When the Solar System Went from Dust to Mountains


Astronomers are slowly piecing together the earliest phases of our Solar System’s history. At some point, tiny particles of dust clung together forming larger and larger boulders and eventually even mountain-sized chunks of rock. Researchers from UC Davis have pegged the date that this occurred to 4.568 billion years ago, give or take a few million years.

The evolution of the Solar System is believed to have gone through several distinct stages. The first stage occurred when tiny particles of interstellar dust linked up, created boulders, and leading up to the mountain-sized rocks.

In the second stage, these mountains collected into about 20 Mars-sized objects. In the third and final stage, these mini-planets smashed into one another, eventually leading to the large planets we have today. The dates of the second and third stages are fairly well known, but the timing of the first stage has largely been a mystery.

To get an idea of when that first stage took place, researchers from UC Davis analyzed a particular kind of meteorite, called carbonaceous chondrites. These represent some of the oldest material in the Solar System.

They found that the meteorites have very stable ratios of certain elements, which can allow them to be dated. Since the rocks never got large enough to heat up from radioactive decay, they’re cosmic sediments from the early Solar System.

The UC Davis researchers estimated the timing of their formation to 4.568 billion years ago, ranging from 910,000 years earlier or 1.17 million years later.

“We’ve captured a moment in history when this material got packed together,” said Qing-zhu Yin, assistant professor of geology.

The work is published in the Dec. 20 issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Original Source: UC Davis News Release

Bigger Risks from Smaller Asteroids?


When astronomers first made the connection between asteroid impacts and extinction events on Earth, it was kind of frightening. There are hundreds of thousands of those things out there zipping around! But dedicated asteroid hunters have located many of the largest planet smashers, and new programs are in the works to find the rest. But now it seems that even the smaller asteroids could be more destructive than previously believed.

Almost 100 years ago, something detonated in the atmosphere above Tunguska, Siberia, flatting the forest. Had it struck a populated area, the results would have been disastrous.

But now researchers have simulated the kind of spacerock that caused the Tunguska explosion. And here’s the bad news: it was probably a much smaller object than previously believed.

“The asteroid that caused the extensive damage was much smaller than we had thought,” says Sandia principal investigator Mark Boslough of the impact that occurred June 30, 1908. “That such a small object can do this kind of destruction suggests that smaller asteroids are something to consider. Their smaller size indicates such collisions are not as improbable as we had believed.”

Since smaller asteroids are more likely to hit the Earth than larger objects, we might want to get a little more concerned about the risks.

A new supercomputer simulation recreated the kind of fireball that could have caused the Tunguska explosion. They took into account how winds travel along the topography of the ground, and the health of the forest to see how easily the trees would be blown down.

What was originally believed to be a 10-20 megaton explosion was probably only 3-5 megatons. So it took a much smaller object to create the devastation in Tunguska.

The researchers didn’t actually suggest a new size for the object, estimating that sounds complicated. “It depends on the speed and whether it’s porous or nonpourous, icy or waterless, and other material characteristics.”

Original Source: Sandia News Release

Astrosphere for December 18, 2007


Your astrophoto of the day is another image of Comet Holmes, captured by John Chumack.
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific has made a series of astronomy lectures available for podcast and download. There are some really cool speakers in there, like Dr. Frank Drake (SETI Institute): “Estimating the Chances of Life Out There”.

Sean from Visual Astronomy let me know about his new blog. And so now you know too.

Maybe the space shuttle won’t be ending flights so soon after all.

Did you ever wonder how astronauts do their laundry in space? Pamela has the answer.

And if you want to actually see the space station with your own eyes, it’s getting brighter with every mission. Visual Astronomy has some suggestions to find it.

Dwayne Day has a great article on the Space Review about his experience at a Richard Hoagland press conference. I highly suggest you read it; it’s comedy gold.

Did Uranus and Neptune switch places?

And finally, here are two great lists of the top astrophotos in 2007, from Bad Astronomy and Astronomy Picture of the Day.

Mysterious Explosion Comes Out of Nowhere


When astronomers find a gamma ray burst, they can usually locate the culprit’s home galaxy. But in the case of an explosion that went off earlier this year, there’s no galaxy to be found – even with the most powerful telescopes on Earth.

The gamma ray burst GRB 070125 was first detected on January 26th, 2007 by NASA’s Swift telescope in the constellation Gemini. One of the brightest bursts of the year, astronomers scrambled to observe the explosion and then the slowly fading afterglow.

Gamma ray bursts occur when a massive star runs out of fuel. Without the light pressure, the star collapses inward on itself, turning into a black hole. This newly formed black hole spins at an enormous rate, generating enormous magnetic fields. These fields catch infalling material and spew it out again into powerful jets. And it’s those jets where the burst comes from.

One of the normal activities in observing GRBs is the identify the host galaxy so that astronomers can measure its distance. It’s also important to know what kind of galaxy the burst exploded within to better understand the kinds of environments can lead to these massive stars.

In the case of GRB 070125, though, no originating galaxy was obvious. Astronomers from Caltech/Penn State used the 60-inch Palomar Observatory to watch the afterglow, and then called in the even larger Gemini North and Keck 1 telescopes, located on Hawaii’s Mauna Kea.

Even with the power of Keck, they couldn’t find a galaxy.

So how could you get a gamma ray burst without a galaxy? Astronomers know that colliding galaxies can throw off enormous tidal tails that stretch away for hundreds of thousands of light-years. The original star could have been within one of these tidal tails, many light-years away from its parent galaxy.

If their theory is correct, a long duration exposure from the Hubble Space Telescope should reveal the dim tidal tail.

Original Source: NASA News Release

Mars at its Closest Approach


Okay, now you can tell your friends and family that Mars is making its closest approach, and not August like that annual hoax email that goes around. This image of Mars, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, was captured when the planet was only 88 million km (55 million miles) away from Earth. Their closest point occurs on December 18th at 1145 UTC (6:45 p.m. EST).

This close encounter between the Earth and Mars happens every 26 months. That’s because Earth makes more than two orbits for every one Martian trip around the Sun. As the Earth catches up with Mars in orbit, the planet brightens in our skies until it becomes one of the brightest objects we can see.

Since both Earth and Mars have elliptical orbits, the point of their closest approach changes from year to year. Back in 2003, when that closest approach between Earth and Mars actually happened, the two planets were 32 million km closer (20 million miles) than today. (Of course, Mars never looked as large as the Moon in the sky, it was always just a bright red star.)

The image attached to this story was made up of a series of photographs captured by Hubble over the last 36 hours. They were then stitched together on computer to make up this composite photograph.

The large triangular dark shape on Mars is Syrtis Major, and the region on the left is called Sinus Meridani. That’s roughly where NASA’s Opportunity rover is currently rolling across the Martian landscape.

When Hubble took this photograph, the planet was largely free of the dust storms that plagued the Mars rovers earlier this year. Although, you can see clouds near the northern and southern poles.

Original Source: Hubble News Release

Galactic Black Hole Fires a Jet at a Nearby Neighbour


Ouch, that’s going to leave a mark. A new photograph captured by NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory shows a powerful jet blasting out of one galaxy, and colliding with another. As the jet tears through the galaxy, it could have serious implications for planetary formation, and trigger a wave of new star formation.

The image contains two galaxies, collectively known as 3C321, in orbit around one another. X-ray images from Chandra show that they both have supermassive black holes at their centres.

The black hole in the larger galaxy is actively feeding, and has an enormous jet of radiation and material blasting out into space. Unfortunately, the smaller galaxy has gotten caught right in the crossfire of this jet.

“We’ve seen many jets produced by black holes, but this is the first time we’ve seen one punch into another galaxy like we’re seeing here,” said Dan Evans, a scientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and leader of the study. “This jet could be causing all sorts of problems for the smaller galaxy it is pummeling.”

So what kinds of problems? For starters, the jet has a tremendous amount of radiation, especially high-energy X-rays and gamma-rays. An ongoing blast of this radiation could strip away planetary atmospheres and blow away newly forming stellar nurseries. In other cases, the jet could cause a cloud of gas and dust to collapse in the first place, setting the stage for new star formation.

Since the two galaxies are only 20,000 light years apart – the same distance of the Solar System to the middle of the Milky Way – the effect of the jet will be extreme. One bright part of the image shows where the jet is colliding with the galaxy, and then getting disrupted and deflected away.

This event is probably very short-lived. Astronomers estimate that the jet only began impacting the galaxy about a million years ago; a blink of the eye in cosmological terms.

Original Source: Chandra News Release

More Evidence that Gliese 581 Has Planets in the Habitable Zone


The discovery of Gliese 581 was one of the most exciting moments in extrasolar planetary researcher. Astronomers found an Earth-massed planet orbiting within the habitable zone of a distant star. This would mean that liquid water could be on its surface – and maybe life. Now there’s even more evidence that Gliese 581 is living up to the speculation. Astronomers have published two independent studies this week, claiming that there are least 2 Earthlike planets orbiting the star within the habitability zone.

The first team, led by Franck Selsis, computed the properties of planetary atmospheres at various distances from the star. As we’ve seen with Venus, Earth and Mars in our own Solar System, your distance from the star matters a great deal. Get too close, and the water is vaporized and blown out into space. Get too far away and your carbon dioxide can’t trap in enough heat to keep the planet warm. You want to be just right.

Selsis and his team calculated that the inner boundary of this habitable zone around Gliese 581 should be somewhere between 0.7 and 0.9 astronomical units (an AU is the distance from the Earth to the Sun). And the outer zone should be between 1.7 and 2.4 AU. At least one planet orbiting Gliese 581 falls within this range.

The second team used a different technique to calculate habitability. They studied a narrower region where Earth-like photosynthesis is possible. For the super-Earths thought to be orbiting Gliese 581, they calculated the sources of atmospheric CO2 (volcanos and ridges) and then the potential sinks through weathering. If a planet’s too old, if might not be active any more, and wouldn’t release enough CO2 to keep the planet warm.

Once again, the age of the planets, and therefore the amount of carbon dioxide, is within this region of habitability.

Thanks to this new research, the planets orbiting Gliese 581 are primary targets for future planet hunting observatories, such as ESA’s Darwin and NASA’s Terrestrial Planet Finder. These observatories should be able to directly measure the atmospheres of these planets, and determine if they harbour life.

A third paper on the topic has recently been accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics. In this, another team of researchers have studied the long term orbits of planets going around Gliese 581. Here you want stability, without highly eccentric orbits that might cause extreme warm and glacial eras. Once again, the planets around Gliese 581 are surprisingly stable.

Things are looking really hopeful. Now we just need someone to uncancel the Terrestrial Planet Finder.

Original Source: Astronomy and Astrophysics

Saturn’s Rings Could Be as Old as the Solar System


Although the Solar System is 4.5 billion years old, planetary scientists thought that Saturn’s famous rings formed much later. Maybe as recently as a few hundred million years ago. But new observations from Cassini have pushed those estimate back… way back. Maybe all the way back to the beginning of the Solar System. Saturn’s rings might be ancient, with ring material getting recycled for eons.

According to Larry Esposito, principal investigator for Cassini’s Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph at the University of Colorado, Boulder, earlier data gathered by NASA’s Voyager spacecraft in the 1970s, and later from the Hubble Space Telescope indicated that the rings were young. Maybe a comet shattered one of Saturn’s moons about 100 million years ago, generating the particles we see today.

But the new evidence from Cassini shows the the rings vary in age significantly; the rings are being constantly replenished and recycled.

“The evidence is consistent with the picture that Saturn has had rings all through its history,” said Esposito. “We see extensive, rapid recycling of ring material, in which moons are continually shattered into ring particles, which then gather together and re-form moons.”

“We have discovered that the rings probably were not created just yesterday in cosmic time, and in this scenario, it is not just luck that we are seeing planetary rings now,” said Esposito. “They probably were always around but continually changing, and they will be around for many billions of years.”

So how can Cassini tell that there’s new material being generated. Astronomers used to think that infalling meteoric dust should pollute the older rings, making them darker. But the new Cassini observations show that the ring system spreads the pollution around, diluting it. This is why the rings appear to be so pristine and young.

They observed how the ring material blocked light from distant stars. They were able to detect 13 objects in Saturn’s F ring, varying in size from 27 metres to 10 kilometres (30 yards to 6 miles). Since most of the objects are translucent, the researchers think they’re just temporary clumps of icy boulders.

They appear to come and go, clinging together and then breaking apart under Saturn’s strong gravity. Although the rings always look the same, they’re being constantly recycled.

Original Source: NASA/JPL News Release

Deep Impact Has a New Target


It seemed like such a shame. NASA built Deep Impact to see what happens when you smash a refrigerator-sized object into a comet. Mission accomplished, science gathered. But what about the flyby part of the spacecraft? It captured images of the collision with Comet Tempel 1, and then flew on without a target. Well, NASA announced this week that it has a new target: Comet Hartley 2.

Oh, and we don’t call it Deep Impact any more. That was so 2005. Now it’s called EPOXI. And if that sounds like an acronym, you’re right. Here’s the full designation: Extrasolar Planet Observation and Deep Impact Extended Investigation.

EPOXI was originally supposed to meet up with Comet Boethin, but NASA astronomers lost sight of the comet. They lost a comet? Actually, they think it might have broken up into smaller pieces, which are now too small for detection. Unfortunately, this loss pushed back its next cometary encounter by two years.

So the spacecraft is now heading for Comet Hartley 2. If all goes well, it’ll reach the object on October 11, 2010, passing within 1,000 km (620 miles) of the nucleus. As a target for scientific observation, Comet Hartley 2 will do the job nicely. Just like Boethin, it has a small, bright nucleus.

While it’s making this journey, the spacecraft will point the larger of its two telescopes at nearby extrasolar planetary systems, and help gather additional data. It’ll be looking to study the physical properties of giant planets, search for rings and moons and planets as small as three Earth masses.

One intriguing mission will have EPOXI observe the Earth as if it’s an extrasolar planet, to help refine the techniques and data necessary to characterize future terrestrial planet discoveries.

EPOXI made a three-minute rocket burn on November 1st, 2007, putting it on course to reach Hartley 2. Before this encounter, it’ll make three Earth flybys, gathering the additional velocity it needs to reach its meetup with Hartley 2 in 2010.

Original Source: NASA/JPL News Release

Year in Space 2008 Calendar


Well, it’s that time again to get organized. So why not do it while gazing at pretty pictures of space and learning history at the same time?

Once again, I’m happy to present the “Year in Space” desk calendar – a regular sponsor for Universe Today. This is a 144-page weekly calendar featuring images and information from the past, present, and future of space exploration and astronomical discovery. Universe Today readers are eligible for discounts ranging from 25% to 44%, with free shipping on all U.S. orders. Normally retailing for $15.95, “The Year In Space” is available to Universe Today readers for only $11.95; 2+ copies are $10.95 each; 10+ copies are $9.95 each; and 36+ copies are $8.95 each.

There is free standard shipping on all U.S. orders. For guaranteed Christmas delivery, order on or before December 17th and choose RUSH delivery for a small additional fee. (Non-US orders are shipped via International Priority Mail, but cannot be guaranteed for Christmas.) Order online at www.YearInSpace.com and select the “Universe Today” sponsor discount, or call (800) 736-6836 and mention the Universe Today discount.

Visit the website to preview the calendar and download a free hi-res poster of all 53 weekly images. With “The Year In Space” you can visit a new celestial destination every week while keeping track of your busy life on Earth!

Click here to visit the Year in Space 2008 website.