Cosmic Neutrinos, the End of the Dark Ages, and Inflation: 5 Years of WMAP Data

We now know the Universe is around 13.7 billion years old. But just a few years ago, cosmologists had no idea, putting the range around 10-20 billion years old – some even thought it could be 100 billion years old. We can thank NASA’s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe for giving us the concrete answer. And now, NASA released 5 years of data collection, telling astronomers more about the earliest moments in the Universe, the background sea of cosmic neutrinos and the end of the Dark Ages.

WMAP looks at the Universe with microwave eyes. It may sound like a strange wavelength to use when witnessing the highest energy event ever – the aftermath of the Big Bang. But there’s a trick, over the billions of years of time, the Universe has been expanding. Radiation has had its wavelengths stretched out across the billions of light-years of distance and expansion. The visible light after the Big Bang has become a diffuse glow of microwaves in all directions.

Astronomers use WMAP to study the subtle temperature variations in this microwave background radiation to understand what the Universe looked like at the very beginning.

This 5th anniversary release of data is the icing on the cake, with some significant new findings.

First up, WMAP found evidence for a background sea of cosmic neutrinos that permeate the background of the Universe. These almost weightless sub-atomic particles zip around at nearly the speed of light. In fact, there are millions passing through your body right now, blasted out from the Sun. They don’t interact with anything, so they don’t cause any harm. In fact, a neutrino could probably make it through several light years of solid lead without being stopped.

So, in addition to the solar neutrinos there seem to be a sea of background neutrinos, generated during the Universe’s early development.

The second big discovery is clear evidence that the first generation of stars took more than a half-billion years to create a cosmic fog.

“We now have evidence that the creation of this fog was a drawn-out process, starting when the universe was about 400 million years old and lasting for half a billion years,” said WMAP team member Joanna Dunkley of the University of Oxford in the U.K. and Princeton University in Princeton, N.J. “These measurements are currently possible only with WMAP.”

Finally, WMAP put in tight constraints on the concept of “inflation”. This was an incredible burst of growth in the first trillionth of a second of the Universe. This period of inflation left ripples in the fabric of space, detectable in the cosmic microwave background radiation.

All in all, it’s been a good 5 years for WMAP.

Original Source: NASA News Release

Passing Through the Plumes; Enceladus Flyby on Wednesday


Mark your calendars, this is going to be an amazing ride. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft is going to make a flyby of Saturn’s moon Enceladus on Wednesday, March 12, 2008. And this time, the spacecraft is going to fly right through the mysterious geysers of water ice blasting out of the moon’s Southern pole. At its closest approach, Cassini is going to get within 50 km (30 miles) of the surface. Now that’s close!

It was on a previous flyby that Cassini turned up evidence for the ice geysers in the first place. Images of the moon showed that huge plumes of water ice are pouring out of deep cracks around the moon’s southern pole. It’s believed that tidal interactions between Enceladus and Saturn are heating the moon’s interior. That heat has to escape, and this is how.

The particles really blast out of Enceladus, traveling at 1,285 km/h (800 miles per hour). The plumes expand out to distance three times as large as the moon itself. And this material even seems to be contributing to one of Saturn’s rings.

So on Wednesday, scientists will have an opportunity to get some of their questions answered. Cassini will fly on a trajectory that takes it through the edge of the plumes. At this point, it will be about 195 km (120 miles) above the surface. It will get even closer, skimming the moon at just 50 km (30 miles).

Although there will be pretty pictures, the main instruments used will be Cassini’s particle analyzers. These will study the composition of the plumes themselves – “sniffing and tasting” them.

“There are two types of particles coming from Enceladus, one pure water-ice, the other water-ice mixed with other stuff,” said Sascha Kempf, deputy principal investigator for Cassini’s Cosmic Dust Analyzer at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, Germany. “We think the clean water-ice particles are being bounced off the surface and the dirty water-ice particles are coming from inside the moon. This flyby will show us whether this concept is right or wrong.”

This will actually be the first of four Cassini/Enceladus flybys this year, and so if scientists don’t see what they’re looking for, there will be other chances.

Original Source: NASA/JPL Flyby Page

Planets Might Actually Shape Planetary Nebulae (plus a gallery)

Despite the name, a “planetary nebula” has nothing to do with planets. They were given the confusing name 300 years ago by William Herschel because they looked like planets in their early, rudimentary telescopes. They’re really the glowing shells of gas and dust puffed out by stars nearing the end of their lives. But wait, planets might be responsible after all.

And as a special bonus for actually reading this article, I’ll treat you to a gallery of beautiful planetary nebulae.

Astronomers at the University of Rochester have announced that low-mass stars, and maybe even super-Jupiter-sized planets might actually be responsible for the beautiful puffy nebulae. Their research appears in the latest editions of the Astrophysical Journal Letters and Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Most medium-sized stars, like our own Sun, will end their lives as planetary nebulae. Even though the star has lived for billions of years, this stage just lasts several tens of thousands of years. The star runs out of fuel, its core contracts, and it ejects the outermost layers of its atmosphere into space. The expanding shell can be spherical in shape, but its often twisted and elongated.

Astronomers used to think that powerful magnetic forces shape the nebula. But maybe the low-mass companion star or super-Jupiter planet might be providing the gravity that warps and distorts the shape of the nebula.
The Egg Nebula. Image credit: NASA
The Rochester team studied the interplay between a companion star or planet and the expanding envelope of material given off by a dying star. When the star or planet is in a very wide orbit, its gravity drags some of the envelope material around on its orbit. This creates spiral waves of nebula material that expand out from the star, bunched up by interactions with the star or planet.
Butterfly Nebula. Image credit: NASA
There could be an entirely different effect when the companion orbits within the envelope of the dying star. It could spin up material more quickly, ejecting it into a large disk around the star. It might also work with the star’s magnetic field to force material into jets out the poles.
Red Rectangle Nebula. Image credit: NASA
Of course, a companion orbiting too close to the parent star might get shredded into a debris disk orbiting the dying star. And this disk could interfere with the nice smooth expansion of stellar material.

It might be that companion stars and large planets might be responsible for the beautiful shapes we see.
Rotten Egg Nebula. Image credit: NASA
Planets might be needed for planetary nebulae after all.

Original Source: University of Rochester News Release

Discovery of the Earth’s Inner, Inner Core


The traditional view of the Earth’s interior has the crust (where we live), the upper and inner mantle, the outer core, and the inner core; wrapped around each other like layers of an onion. But now textbooks will need to be revised. It turns out there’s an inner, inner core.

The core of Earth is known to have an inner core of solid iron about 2,400 km (1,500 miles). Wrapped around that is a fluid outer core that reaches 7,000 km across (4,300 miles). As the solid core rotates inside the fluid core, it generates the magnetic field that helps us navigate, and protects the planet from harmful radiation and the effects of the solar wind.

Geologists from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Chamaign have been probing the interior of the planet, trying to get a better sense of its structure. And that’s harder than it sounds. You can’t just look down through thousands of km of solid rock.

There were using the natural waves that pass through the Earth after earthquakes shake on the surface. The waves are bent and reflected as they pass through the various layers inside the planet.

The team was specifically studying how the waves were affected as they passed through the solid inner core and were surprised to see that it wasn’t a uniform sphere of iron.

Instead, the seismic waves clearly showed that there’s an additional layer at a diameter of 1,180 km (733 miles), which makes this less than half the diameter of the inner core.

This is the Earth’s inner, inner core.

So what is it? Here’s what the lead scientists, Xiaodong Song had to say:

“Our results suggest the outer inner core is composed of iron crystals of a single phase with different degrees of preferred alignment along Earth’s spin axis,” Sun said. “The inner inner core may be composed of a different phase of crystalline iron or have a different pattern of alignment.”

It’s still iron, just not in the same crystalline structure. Perhaps its time to give the layers new names, inner inner core doesn’t quite work for me.

Original Source: University of Illinois News Release

Astronomy Cast is Liveblogging All this Week from Houston


You might have forgotten, but the big Lunar and Planetary Society Conference is happening all this week in Houston – from these conferences come mountains of space news. Once again, the intrepid blogging team is bringing the conference to you (sort of live), with articles, audio, video, and photographs. Pamela and Rebecca are at the conference, and at the same time, we’ve got Scott Miller over at Cape Canaveral to cover the next launch of the space shuttle. And I’m back and Mission Control: Vancouver, reporting on all the news pouring out that they’ll be too busy to cover. It should be a very interesting week.

I’ll have reports here on Universe Today, but the best place is to go to our Astronomy Cast LIVE blog, where you’ll see posts from all the contributors.

Click here to visit Astronomy Cast LIVE.

And if you want to meet Pamela and Rebecca, there’s going to be having another listener meetup on Tuesday, 8pm at San Lorenzo’s. Here’s a link to a map.

Podcast: How Big is the Universe?


We’re ready to complete our trilogy of discovery about the universe. We’ve learned that it has no center; rather everywhere is its center and nowhere. We discovered that the universe seems to be flat. It’s not open, it’s not closed, it’s flat. If that doesn’t make any sense, you need to listen to the previous show because there’s no way I could give that an explanation.

So now we want to know: “How big is it?” Does it go on forever or is it finite in scale? How much of it can we see?

Click here to download the episode

How Big is the Universe? – Show notes and transcript

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Digg Mars Madness

If you’re a member of the social network website, read this. Otherwise, ignore this post.

As you know, Nancy wrote a cool article last week about a one-way, one-person trip to Mars. picked up the story, but for some reason, it has showed up several times in different locations, so the vote is getting totally split up. Could you take a second and Digg the most popular one, here?

How About a One-Way, One-Person Trip to Mars

I’m not kidding, here are the others (but don’t Digg them).

And here.

Carnival of Space #44

This week, the Carnival of Space returns to Bad Astronomy with a Mars-themed series of stories. Fear the angry Red Planet!

Click here to read the Carnival of Space #44

And if you’re interested in looking back, here’s an archive to all the past carnivals of space. If you’ve got a space-related blog, you should really join the carnival. Just email an entry to [email protected], and the next host will link to it. It will help get awareness out there about your writing, help you meet others in the space community – and community is what blogging is all about. And if you really want to help out, let me know if you can be a host, and I’ll schedule you into the calendar.

Finally, if you run a space-related blog, please post a link to the Carnival of Space. Help us get the word out.

Do Advanced Civilizations Communicate with Neutrinos?


It’s one of the biggest questions in all humanity: are we alone in the Universe? Either way, the answer is significant. And so, scientists are searching for intelligence out there. Huge arrays of radio telescopes, like the Allen Array scan the skies for radio broadcasts. And researchers have also proposed that aliens might be using lasers to communicate with us. A Russian researcher is proposing another way that aliens might be communicating with us – with neutrinos.

To borrow a quote from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, “Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is.” When you’re attempting to communicate across the vast distances of space, you need huge amounts of energy. Just look at a star, even though it’s generating an incomprehensible amount of energy every second, the brightness drops dramatically with distance.

Instead of broadcasting in all directions, the other strategy is to focus your communications towards a specific location. A targeted beam of radio waves or laser light towards another star still requires an enormous amount of energy, but it’s less.

To save energy, alien civilizations might not be using radio or optical light at all, they might be communicating in a completely different way, with neutrinos.

Researcher Z. K. Silagadze at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics and Novosibirsk State University recently posted this idea to the Arxiv pre-press mailing list. His article is called SETI and Muon Collider.

It might sound like science fiction, but scientists are starting to understand how to generate beams of neutrinos – by creating beams of muons. Beams of these unstable particles can be generated in large particle accelerators. The muon beam decays quickly into a focused beam of neutrinos that can travel for light years and still remain remarkably coherent. A beam fired at relatively nearby star Tau Ceti, 12 light-years away, would open up to about 600 astronomical units across – enough to bathe the whole system in neutrinos that could be tracked back to a specific source star.

Finding neutrinos here on Earth is difficult. We’ve got an incredible amount of neutrinos stream towards us from the Sun. In fact, you’ve got billions of neutrinos passing through your body every second and you never feel them because never interact. It takes a huge vat of water, protected underground from other radiation and a suite of sensitive detectors. And even then, they only turn up a few thousand neutrinos a year.

In fact, a neutrino can pass through light-years of pure lead and not even notice.

But there are some advantages. Neutrino detectors are omnidirectional – they don’t have to be targeted in a specific direction to “tune in” a signal coming from a star. If the stream of neutrinos is passing through the Earth, we should be able to detect it, and then track back the source after the fact.

Neutrino detectors are also sensitive to many different energy levels. They don’t have to scan specific frequencies, they can detect high energy neutrinos as easily as low-energy ones.

According to Silagadze, the newly developed IceCube neutrino observatory being built in Antarctica should have the sensitivity to spot neutrinos generated on purpose by alien civilizations – whether they’re targeting us specifically, or we’re just overhearing their conversations.

It has been suggested that advanced civilizations might deliberately choose neutrinos for communications because it shuts out the very young, and not mature civilizations from the galactic conversation.

But give us a few years, and we’ll be listening.

Original Source: Arxiv

Podcast: What is the Shape of the Universe?


Some of the biggest questions in the universe depend on its shape. Is it curved? Is it flat? Is it open? Those may not make that much sense to you, but in fact it’s very important for astronomers. So which is it? How do we know? How did we figure it out? Why does it matter?

Click here to download the episode

What is the shape of the Universe? – Show notes and transcript

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