Carnival of Space #53

This week, the Carnival of Space is hosted by the Space Cynics. A big thanks to them for stepping in at the last minute to host this week’s edition.

Click here to read the Carnival of Space #53

And if you’re interested in looking back, here’s an archive to all the past carnivals of space. If you’ve got a space-related blog, you should really join the carnival. Just email an entry to [email protected], and the next host will link to it. It will help get awareness out there about your writing, help you meet others in the space community – and community is what blogging is all about. And if you really want to help out, let me know if you can be a host, and I’ll schedule you into the calendar.

Finally, if you run a space-related blog, please post a link to the Carnival of Space. Help us get the word out.

How Far is Mercury from Earth?

Orbit of Mercury

Although Galileo wasn’t able to see the phases of Mercury (like the phases of Venus and the Moon) with his first crude telescope, the astronomers that carried on his discoveries did. This was powerful evidence that both Mercury and Earth are orbiting the Sun.

You can also check out these amazing books for more information about the planet Mercury.

Since Mercury orbits the Sun, and it follows a very elliptical path on its journey around the Sun, our two planets can vary their distance significantly.

When Mercury is at its closest point to Earth, astronomers call this opposition (from the point of view of Mercury). This would happen when Mercury was at its furthest from the Sun, and Earth is at its closest. When this happens, Mercury and Earth would be separated by only 77 million km (48 million miles).

Their maximum distance occur when Earth is at its furthest point from the Sun, and Mercury is at its maximum on the other side of the Sun. The three objects then line up perfectly. At this point, Mercury and Earth can be 222 million km (138 million miles) apart.

Distancia desde la Tierra a Mercurio

History of Planet Venus

Venus is one of the 5 planets visible to the unaided eye, and so it has been seen in the sky since prehistoric times. After the Sun and the Moon, Venus is the brightest object in the sky – brighter than any stars.

Venus is the Roman name for the Greek goddess of love; Aphrodite. But there are references to Venus as far back as Babylonian cuneiformic texts, like the Venus table of Ammisaduqa which could be as old as 1600 BC. Ancient Egyptians thought that Venus was actually two separate objects… a morning star, and then a completely different evening star. The tradition carried on with the ancient Greeks, as well.

The early mathematician Pythagoras was one of the first to recognize that the morning and evening stars were actually the same object: Venus. So perhaps he was the first to “discover Venus”.

The Maya civilization held Venus in high regard, and the planet figured prominently in their religious calendar.

Once he built his first rudimentary telescope, Galileo turned it towards Venus, was was astonished to find that the planet goes through phases like the Moon, going from crescent to gibbous to full and then back again. This was one of the strongest pieces of evidence that Venus goes around the Sun, and not the Earth as others originally believed.

Because Venus has always been obscured by thick clouds, science fiction writers have been free to imagine whatever they wanted existed on the surface of Venus. The clouds helped them to imagine a warm tropical world with constant rainfall and lush vegetation. The truth, of course, is that Venus is a hellish hot world, devoid of life.

Pictures of Planet Venus

Venus is one of the brightest objects in the night sky, so it’s not surprising that it’s been photographed many times. Some pictures of Venus have been taken from here on Earth, while other Venus pics have been taken from spacecraft orbiting the planet. You might be surprised to know that spacecraft have even landed on Venus (they didn’t last long), and took images of Venus from the surface.

Surface Image of Venus
This is a picture of Venus captured by NASA’s Magellan spacecraft. It shows the entire surface of the planet, imaged by the spacecraft’s radar instrument, which can penetrate the thick clouds to reveal the surface below. Magellan was launched from the cargo bay of the space shuttle Atlantis in May 1989, and arrived at Venus on August 10, 1990. It orbited the planet for 4 years before plunging to the surface.

3-D Image of Venus’ Surface
This is another photograph of Venus taken by NASA’s Magellan spacecraft. Planetary scientists used the radar data captured by Magellan to build up 3-dimensional images of the planet’s surface. This is an image of the Eistla Regio region, which contains volcanos and impact craters.

Photo of Venus from Pioneer Venus Spacecraft
This was one of the first ever close-up photographs of Venus, captured by NASA’s Pioneer Venus spacecraft. It’s actually a false color image made from ultraviolet images of the planet Venus by the spacecraft. The Pioneer Venus Orbiter went into orbit around Venus on December 4, 1978, and released several probes into Venus’ atmosphere to study it.

The Surface of Venus by Venera
You might be amazed to know that spacecraft have actually landed on the surface of Venus and sent pictures back. The Soviets sent a fleet of Venera spacecraft to Venus, and several actually made it down to the surface. Here’s a color photograph of Venus captured by the Venera 13 spacecraft, which landed on the surface of Venus on March 3, 1982.

Picture of Venus by Venus Express
This is a false-color image of Venus taken by the Venus Monitoring Camera on board ESA’s Venus Express spacecraft. It’s showing the planet’s southern hemisphere, including its south pole. The spacecraft captured the image when it was 35,000 km from the surface of Venus.

Photos of the Earth and Moon – From Other Worlds

Image taken by the HiRISE camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, showing Earth and the Moon. Credit: NASA/JPL

We’re familiar with the close-up images of Earth captured by orbital satellites and astronauts on the International Space Station. But here are a few pictures of the Earth and Moon captured at a distance, while passing around the Moon, or orbiting distant Saturn. In the words of Carl Sagan, “Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.”

Since Sagan commented on Voyager 1’s image of Earth, several more pics of the Earth and Moon have been captured that really put our tiny spot in the Universe into perspective.

Voyager 1 – the Pale Blue Dot
This image, captured by NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft on February 14, 1990, is the one Sagan was talking about. It was taken when Voyager 1 was about 6.4 billion kilometres (4 billion miles) from Earth. In this image, the entirety of the planet takes up less than a single pixel; in fact, NASA calculated that we’re only 0.12 pixel in size. Sagan pushed the agency to capture images of all the planets in the Solar System, to create a family portrait seen from Voyager’s distant position.

Cassini – the Earth from Saturn
This is easily the best picture ever captured by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, and in the running for the best space pictures of all time. It shows Saturn in all its glory, backlit by the Sun. From this view, the rings glow with an ethereal light.

But this image is extra special. Take a look towards the upper left of the image, and you’ll notice a tiny blue-white dot. Once again, there’s Earth, seen from a distance of 1.4 billion km (1 billion miles).

Mars Express – the Earth and Moon from Mars
ESA’s Mars Express captured this image of Earth and the Moon on July 3, 2005 when it was 8 million km (5 million miles). This was actually the first observational data sent back by the probe. A fitting introduction to Martian system. Of course, Mars Express was designed to image the relatively nearby surface of Mars, and not such distant objects, so the resolution of the image isn’t very good. And yet, they’re instantly recognizable as the Earth and Moon.

Opportunity Rover – the Earth from the Surface of Mars

Here’s an image of Earth captured from the surface of another planet. In this case, we’re seeing Earth from Mars, as photographed by NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity on April 29, 2005. Normally operating only in the Martian day, Opportunity woke up a little after sunset, and captured this image of Earth as the stars were starting to come out. The image of Earth looks a little elongated because it was moving slightly during the 15-second exposures. Imagine what some future Martian might see, stepping out onto the surface of the Red Planet in the dusky twilight to see our bright planet in the sky.

Rosetta – Earth and Moon during a flyby

Now this is what you might have been expecting to see. A picture of Earth, with the continents clearly visible. This photograph of Earth and the other of the Moon were taken by ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft during a flyby on November 15, 2007. Rosetta’s primary mission is to visit Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in May 2014, but this flyby was a great opportunity for Rosetta to test out its OSIRIS camera system. The image of the Moon was taken separately.

Earthrise – seen from the Moon
This is the classic “Earthrise” photograph, captured by astronaut William Anders during the historic Apollo 8 mission – the first human mission to the Moon. This photograph was taken on December 24, 1968. If you’re standing on the surface of the Moon, the Earth doesn’t actually “rise”. Since the Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, our planet always hangs in exactly the same point of the sky. It takes an orbiting spacecraft to see the Earth actually rise from the horizon.

This photograph was recreated by the Japanese Kaguya spacecraft, which captured a similar sequence of the Earth using its high-definition video camera.

Earth from Galileo
And finally, I think I’ve saved one of the best pictures for last. This is a photograph of the Earth and Moon (not to scale) captured by NASA’s Galileo spacecraft as it was speeding away towards Jupiter. Galileo captured these images in 1992, and finally reached the Jovian system in 1995-97. You’re looking at the Pacific Image, with South America visible as well as the Caribbean.

Finally, Some Help

As you’ve probably noticed, Universe Today has gotten in influx of talented writers to pitch in around here. Tammy Plotner, of course, has been working with me for years, and so have Nancy Atkinson and Mark Mortimer. Ian O’Neill and Nick Wethington are newer contributors, but have definitely proven to be great additions to the team. Thanks to them, I’ve been able to tail back my writing a little to be able to catch up on the world’s longest to-do list.

One huge piece of news, though. As of yesterday, Nancy is now working full time for Universe Today, and will be able to contribute many more stories over the coming weeks and months (dare I say… decades?). Nancy is going to be joining the Astronomy Cast Live team at the upcoming 212th American Astronomical Society meeting in St. Louis from June 1-June 5, 2008, where we’ll try to provide an absurd amount of coverage.

I hope you’ve all noticed and appreciated the jump in quality and coverage from Universe Today, and I’m hoping things will just get better from here.

Fraser Cain
Publisher, Universe Today

How to Detect Watery Worlds Around Other Stars

The Blue Marble. Image credit: NASA

If you want to know what a watery world might look like orbiting another star, just observe our own planet… from afar. The Blue Marble image of Earth, taken by the Apollo 17 astronauts on December 1972, shows how our planet is 70% water. Another world like ours, orbiting a distant star should be obvious – assuming you have a much more powerful telescope, and use the right techniques to analyze the light bouncing off the watery world.

Researchers from Penn State and the University of Hawaii have developed a technique that they think will help identify these watery worlds; potential homes for life around other stars. This technique is detailed in the most recent edition of the journal Icarus.

“We are looking for Earth-like planets in the habitable zone of their star, a band not too hot nor too cold for life to exist,” says Darren M. Williams, associate professor of physics and astronomy, Penn State Erie. “We also want to know if there is water on these planets.”

Here’s how you might tell the difference between a hellish planet like Venus, and a more comfortable watery world like Earth. A planet like Venus has a very dense atmosphere that scatters sunlight in all directions. From our vantage point, we would see the amount of light coming from the planet change depending on its position to its parent star. Just like Venus, we would see this extrasolar planet go through phases, changing in brightness in a very predictable way.

A watery world, like the Earth, would actually appear much darker when the whole disk is illuminated, since water is darker than dirt. But when the planet is in crescent, sunlight would glance off the surface of the water, and it would actually appear brighter.

The astronomers want to monitor the light curve of a distant planet as it spins on its axis and orbits its star. By watching the brightness of the light coming from the planet, they should be able to determine if it has a dense Venusian atmosphere, or is a better match for a watery world.

The equipment isn’t ready yet, but in the next 10 to 20 years, an observatory will probably be built with enough sensitivity to collect light from Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars. And this method should help determine if they’ll watery worlds, capable of supporting life.

Original Source: Penn State News Release

Comet Strikes Increase as We Pass Through the Galactic Plane

There are just so many ways the Universe is out to get us. Astronomers have already considered the threat from our Sun’s orbit around the center of the Milky Way. When our Sun rises up out of flat plane of the Milky Way, it appears we might be less protected from intergalactic radiation and cosmic rays. Well, it looks like passing through the middle of the galactic plane might have its own share of risks: an increased number of comets might be hurled towards the Earth because of gravitational interaction with the densest parts of our galaxy.

Researchers at the Cardiff Centre of Astrobiology have built a computer model of the Solar System’s journey around the Milky Way. Instead of making a perfectly flat orbit around the galaxy’s centre, it actually bounces up and down. At times it can rise right up out of the galactic plane – getting 100 light years above – and then dip down below it. They calculated that we pass through the plane every 35 to 40 million years.

And this time period seems to match dangerous periods of impacts on Earth. According to the number and age of craters on Earth, we seem to suffer increased impacts every 36 million years. Uh oh, that’s a match.

In fact, one of these high points of comet activity would have been 65 million years – the same time that an asteroid strike wiped out the dinosaurs.

And here’s the bad news. According to their calculations, the Solar System will be passing through the galactic plane in the near future, and should see an increased risk of impact. Our risk of impact could increase 10-fold.

There might be a silver lining to the bounce, though. The impacts might have helped life spread across the galaxy.

While the “bounce” effect may have been bad news for dinosaurs, it may also have helped life to spread. The scientists suggest the impact may have thrown debris containing micro-organisms out into space and across the universe.

Centre director Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe said: “This is a seminal paper which places the comet-life interaction on a firm basis, and shows a mechanism by which life can be dispersed on a galactic scale.”

Here’s more info on the story from Bad Astronomy.

Original Source: Cardiff News Release

Asteroid Impact Created a Worldwide Rain of Carbon Beads

When a large enough asteroid strikes the Earth, the devastation effects the entire globe. And the dinosaur-killing asteroid that smashed into the Yucatan peninsula 65 million years ago was no exception. According to researchers, just one outcome from the strike: carbon in the Earth’s crust was liquified and formed tiny beads that rained back down across the entire planet.

These beads are known to geologists as carbon cenospheres, and they’re produced during the burning of coal and crude oil. They’re a classic indicator of industrial activity. But 65 million years ago, there were no power plants, so scientists proposed that asteroid impact-driven forest fires could get hot enough to make them too.

As the asteroid struck, huge chunks of molten rock fell back to Earth, igniting forest fires across the planet. It’s here that scientists find evidence of charcoal from the fires, but not the cenospheres.

New evidence, reported in this month’s edition of the journal Geology, shows that natural fires can’t make the microscopic spheres.

Instead, the international team of researchers propose that they had to have been formed from an asteroid strike. A key additional piece of evidence is that the carbon cenospheres are deposited right next to a think layer of the element iridium.

It was this layer of iridium that helped to give scientists the evidence they needed to point to asteroids as the cause of the dinosaur extinction 65 million years ago. Since iridium is much more likely to be formed in the Solar System asteroids than in the Earth’s crust, a concentrated layer of the stuff had to come from off planet.

And the cenospheres have been discovered around the planet next to the iridium layer, in Canada, Spain, Denmark and New Zealand. The key discovery is that the cenospheres get smaller as you move away from the impact site. This matches the prediction that the heavier particles would rain back down to Earth closer to the impact, while the lightest particles would be carried across the entire planet.

The researchers were able to calculate the total amount of carbon injected into the atmosphere from an asteroid impact, and put the number at 900 trillion tonnes. This helps scientists get a better estimate of the impact size and damage.

Original Source: Indiana University

Missions to Mercury

For most of human history, Mercury was a mystery, wrapped in superstition. As it orbits so close to the Sun, ancient astronomers could only see it when they had an open horizon, just after the Sun sets, or before it rises.

But now we’ve sent robotic spacecraft to all of the planets in the Solar System, including Mercury. Here’s a listing of the missions that have gone to Mercury, and a few that will be going shortly.

Mariner 10
Mariner 10 was launched on November 3, 1973 to fly past Mercury and Venus. It was the last spacecraft in the Mariner program (Mariner 11 and Mariner 12 were renamed to Voyager 1 and 2).

Its main objectives were to measure Mercury and Venus’ environment, atmosphere and capture images of their surfaces (the cloud tops of Venus).

It was the first spacecraft to take advantage of the gravity assisted slingshot maneuver, using the gravity of Venus to bend its flight path to bring it into a good trajectory to fly past Mercury. It also used light pressure from the Sun to make minor course corrections.

It made a flyby of Venus on February 5, 1974, and then its first Mercury flyby on March 29, 1974, getting within 703 kilometers of the planet’s surface. It completed a second flyby on September 21, 1974, and then a third and final flyby on March 16, 1975, passing as close as 327 km. Over the course of the three flybys, it was only able to map 40-45% of Mercury’s surface.

Mariner 10 is probably still orbiting the Sun.

MESSENGER is NASA’s second mission to Mercury. It launched on August 3, 2004 to study the planet. This time, the spacecraft will actually be going into orbit around Mercury to study it until its electronics fail.

The spacecraft has greatly improved optics and electrons, and is capable of resolving features on Mercury’s surface down to 18 meters across. This is a vast improvement over the 1.6 km resolution of Mariner 10.

MESSENGER made its first flyby of Mercury on January 14, 2008, and will make a second on October 6, 2008, and a third on September 29, 2009. It will make its final orbital insertion around Mercury on March 18, 2011.

Bepi Columbo
This is a new mission under development by the European Space Agency and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency to the planet Mercury. It’s still in the planning stages, but ESA and JAXA intend to build a spacecraft that can split into two portions: a planetary orbiter and a magnetospheric orbiter. A planetary lander component was proposed, but the idea was scrapped for budgetary reasons.

Misiones a Mercurio

NASA Solar System Exploration: Mariner 10
NASA Messenger Mission Page
NASA: Bepi-Colombo