ferocious solar winds that dwarf its current winds. These winds will cause the Sun to lose a tremendous amount of mass, and this mass loss will cause the orbit of the planets to start spiraling outward. Scientists used to think that this spiraling outward might actually save Earth. Instead of being consumed by the Sun, it would keep spiraling, always keeping one step away from the expanding Sun.

The current thinking is that it’s not going to be fast enough. Although Earth’s orbit will be spiraling outward, it won’t be fast enough to keep pace with the expansion of the Sun as it becomes a red giant. At some point, roughly 7.5 billion years from now, Earth will end; it’ll be gobbled up just like Mercury and Venus before it.

By that time, let’s hope that future humans have relocated to the outer Solar System. By that time, the habitability zone around the Sun will have expanded to the point that water can be a liquid around Kuiper belt objects, like the dwarf planet Pluto. Can you imagine sitting on a beach on Pluto?

You can read more about the end of the Earth in this article. And you can read about the end of the entire Universe in this article.

Does Earth Have Rings?

If you’re talking about majestic ice rings, like we see around Saturn, Uranus or Jupiter, then no, Earth doesn’t have rings, and probably never did. If there was any ring of dust orbiting the planet, we’d see it.

It’s possible that there were rings orbiting Earth in the past. Some scientists think that Earth’s gravity could have broken up a comet or asteroid that got too close to the planet, but didn’t actually collide. This is similar to what happened to Comet Shoemaker/Levy 9 that eventually crashed into Jupiter. First the giant planet tore the comet up, and then the pieces crashed into the planet on a later orbit.

In the case of Earth, it might have held onto a few ice particles that would have then orbited the planet, and eventually crashed through our atmosphere and burned up. Even the smallest particles of ice or dust create spectacular meteors in the sky, so there was a ring right now, we’d see these impacts all the time.

Other scientists think that a giant asteroid impact with Earth, such as the one the killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, might have kicked up a huge ring of debris around the planet. This ring would cast a shadow down on the surface of the Earth, changing the planet’s climate, and could last for a few million years at most.

Finally, humans have put up an artificial ring in the past. The US Military launched 480 million copper needles into orbit around Earth in a project called Project West Ford. Scientists could bounce radio signals off the needles and communicate between two locations on Earth. This worked for a few months after launch, until the needles were too far dispersed to allow for communication. In theory, if needles were continuously launched, it would be a functioning communications system, but it’s not necessary with modern communications satellites.

So Earth probably did have temporary rings in the past after asteroid impacts or cometary flybys, but Earth doesn’t have rings today.

Mass of the Earth

The Earth has a mass of 5.97×1024 kg.

You can also check out these books about the planet Earth from for more detailed information.

If you could actually break up the planet into its various parts, you’d get 32% iron, 30% oxygen, 15% silicon, 14% magnesium, and then all the other elements, with sulfur, nickel, calcium and aluminum being the most common.

The density of Earth is 5.5 g/cm3. This is actually the densest planet in the Solar System; however, this is partly because of the size of Earth. The next most dense planet is Mercury, and it would actually be more dense than Earth if it wasn’t so small. Earth pulls at itself with so much gravity, that it compacts down tighter than Mercury.

How did scientists find out the mass of Earth? By studying how things fall towards it. Gravity is created from mass. The more mass an object has, the more gravity it will pull with. If you can calculate how an object is being accelerated by the gravity of an object, like Earth, you can determine its mass.

In fact, astronomers didn’t accurately know the mass of Mercury or Venus until they finally put spacecraft into orbit around them. They had rough estimates, but once there were orbiting spacecraft, they could make the final mass calculations. We know the mass of Pluto because we can calculate the orbit of its moon Charon.

Carnival of Space # 55

Another new host for the Carnival of Space this week. Take a moment from your busy lives to enjoy the combined efforts of space bloggers over at Catholic Sensibility.

Click here to read the Carnival of Space #55

And if you’re interested in looking back, here’s an archive to all the past carnivals of space. If you’ve got a space-related blog, you should really join the carnival. Just email an entry to [email protected], and the next host will link to it. It will help get awareness out there about your writing, help you meet others in the space community – and community is what blogging is all about. And if you really want to help out, let me know if you can be a host, and I’ll schedule you into the calendar.

Finally, if you run a space-related blog, please post a link to the Carnival of Space. Help us get the word out.

The Difference Between Reflectors and Refractors

When you choose a telescope, there are two main kinds you can pick from, reflectors and refractors. Both can be wonderful for viewing the night sky. They use basically different methods to boost light from dim objects in the sky. Here’s how they work, and how they’re different.

Refractor Telescopes
Here’s what’s inside a basic refractor telescope. The job of the objective lens, opposite the eyepiece end, is to gather the light coming from a distant object, such as a star, and bend it into a single point of focus. A second lens’ (the eyepiece) job is to enlarge that focused image for our retina; it acts as a magnifying glass. Think of the focused light coming in from the first lens as a bug, and think of the eyepiece magnifier as a basic magnifying glass that we look at the bug with. That’s it in a nutshell.

Reflector Telescopes
A reflector telescope uses two mirrors instead of two lenses. Isaac Newton developed this telescope to combat chromatic aberration (a rainbow seen around some objects viewed with a refractor telescope). A mirror used to gather light doesn’t suffer from this effect. Light from an object enters the telescope tube and is reflected off a curved mirror at the end of the tube. A second, small, flat mirror in the middle of the tube reflects this image to the eyepiece. There are potential problems associated with the mirrors. Firstly, some light is always lost in the reflection; good quality telescopes can usually gather 90% of the light coming in. Secondly, the mirror might not be a perfect curve, so the image being reflected will not come to a perfect point. This results in a dragging effect; a point could be seen as a line or cross. Also, the mirrors need to be cleaned and realigned from time to time.

What are Telescopes?

This artist’s rendering shows the Extremely Large Telescope in operation on Cerro Armazones in northern Chile. The telescope is shown using lasers to create artificial stars high in the atmosphere. Image: ESO/E-ELT
This artist’s rendering shows the Extremely Large Telescope in operation on Cerro Armazones in northern Chile. The telescope is shown using lasers to create artificial stars high in the atmosphere. Image: ESO/E-ELT

Early theories of the Universe were limited by the lack of telescopes. Many of modern astronomy’s findings would never have been made if it weren’t for Galileo Galilei’s discovery. Pirates and sea captains carried some of the first telescopes: they were simple spyglasses that only magnified your vision about four times and had a very narrow field of view. Today’s telescopes are huge arrays that can view entire quadrants of space. Galileo could never have imagined what he had set into motion.

Here are a few facts about telescopes and below that is a set of links to a plethora of information about them here on Universe Today.

Galileo’s first telescopes were simple arrangements of glass lenses that only magnified to a power of eight, but in less than two years he had improved his invention to 30 power telescope that allowed him to view Jupiter. His discovery is the basis for the modern refractor telescope.

There are two basic types of optical telescopes; reflector and refractor. Both magnify distant light, but in different ways. There is a link below that describes exactly how they differ.

Modern astronomer’s have a wide array of telescopes to make use of. There are optical observation decks all around the world. In addition to those there are radio telescopes, space telescopes, and on and on. Each has a specific purpose within astronomy. Everything you need to know about telescopes is contained in the links below, including how to build your own simple telescope.