Making the Case for Europa


Nick had an article last week about a new technique that might help scientists figure out just how deep the oceans on Europa are. Deep oceans with a thin crust might give a rover, or a submarine, a fighting chance to get down to that precious H2O, and sample it for evidence of life. Researchers are seriously discussing the benefits of exploring Europa at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

According to William McKinnon, a professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo, “We’ve learned a lot about Europa in the past few years.

“Before we were almost sure that there was an ocean, but now the scientific community has come to a consensus that there most certainly is an ocean. We’re ready to take the next step and explore that ocean and the ice shell that overlays it. We have a number of new discoveries and techniques that can help us do that.”

What advances have been made?

There’s the research we talked about; how detailed observations of the Moon’s flexing under Jupiter’s intense gravity, as well as the magnetic variations can tell just how deep the ocean goes.

And new radar sounding techniques have been developed for other spacecraft that would be very useful at Europa. The high-resolution radar system installed on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter would be able to peer right through an ice shell on Europa, and give researchers a cross section of the ice. It would be able to locate liquid water under and within the shell, and put the controversy to rest forever.

Engineers are also working on future explorers, such as a project called Endurance, developed by Peter Doran, associate professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago and Stone Aerospace. They’ll be testing an exploration vehicle in Wisconsin in February 2008, and then in Antarctica.

This robotic explorer will be able to create three-dimensional maps of the subsurface lakes in Antarctica and even map out the biochemistry in the water. If there’s life there, Endurance will find it.

Obviously, sending a probe like this to Europa is a long, long way off. But people are chipping away at the problem on both ends. Scientists are making the case that Europa is one of the most enticing scientific targets in the Solar System. And engineers are working out the technologies that could actually make the discoveries.

The future for exploration on Europa is looking brighter every day.

Original Source: University of Texas at Austin News Release

Carnival of Space #33


I’m not only the Carnival of Space organizer, but I’m also a host.

This week, we’ve got the following stories of interest.

First up, Nancy Houser at A Mars Odyssey discusses the discovery of the Van Allen Belts.

The space shuttle’s day is nearly over, but Orion won’t get going until 2015. Mark Whittington talks about how NASA will close up that gap.

astropixie Amanda Bauer reminds us all about the upcoming Geminid meteor shower, peaking on Friday.

advancednano talks about what it might take to launch to magnetic sail spacecraft from the Earth.

MSNBC’s Cosmic Logs has this article about the upcoming shuttle launch of the European Columbus science laboratory.

Astroblog considers the discovery that two of Saturn’s moons look like flying saucers, and considers the implications for science literacy.

Steinn Sigurdsson is whispering rumours about discoveries from the Corot mission.

With the shuttle reaching the end of its life, Stuart Atkinson wonders why so many space advocates have turned against the shuttle. Admit it, you’re going to miss Atlantis and the shuttles when there’s only Orion.

Be careful with your predictions for the future of space tourism, warns the Space Cynics.

Astronomy Picture of the Day has this anelemma; that’s the figure-8 shape you get when you take a picture of the Sun every day throughout the year.

Pamela Gay reminds you that the Geminids are coming… the Geminids are coming!

Remember the Genesis Mission? Emily at the Planetary Society Blog gives an update on the scientific discoveries made so far.

Centauri Dreams reviews the thinking about solar sail technologies that could take advantage of the particles streaming off the Sun.

Hobbyspace has two articles about one topic: Commercial Orbital Transportation Services. There’s this one about Spacehab’s proposal, and another about Loral and Constellation Systems.

A Babe in the Universe continues her tour through the American Museum of Natural History. This week, it’s the Hall of Meteorites.

Will the Lagrange Points help future travelers explore the Solar System, and act as depots for trade and commerce? Colony Worlds has the story.

And finally, from here on Universe Today, may I suggest this interesting story about Europa’s oceans. Are they thick or thin?

Astrosphere for December 12, 2007


Welcome back to the Astrosphere. Your photograph for today is Eta Carina by winensky. Can you see the dancing lady on the right? I can actually see this one.

Yikes, this giant spider will destroy us all.

Futurismic talks about the future of telescopes, looking right back to the first moments after the dark ages.

For all you Americans wondering who to vote for, ATW Space is keeping careful track of the candidates’ policies on space exploration.

Dynamics of Cats responds to a student looking for advice about grad school.

Celestial Journeys always has cool hand-drawn images of astronomical objects – this gives you a really good idea about what you’d see if you actually looked through the eyepiece of a telescope. No CCDs here. Check out Comet Holmes.

Sir Arthur C. Clarke celebrates his 90th birthday on Sunday, December 16th.

Astronomy Picture of the Day has an image of our cosmic neighbourhood of galaxy clusters.

Earth’s Magnetic Field Could Protect Astronauts on the Moon


There’s the Earth, and the Moon, separated by 385,000 or so kilometres. Once the astronauts return to the Moon, they’ll lose all the protection of the Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field – getting blasted by radiation and cosmic rays. Or will they? According to researchers from the University of Washington, there are times when the Earth does help shield the Moon.

One of the major risks of space travel are solar storms. These are flurries of particles blasted off the Sun at nearly the speed of light. They can arrive with almost no notice. As soon as an Earth-directed flare is seen on the surface of the Sun, the particles will arrive just minutes afterwards.

To avoid a potentially lethal blast of radiation, the astronauts will need to seek cover in a shielded base, or at least make sure there’s a mass of lunar soil between them and the oncoming storm. When they’ve only got a few minutes warning, the astronauts will be restricted to how far they can explore on the lunar surface.

Here on Earth, we’re protected by the magnetosphere, which directs the solar wind harmlessly around the planet. Astronomers have known for many years that the Moon passes through the Earth’s magnetic sphere, and could share in our protective shield.

Researchers from the University of Washington have developed computer models of the Earth’s magnetosphere, calculating the ideal times when astronauts will receive the most protection from solar storms.

There’s an additional problem with solar storms. As the particles interact with the Earth, they heat up oxygen in the ionosphere. These particles stream away from the Earth and collide with the Moon. These are moving less quickly than the solar wind particles, but they can still add to an astronaut’s radiation exposure.

Original Source: UW News Release

Podcast: How Amateurs Can Contribute to Astronomy


Astronomy is one of the few sciences where amateurs make meaningful contributions to discoveries. Many professional researchers work hand-in-hand with teams of amateurs to make discoveries that just wouldn’t be possible without this kind of collaboration. In fact, Pamela regularly relies on dedicated enthusiasts for her data on variable stars.

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How Amateurs Can Contribute to Astronomy – Show notes and transcript

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NASA Announces a New Gravity Field Mission to the Moon


Just in case you’d forgotten that the focus is going to be on the Moon for the next few decades, here’s another mission announcement: the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL). Due to launch in 2011, this mission will fly a pair of spacecraft around the Moon to measure its gravity field in precise detail. By the time GRAIL’s done with the Moon, we’ll know every lump and bump 1,000 times better than before

This new mission was announced by NASA on December 10th at the meeting of the American Geophysical Union. The mission was selected out of a possible two dozen proposals.

If all goes well, the two spacecraft will launch together some time around September 6, 2011 transferring directly into a lunar orbit. After a few days of orbiting, they’ll conduct a 90-day study of the Moon’s gravity field.

This mission will be very similar to NASA’s previously launched Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE). These twin spacecraft were launched 5 years ago, and have measured the Earth’s gravity field in incredible detail. It allows scientists to track melting glaciers, and the changes in the Earth’s crust after powerful earthquakes.

GRAIL will measure the gravity field at certain points around the Moon, finding any changes which are 1 million times less than the Earth’s overall gravity. This data should be about 1,000 times better than the best gravity maps ever made of the Moon.

NASA is estimating that the total budget for the project will be $375 million, including design, development, launch and staffing.

In addition to the handy gravity field information, GRAIL should give scientists better information about the formation of the Moon and the rest of the rocky planets in the Solar System.

Original Source: NASA/JPL News Release

Odyssey Moon is the First Lunar X-Prize Entrant


I mentioned the $30 million Google Lunar X-Prize a few months ago, but now there’s a bit of an update: the first team has stepped forward and announced that they’ll be trying to claim it. The team is called Odyssey Moon, and it stars International Space University founder Bob Richards and Inmarsat CFO Ramin Khadem. If all goes well, they’ll land a rover on the Moon within the next 7 years.

Just a quick recap. The Google Lunar X-Prize follows on the success of the original Ansari X-Prize. The first private group that can land a rover on the surface of the Moon, and complete a series of challenges before December 31st, 2014 will win $30 million.

Team organizers have said that hundreds of teams have expressed an interest, but nobody has actually filled out the necessary paperwork… until today.

Team Odyssey Moon announced their intention to compete for the Google Lunar X-Prize at the Space Investment Summit in San Jose, California. The team will be based on the Isle of Man, off the coast of England. Not a place known for its bustling space commerce, but the team founders say the location has the right business regulations and tax laws for such an unusual business venture.

And that’s the point, they expect this to be a business venture. Richards and Khadem believe they have a viable business plan for operating a Moon rover business. They’ll finance operations by the delivery of science, exploration and commercial payloads to the surface of the Moon. According to the Odyssey Moon folks, the $30 million prize is just a nice benefit.

For my fellow Canadians, you’ll be please to hear that MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates has been selected as the mission’s prime contractor. MDA has developed the robotic arms used on the space shuttle and International Space Station, and hardware for other space missions.

In addition to the two founders, the Planetary Society announced today that they’re going to pitch in with Odyssey Moon, helping out with education, public involvement, and serving as a science liaison for the project.

Although Odyssey Moon is just the first team to announce their intentions for the $30 million prize, they won’t be the last. Prize founder Peter Diamandis expects that several teams will make launch attempts within a handful of years – it seems unlikely that a rover won’t succeed before the time limit ends.

Original Source: Odyssey Moon

What Does it Take to Destroy a Gas Giant?


To destroy a terrestrial planet, you need the Death Star. But what will you do if you want to take out a gas giant? No mere superlaser is going to get the job done. But if you can get the gas giant close enough to its parent star, you should just be able to make it evaporate. How close? According to researchers from University College London, get a planet twice as close as Mercury to its parent star and it’s a goner (in a few billion years).

But whoa you say, haven’t astronomers found planets orbiting well within this distance? They certainly have. In fact, HD 209458b is 70% the mass of Jupiter and orbits its parent star about 12% the orbital distance of Mercury. And it’s evaporating as we speak.

Okay fine, it doesn’t destroy a planet in such a spectacular fashion as blasting it with a superlaser, but you can rest assured, its fate is sealed. Queue the maniacal laughter…

The research was carried out by Tommi Koskinen from University College London, and published in this week’s edition of the journal Nature.

According to Koskinen and his colleage, Professor Alan Aylward, they used some sophisticated new modeling tools to get at their calculations. They used 3D-modeling techniques to see the whole heating process as the planet gets closer to the parent star. Their model includes the powerful supersonic cooling winds that have been detected on other planets.

Within 0.15 astronomical units of the star is the point of no return for a gas planet. Within this radius and molecular hydrogen in its atmosphere becomes unstable and temperature regulating processes become overwhelmed. The planet’s atmosphere then begins to heat up uncontrollably.

Temperatures on the planet will rise from 3,000 degrees Celsius to more than 20,000 degrees. At this point its atmosphere begins boiling off into space.

It’s not a quick process. Planets at this distance will start losing material very slowly, and will probably still survive for billions of years.

You’ll have to be a very patient evil space emperor to destroy gas giants this way.

Original Source: UCL News Release

Supercomputers Pitch in to Search for Missing Matter


I know, I know, you’re probably getting sick of hearing this. Astronomers have no idea what 95% of the Universe is; 70% is dark energy, and 25% is dark matter, leaving a mere 5% normal matter. But it gets worse. Astronomers can only actually account for about 60% of that regular matter (hydrogen, helium and heavier elements) – almost half of the regular matter is missing too!

I’ll repeat that, just so it’s clear. Of the 5% of the Universe that we can even understand, almost half of it is missing too.

Researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder have used a powerful supercomputer at the San Diego Supercomputing Center to try and figure out where this missing mass could be hiding, and they think they’ve got a good place to look.

They built up a simulation of a huge chunk of Universe, 1.5 billion light-years on a side. Within this simulated Universe, they saw that much of the gas in the Universe forms into a tangled web of filaments that stretch for hundreds of million of light-years. In between these filaments are vast spherical voids without any matter.

The simulation works by modeling how material came together through gravity after the Big Bang. The simulation predicts that this missing material is hiding within gas clouds called the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium.

If their predictions are correct, the next generation of telescopes should be able to detect this missing mass in these hidden filaments. Some of these telescopes include the 10-metre South Pole Telescope in Antarctica and the 25-metre Cornell-Caltech Atacama Telescope (CCAT).

The South Pole Telescope will look at how the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation is heated up as it passes through clouds of this gas. CCAT will be able to look back to periods just after the Big Bang, and see how the first large scale structures started to come together.

At least then, we’ll probably know where all that 5% of regular mass is. Dark matter and dark energy? Still a mystery.

Original Source: CU-Boulder News Release

Atmosphere of an Extrasolar Planet Measured


Good timing. Just as Nick was mentioning how astronomers might be able to detect vegetation on extrasolar planets, we get this discovery: a ground based observatory has measured the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet for the first time. That holy grail of detecting the atmosphere on an Earth-sized world is getting closer and closer.

In a new journal article published in an upcoming issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters, astronomer Seth Redfield and colleagues report on their discovery.

The planet they’re studying orbits star HD189733, located about 63 light-years away in the constellation Vulpecula. It was originally discovered back in 2004. Unfortunately, this planet isn’t anything like the Earth; it’s actually about 20% more massive than Jupiter, and orbits its parent star 10 times closer than Mercury. Needless to say, it’s a hot world.

From our perspective here on Earth, HD189733b passes in front of its star on each orbit. As the planet “transits” across the star, it dims the light slightly. Furthermore, sunlight passing through its atmosphere can be measured distinctly from the star itself. The planet blocks about 2.5% of the star’s total light, and the atmosphere blocks an additional 0.3%.

And this was the technique that Redfield and his team used to measure the atmosphere. “Take a spectrum of the star when the planet is in front of the star,” explains Redfield. “Then take a spectrum of the star when it’s not. Then you divide the two and get the planet’s atmospheric transmission spectrum. Each time the planet passes in front of the star the planet blocks some of the star’s light. If the planet has no atmosphere, it will block the same amount of light at all wavelengths. However, if the planet has an atmosphere, gasses in its atmosphere will absorb some additional light.”

The atmosphere of an extrasolar planet has only been measured once before, using Hubble’s Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). Unfortunately, this instrument broke shortly after the previous detection. Without the help of Hubble, Redfield and his team needed to come up with another solution, so they switched to the Hobby-Eberly Telescope.

In the end, they made hundreds of observations spread out over a year taken under various conditions. They were able to remove the contamination of the Earth’s atmosphere from their observations, and come up with a good analysis of the planet’s atmosphere.

This is great, but it’s just a start. The real prize will come with astronomers are able to spot Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars, and measure their atmospheres. If they find large quantities of oxygen in the atmosphere, that’s a good candidate for life.

Original Source: McDonald Observatory News Release