The Environmental Impact of a Return to the Moon


There are many ways space exploration can affect our environment right here on Earth: toxic chemicals used to manufacture the rocket, carbon dioxide pumped into the atmosphere and the energy used to manufacture the equipment and vehicles, just to name a few. For the next era in space exploration, the Constellation Program, NASA has released a 500-page document detailing its effect on the environment.

Back in September 2006, NASA solicited feedback from the public about their plans for the Constellation Program. They were looking for environmental issues and concerns that the people might have. The agency released a draft of their reply to these concerns in August 2007.

The document released Wednesday, is called the Final Constellation Programmatic Environmental Statement (PEIS), and it addresses the comments made to the draft version of the document.

The document explores each NASA centre across the United States, what parts of the Constellation Program it will work on, and the environmental impact the centre might have. This part of the document is fascinating to show how the whole program will come together – where each part will be built.

• Risks to the public associated with launch and Earth atmospheric entry
• Environmental impacts of the use of solid rocket fuels on the ozone layer and impacts associated with the deposition of combustion products near the launch area
• Impacts on local animal species (e.g., sea turtles and manatees) associated with construction and launch activities in the John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) area
• Noise impacts associated with launch events
• The relationship between the Constellation Program and the Space Shuttle Program, including how the socioeconomic impacts of the Space Shuttle retirement and the Constellation Program overlap.

Perhaps more interesting than the things they considered where the issues that the document won’t consider. For example, the document expressly refuses to study the environmental impact on outer space itself, such as orbital debris. It also doesn’t consider any military aspects associated with the program and the environmental impact of that. (If the Constellation Program helps launch orbital space lasers, and they’re used to zap sea turtle habitats, that’s not NASA’s problem.)

Although they put in their questions, several submitters won’t get an answer. For example, the document won’t address how the Kennedy Space Center could manage its light pollution, monitor bird strikes, or raise awareness of metals in the environment. And the environmental impact on the Moon is right out of the question.

Anyway, if you’re interested in this topic… and who wouldn’t be, you can access the whole document online.

Original Source: NASA

Astrosphere for January 31, 2008


Enough of this cold, wet January. Let’s have some cold wet February. Your space photo for the day is this astonishing image of the International Space Station captured by Mike Salway. And here’s a bonus. If you follow this link, you’ll see two more images.

Today is the 50th anniversary of the launch of Explorer 1. Nancy looked back here on Universe Today, but we’re not the only ones to mark the day. Here are a selection of articles from Cosmic Log, Astroprof and Space Politics.

Spirit says, it’s a rock. And now you can get the T-shirt.

From Astronomy Picture of the Day comes the Young Cluster Westerlund 2.

Astroblog has Comet Holmes in thrilling stereo.

Daily Galaxy reports on a new strategy to search for wormholes and signs of extraterrestrial intelligence.

If you’ve got some time on your hands, why not go searching for craters on Mars.

And finally, Visual Astronomy has a video of asteroid 2007 TU24’s close approach to the Earth.

Carnival of Space #39


We’ve got another first-time host for the Carnival of Space this week: Sean Welton and his website, Visual Astronomy. So please take a moment, visit his site, and enjoy the space articles prepared for your education and entertainment. Thanks Sean!

Click here to read the Carnival of Space #39

And if you’re interested in looking back, here’s an archive to all the past carnivals of space. If you’ve got a space-related blog, you should really join the carnival. Just email an entry to [email protected], and the next host will link to it. It will help get awareness out there about your writing, help you meet others in the space community – and community is what blogging is all about. And if you really want to help out, let me know if you can be a host, and I’ll schedule you into the calendar.

Finally, if you run a space-related blog, please post a link to the Carnival of Space. Help us get the word out.

Mercury is Less Like the Moon than Previously Believed


With Mercury fading in MESSENGER’s rear view mirror, scientists are just starting to pore through the torrent of images sent back. And as you can probably guess, the new mysteries are piling up fast and furious. The planet is much less like the Moon than scientists previously thought.

MESSENGER made its closest approach to Mercury on January 14, passing just a few hundred kilometres above its surface. During the flyby it captured a total of 1,213 images.

One of the most unique features discovered by MESSENGER has been dubbed “The Spider” by scientists. And that’s what it looks like. The feature has a central crater surrounded by more than a hundred narrow, flat-floored troughs (called graben) radiating away.

Unlike the Moon, Mercury has huge cliffs or scarps, which can snake hundreds of kilometres across the planet’s surface. They trace the lines of old volcanic faults, from when the planet was still geologically active.

Because of its small size and high density, Mercury has a surprisingly large pull of gravity. Astronauts walking around its surface would experience 38% of the Earth’s gravity. This higher gravity means that the impact craters look different. Material doesn’t splash out from the impact craters so far, and there are many more secondary crater chains.

“We have seen new craters along the terminator on the side of the planet viewed by Mariner 10 where the illumination of the MESSENGER images revealed very subtle features. Technological advances that have been incorporated in MESSENGER are effectively revealing an entirely new planet from what we saw over 30 years ago,� said Science Team Co-Investigator Robert Strom, professor emeritus at the University of Arizona and the only member of both the MESSENGER and Mariner 10 science teams.

MESSENGER wasn’t just taking pictures. It also had a suite of scientific instruments measuring many features of the planet. Perhaps the most puzzling of these is its magnetic field. Even though Mercury cooled down and solidified eons ago, it still has an magnetic field. This was first detected by Mariner 10, and MESSENGER confirmed it.

This is just the beginning. MESSENGER will return to Mercury on October 6, 2008 to make a second flyby, and then a third on September 29, 2009. The spacecraft make its final return to the planet on March 18, 2011 when it’ll begin a year-long orbital mission.

Original Source: MESSENGER News Release

NASA Announces the Next Shuttle Launch Attempt: February 7, 2008


After more than a month’s delays, the space shuttle Atlantis is finally ready to head back into space. NASA managers announced that they’ve targeted the shuttle for launch on February 7th, 2008 at 2:45 p.m. EST.

There’s one last little problem, though. Engineers inspecting the shuttle on Tuesday noticed a bent hose in its radiator cooling system. The hose runs from the shuttle body to the radiator panels on the cargo bay doors. It carries Freon to keep the shuttle’s systems cool in space.

So the question is: will the bend be a problem?

“Right now, that hose is perfectly functional,” Space Shuttle Program Manager Wayne Hale said. “Since the hose is not leaking now and the sister hose on Discovery didn’t leak on a number of flights, I’m feeling very positive we’ll come to a good conclusion. But we have to do our work here, the engineers have to do their work and we want to make sure we know what we’re doing before we go fly this vehicle.”

Even though it’s got this bent hose, the shuttle managers feel confident enough to launch Atlantis anyway. But they’re planning to meet again on Saturday to evaluate their testing, and think of any other problems that could happen.

Original Source: NASA Shuttle Status Report

Recovering from a Mass Extinction is Slow Going


With the diversity of life on Earth, and its ability to exploit every niche, you would think planet could bounce back from a devastating extinction event. Or maybe not. According to researchers from the University of Bristol, life took a full 30 million years to recover from the Permian extinction.

The poor animals alive during the Permian extinctions were struck by three waves of disaster. The largest of these happened at the boundary between the Permian and Triassic periods around 251 million years ago. Geologists think it was caused by large-scale volcanism in Russia which produced the ‘Siberian Traps’ – vast regions of lava 200,000 square km (77,000 square miles) in area. In a geologic heartbeat, 90% of all life on Earth was completely wiped out: insects, planets, marine animals, amphibians, and reptiles… everything. Life never got so close to being completely wiped off the face of the Earth.

Life did bounce back quickly, but diversity didn’t. Instead of the rich ecosystems we see today, very opportunistic creatures filled the empty spaces left behind by the extinction. One example is Lystrosaurus, a hardy herbivore the size of a pig.

Sarda Sahney and Professor Michael Benton at the University of Bristol looked at the recovery of animals like amphibians and reptiles. Although these creatures did make a recovery quickly, it took 30 million years for the number of animals and their diversity to match the pre-extinction levels.

Sahney said: “Our research shows that after a major ecological crisis, recovery takes a very long time. So although we have not yet witnessed anything like the level of the extinction that occurred at the end of the Permian, we should nevertheless bear in mind that ecosystems take a very long time to fully recover.�

This is an important thought to consider now that we’re in one of the most rapid periods of species loss in history.

Original Source: University of Bristol

Astrosphere for January 30, 2008


Your space photo for today is Saturn, captured by Mike Salway.

In his Cosmic Log, Alan Boyle talks about the state of science in the US after the recent State of the Union speech.

Phil debunks another Moon hoax claim.

Astronomy Picture of the Day has the closest photos of Asteroid 2007 TU24 during its recent flyby.

Ars Technica reports on a new video game based on Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game. has the news of John Benac’s attempts to get space exploration policies at the forefront of the new election campaign.

For you southern hemispheroids, the February edition of the Southern Skywatch is up. Thanks to Ian Musgrave for the link.

Future astronauts are going to need to drink, so Colony Worlds has the solution.

New Technique for Finding Intermediate Mass Black Holes


It’s one of the big mysteries in astronomy. There are stellar mass black holes and the supermassive variety, but nothing in between. Where are all the intermediate mass black holes? Astronomers theorize that they could be located in globular star clusters, but nothing definitive has turned up yet. A team of researchers think they’ve come up with a new way to detect intermediate black holes – a way to see them for billions of light-years.

First a little background. When white dwarf stars are in a close binary system with another star, they pull off material, piling it up on their surface. When the white dwarf reaches 1.4 times the mass of our Sun, it reignites in a reaction that happens so quickly the star detonates. This is a Type 1a supernova, and astronomers use them as standard candles to determine distance since they always explode with the same amount of energy.

But researchers from UC Santa Cruz think there’s another situation where you might get a supernova explosion from a white dwarf: when it’s orbiting an intermediate mass black hole.

If a black hole has just the right amount of mass – 500 to 1000 times the mass of the Sun – a white dwarf might get torn apart in a particularly spectacular way. As the dwarf passes the whole, it would get compressed and heated. Its formerly dead material would now have the pressure and temperature to reignite in a powerful explosion similar to a Type 1a supernova.

The explosion would eject more than half of the debris into space, but the rest would fall back into the black hole and form an accretion disk around it. This disk would then emit X-ray radiation detectable by space telescopes like the Chandra X-Ray Observatory.

“This is a new mechanism for ignition of a white dwarf that results in a very different type of supernova than the standard type Ia, and it is followed by an x-ray source,” said Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz, assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

According to Ramirez-Ruiz, events like this would happen in about 1% of Type 1a supernova explosions. Future surveys, such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, due for completion in 2013, is expected to discover hundreds of thousands of Type 1a supernovae each there. With those kinds of numbers, there should be many of these intermediate black hole interactions detected.

The mass of the white dwarf doesn’t really matter. They ran various sized stars through their simulation and found that you would still get the same outcome; the white dwarf would be tidally disrupted and then it would detonate.

Original Source: UC Santa Cruz News Release

Alarmist Asteroid 2007 TU24 Video

At the time I’m writing this, asteroid 2007 TU24 has nearly passed the Earth. As we’ve been hammering on here on Universe Today, the Earth is completely safe. Only if you have a telescope and know exactly where to look, will you stand a chance of spotting the flyby.

Even though he posted a video last week, debunking the collision claims, Bad Astronomer and (former) friend Phil Plait seems to have recanted.

Lowest form of life? Ouch.

Thanks to IronmanAustralia for the laugh. I’m still wiping the tears out of my eyes.

On another note, this is the first time I’ve tried embedding a YouTube video in Universe Today. I’m sure I’ve messed it up somehow. Let me know if you like this, and want more.

Are the Martian Winds Still Resurfacing the Planet?


The Martian atmosphere is tenuously thin; just 1% as thick as the Earth’s. And yet, it boasts a surprising array of weather systems, including clouds and global dust storms. The winds push dunes across the Martian surface and towering dust devils carve crisscrossed trails across the desolate landscape.

Here on Earth, wind, water and the slow movement of tectonic plates reshape the surface of our planet. On Mars, though, there’s not a drop of liquid water to be seen, and the planet’s plates seized up eons ago.

Only wind remains to rework the surface of the planet. But scientists wonder if the features we see on Mars today were formed recently by the blowing winds, or were created eons ago, when the winds and air pressure were much stronger.

Recent images from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show various regions of Mars pushed around by winds.

“We’re seeing what look like smaller sand bedforms on the tops of larger dunes, and, when we zoom in more, a third set of bedforms topping those,” said HiRISE co-investigator Nathan Bridges of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. “On Earth, small bedforms can form and change on time scales as short as a day.”

With the high-resolution HiRISE camera on MRO, scientists are able to see details for the first time. The images show sediments deposited on the downwind side of rocks. These windtails show where the most current winds have blown. When the winds change directions, the old windtails are obscured, and new ones are formed behind the rocks. This technique allows researchers to map wind directions across the entire planet.

Scientists have also discovered wind-scoured ridges called “yardangs”. The HiRISE images show their surface texture and fine-scale features to help explain how they form.

“HiRISE is showing us just how interesting layers in yardangs are,” Bridges said. “For example, we see one layer that appears to have rocks in it. You can actually see rocks in the layer, and if you look downslope, you can see rocks that we think have eroded out from that rocky layer above.”

And in the image attached with this story, you can see the paths taken by dust devils as they pass across the surface of Mars.

Original Source: NASA/HiRISE News Release