Astrosphere for September 7th, 2007


Today’s astrophoto is brought to you by Bokmakierie. It’s an image of the Alpine Valley on the Moon. You’ll want to click the image to enlarge it and read the text. Bokmakierie compares this image with one taken by ESA’s SMART-1 at only 6,000 km altitude above the surface.

I think this is a really fascinating article at the Christian Science Monitor. Scientists have figured out a way to search for hurricanes in the past – looking for ash from ancient wildfires. When a hurricane strikes, it knocks down lots of trees, and this creates a greater risk for wildfires.

When she’s not writing for Universe Today, Nancy Atkinson has been busy with other freelance activities. Check out this new magazine called Space Lifestyle, where Nancy profiles our good friend Phil Plait. With extra quotiness from me.

I love it when people come together to organize and create cool content. Here’s a website called The Moon Wiki. Volunteers are cataloging every single crater and feature on the Moon, and linking it to photographs. They still need help, so check it out.

First Image from Phoenix Mars Lander


I’m not sure what you were expecting, but here’s the first image captured by NASA’s Phoenix Mars Lander from space. What, you were expecting blackness and maybe a star or two? Nope, this is a photo taken by the lander’s robotic arm showing its scoop nestled inside the spacecraft. But don’t worry, in just a few months, you’ll be seeing the same picture, but filled with Martian soil.

The image was captured by the lander’s Robotic Arm Camera, which was pointed into the robotic arm’s scoop. Both instruments are encased in a protective biobarrier that insures Earth-based microbes don’t contaminate its experiments. Surprisingly, this is going to be the only picture the camera is going to take before the spacecraft lands on Mars. I guess, this same shot might get a little boring.

Once it reaches Mars, the spacecraft will use this robotic arm to dig trenches in the Martian polar soil. It’ll scoop up soil and water-ice samples, and then deliver them to several instruments on the lander’s deck. These will test the samples for water, chemicals, and even the byproducts of past or present life.

The camera that took this picture is attached to the robotic arm, just above the scoop. It’ll provide close up images of the Martian surface, and help scientists decide where they’re going to dig for samples.

Original Source: UA News Release

AKARI Sees Star Formation on the Edge


A new image taken by the Japanese/European space telescope AKARI turned up huge regions of star formations on the outer edges of galaxy M101. That’s strange. Normally galaxies will have the rapid star formation going on near their centres, and not out at the edges. Astronomers think that it’s all thanks to a recent collision.

M101 is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major, and lies about 24 million light-years away. Its diameter is 170,000 light years across, and it has roughly double the mass of the Milky Way. In a galaxy like this, you would expect to see star formation near the middle and along its spiral arms. But in this latest image captured by the AKARI satellite, astronomers have discovered vast regions of star forming regions right out to its outer edges – they’re the bright red blobs in the picture.

It’s not alone out there. Astronomers know that M101 interacted with another galaxy recently, tearing out vast quantities of gas with its gravity. This gas is now falling onto the outer edges of M101, triggering the active star formation. Astronomers have turned AKARI towards several other galaxies nearby, so they hope studying them will help put the puzzle together.

Original Source: JAXA News Release

Never a Star: Did Supermassive Black Holes Form Directly?


Astronomers now believe there’s a supermassive black hole at the centre of almost every galaxy in the Universe. These black holes can have millions, or even hundreds of millions of times the mass of the Sun. Unlike stellar mass black holes, the supermassive versions might have formed differently, going from a cloud of gas directly to a black hole – skipping the star stage entirely.

Since their discovery, astronomers still don’t really know how supermassive black holes got going. But there they are, inside most galaxies. In fact, quasar observations show that supermassive black holes were present in the early Universe. Quasars are some of the brightest objects in the Universe, blazing from the radiation emitted by supermassive black holes actively consuming material.

One possibility is that these monsters had humble beginnings, starting out as a massive star, going supernova, and then becoming a black hole. It’s a process astronomers understand fairly well. The problem with this theory is that these early supermassive black holes must have been growing constantly right from the beginning, at the maximum rate predicted by physics. And as we see today, galaxies go through active and quiescent stages depending on when their black hole is consuming material.

But a second possibility is that these black holes formed directly, pulling together so much material that they bypassed the stellar stage entirely.

Dr. Mitchell C. Begelman, a professor in the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder recently published a paper entitled Did supermassive black holes form by direct collapse? This paper sketches out this alternate theory of black hole formation in the early Universe.

After the Big Bang, the Universe cooled enough for the first stars to form out of the original hydrogen and helium. This was pure material, unpolluted by previous generations of stars. Astronomers have calculated that these first stars, called Population III, would have a maximum rate that they could gather material together to form a star.

But what if there was much more gas around? Way beyond the limits that could form a star.

With a regular star, material comes in relatively slowly, creating a central mass. With enough mass, the star ignites, and this creates and outward pressure that stops further material from compacting too tightly.

But Dr. Begelman has calculated that if the infall rate exceeds just a few tenths of a solar mass per year, the stellar core would be so tightly bound that the energy release of nuclear fusion wouldn’t be enough to stop the core from continuing to contract. You would never have a star, you would just go from a cloud of hydrogen to a tightly bound central mass. And then a black hole.

The question is, would it be possible to have material come together so quickly? It can, if something’s pushing it… like dark matter. According to Dr. Begelman, there could be several situations where an external force, like the gravity from a large halo of dark matter which could work to force gas into a central area. In fact, material has been calculated falling into a black hole this quickly, because that’s the rate it takes to power quasars. But the question is, will this work if the black hole isn’t there, or really small.

Once there are a few solar masses of accumulated gas, the core begins to shrink under the pull of its increasing mass. The object goes through a brief period of nuclear fusion when it reaches 100 solar masses, but it passes through this phase so rapidly that it doesn’t get a chance to expand again.

Eventually the object reaches several thousand solar masses, and its temperature has climbed to several hundred million degrees. At this point, gravity finally takes over, collapsing the core, and turning the object into a 10-20 solar mass black hole which then starts consuming all the mass around it.

From this point on, the black hole is able to draw in further material efficiently, growing at the maximum levels predicted by physics, eventually gathering up millions of times the mass of the Sun. If too much material falls in, the baby supermassive black hole might act like a mini-quasar – Dr. Begelman has dubbed this a “quasistar” – blazing with radiation as infalling material backs up in the black hole’s surroundings.

And there’s the good news: these quasistars might be detectable by powerful telescopes. However, they would have very short lifetimes, only lasting 100,000 years. They might be marginally detectable by the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope.

Original Source: Arxiv paper

Carnival of Space #19


It’s my turn to host the Carnival of Space again. This time we’re up to mighty 19! These carnivals grow up so fast.

First up, Advancednano considers a recent study suggesting how an Orion spacecraft could refuel itself in midflight, and then suggests a better way. Here’s a hint: there’s nanotechnology involved.

Speaking of Orion, it’s a constellation too. And Orion and Beyond is a blog. And on this blog, Tommy Smith suggests how you can enjoy stargazing with the kids.

Emily Lakdawalla from the Planetary Society stitches together 11 images of Rhea taken by Cassini, and explains how you can follow along on your own.

A Babe in the Universe, Louise Riofrio recently attended the Mars Society conference in Los Angeles and reports on what happened. I wish I could have gone.

Which worlds should we colonize first? Darnell Clayton has a few suggestions.

Cumbrian Sky has this report on how we’re being bombarded by amazing and stunning images from space probes and telescopes. But which ones can live on and become classics?

And finally, for my own humble offering, might I suggest this recent article by Universe Today contributor Nancy Atkinson. It’s called A Submarine for Europa, and suggests undersea vehicles that could explore this ice-covered moon.

Hubble Sees Ancient Galactic Building Blocks


Let’s go back, way back, to an earlier time when the Universe was a fraction of its current age. Tiny galaxies, just a fraction of the mass of the Milky Way came together, piece by piece, building up larger and larger galaxies. Well, we don’t have a time machine, but we’ve got the next best things: Hubble and Spitzer, which were called upon to look back into the distant Universe, to watch this process unfold.

The new data gathered by the Hubble Space Telescope and the Spitzer Space Telescope reveal a collection of the smallest, faintest, most compact galaxies ever seen. These aren’t the majestic spiral galaxies we know and love, but primordial building block galaxies that played an important role in the evolution of the structure of the Universe. The two great observatories saw these galaxies when they were just a billion years after the Big Bang; in other words, the galaxies are more than 12 billion light years away.

The images from Hubble are key. It saw galaxies that only contained blue stars just a few million years old. These young, hot stars haven’t had a previous generation before them. They’re using the pure raw material of the Big Bang – mostly hydrogen and helium – as their fuel, unpolluted by heavier elements. Spitzer came in after and helped make accurate measurements of the galaxies’ masses.

“These are among the lowest mass galaxies ever directly observed in the early universe,” says Nor Pirzkal of the Space Telescope Science Institute and the European Space Agency in Baltimore, Md.

Three of the galaxies look distorted, with the familiar tadpole shape of a galaxy in a gravitational tangle with another galaxy. And this is how it started. These tiny galaxies merged with one another, growing into larger and larger objects, and eventually spirals like our own Milky Way.

The earliest time of the Universe is gradually coming into focus, thanks to these observatories.

Original Source: Hubble News Release

Cassini’s Upcoming Visit to the Walnut, Iapatus


NASA’s Cassini spacecraft is going to make one of its most important flybys of its entire mission this week, zipping past Saturn’s moon Iapetus on September 10th, 2007. I’m calling it “most important”, not NASA, but trust me, this is a big one. I’ve got two reasons for this: it’s the first time Cassini will get this close to Iapetus, and this moon is one of the strangest objects in the Solar System, with a whole collection of bizarre features.

First let’s talk about Iapetus. This is one bizarre moon. Take a look at the picture and you’ll see that it’s got what looks like a seam running across its equator. That’s not a seam, but a bizarre mountain range that runs across its equator. This ridge is 20 km (12 mile) wide and 13 km (8 mile) high, extending 1,300 km (800 miles) directly along the moon’s equator.

It’s possible that this ridge was created when the moon was spinning much more quickly than it does today. Or maybe this is some kind of icy material that welled up from within the moon and then solidified on the surface. Or perhaps the moon consumed one of Saturn’s rings, piling the material up on its surface along the equator. Whatever the case, it’s one of the strangest features in the Solar System.

Second, Iapetus has two completely different coloured hemispheres: one bright as snow and the other dark. The dark material might have come from another of Saturn’s moons, or maybe it’s organic material that rained down in the past. Perhaps it’s material that came out from the middle and hardened. But what is it? You see, this place is mysterious.

Third, it’s shaped like a walnut. You can see the strange shape just in the picture. That’s not a trick of the camera, the moon really is squashed like that. Like someone tore it in half, and then smashed it back together again. What caused it? How did it stay that way, and not turn back into a sphere?

NASA’s Voyager 2 flew past Iapetus on August 22, 1981 at a range of 966,000 km (600,000 miles) and turned up the strange shape and dark/light hemispheres. On December 31st, 2004, Cassini made its first close approach getting within 123,000 km (77,000 miles), and taking the picture I’ve attached with this story.

Well, on September 10th, 2007, Cassini will fly only 1,200 km (800 miles) above Iapetus and take its highest resolution pictures ever. Finally, I’ll get my answers. And probably a few new questions too.

I can’t wait.

Original Source: NASA/JPL/SSI News Release

Search Intensifies for Steve Fossett


In case you haven’t heard, one of the premier adventurers of our time, Steve Fossett went missing about 4 days ago. The 63-year pilot was supposed to be making a short flight around the Nevada desert, but he never returned, and hasn’t been seen since. Searchers have now mobilized, and are scouring the rugged area for any sign of Fossett, or his airplane.

Fossett is best known for his solo nonstop airplane flight around the world in 2005, but he’s also made many other achievements in balloon flight, sailing, gliding, skiing, and even running.

On 8:45 am, Monday, September 3, 2007, Fossett took off from a private airstrip in Nevada known as the Flying-M Ranch. He was apparently searching for a nearby lake bed that could serve as a flat surface for an upcoming world land speed record. He was supposed to only be out a few hours, but he never returned.

When he didn’t return on time, searchers started looking for Fossett about 6 hours later. Although Fossett’s plane is equipped with an emergency locater radio beacon, it hasn’t been heard from yet. He didn’t file a flight plan, and apparently wasn’t required to do so.

On Tuesday night, several teams of aircraft went searching for Fossett, scouring the rough Nevada countryside for any evidence of Fossett’s crashed plane. Nothing turned up.

Now the fourth day into the search, 10 airplanes and helicopters headed out again just after dawn. The weather is cooperating nicely, giving searchers clear skies. They were originally scouring 1,500 square km (600 square miles) but have now expanded the search to 4,400 square km (1,700 square miles). Sonar equipped boats will also be looking beneath the surface of nearby lake, which could explain why the emergency beacon isn’t functioning.

Original Source: Steve Fossett website

Asteroid Broke Up, and Then it Killed the Dinosaurs


It was a controversial theory when first proposed years ago, but now most paleontologists side with the theory that a large asteroid strike 65 million years ago delivered the killing blow that wiped the dinosaurs off the Earth. Astronomers have traced back what they think was its parent object, which struck another asteroid millions of years ago, creating many large fragments. Fragments that went on to devastate the Earth, and pummel the Moon.

The researchers include Dr. William Bottke and Dr. David Nesvorny from the Southwest Research Institute, and Dr. David Vokrouhlicky from the Charles University in the Prague. Their article, entitled An asteroid breakup 160 Myr ago as the probable source of the K/T impactor, is published in this week’s issue of the Journal Nature.

Asteroid 298 Baptistina was originally an asteroid 170 km in diameter, residing in the innermost region of the asteroid belt when it was struck by another asteroid 60 km across. This impact created the Baptistina family, and originally contained 300 objects larger than 10 km, and 140,000 objects larger than 1 km.

Over time, sunlight heated the asteroids caused them to slowly change orbits, drifting away from the original impact orbit. And this is how the scientists pieced everything together. They calculated how the orbits would change over time, and then traced the objects back until the were at the same point. This was 160 million years ago, before the Baptistina breakup.

Many of these objects were put into an orbit that would eventually intersect with the Earth. The team calculated that the rise in impacts over the last 100 to 150 million years was due to this collection. Fortunately we’re now at the tail end of it. Dr. William Bottke noted, “We are in the tail end of this shower now. Our simulations suggest that about 20 percent of the present-day, near-Earth asteroid population can be traced back to the Baptistina family.”

How does this connect to the dinosaurs? The asteroid that killed them was thought to have impacted 65 million years ago, carving out a chunk of the Yucatan peninsula. Fragments and sediments recovered from the impact site match the chemical composition of the Baptistina family. Researchers think there’s a 90% match between the two.

One of the most prominent craters on the Moon, Tycho, was probably created by one of these fragments as well. The 85 km crater was carved out 108 million years ago. Of course, nobody has actually measured the rocks in this region to know for sure. That’ll take a return visit of humans going to the Moon.

Original Source: SwRI News Release

New Images from the Ground are Better Than Hubble


As telescopes go, Hubble isn’t actually that large; it’s only 2.4 metres. But it has a huge advantage over the much larger ground-based observatories: it’s up in space, high above the distortions of the Earth’s atmosphere. But astronomers have developed techniques to overcome the atmospheric blurring, creating some of the most detailed images ever seen from the Earth.

One technique to overcome atmospheric distortion is called adaptive optics. With this system, an artificial guide star is projected into the sky with a laser. A computer watches how the artificial star is distorted by the atmosphere, and then warps portions of the mirror many times a second to counteract these distortions. Unfortunately, this technique only works really well in the infrared spectrum.

But a new camera system has been developed to bring this power to the visible spectrum as well. The “Lucky Camera” works by recording partially corrected images taken using the adaptive optics system at very high speed, capturing more than 20 frames a second. Most of these images are still smeared by the atmosphere, but the occasional one is crisp and clear and unblurred. The software can recognize these clear ones, and keeps them to later assemble into a single, sharp image.

Using this software on the 5.1 metre Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain, astronomers were able to achieve images with twice the resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope. Previously, it was 10 times worse.

It captured images of the globular star cluster M13, located 25,000 light-years away, and astronomers were able to separate stars that were only one light-day apart. It also showed incredibly fine detail on the Cat’s Eye Nebula (NGC 6543), revealing filaments which are only a few light-hours across.

Just imagine what will be possible when this technology comes to the even larger Keck II and Very Large Telescopes; not to mention the incredible possibilities with the upcoming 30-metre class telescopes still in the planning stages.

You can see a page describing all the different images, which shows comparisons between the pre- and post-LuckyCam technique. There’s also a good comparison between Hubble and Palomar with adaptive optics and LuckyCam.

Original Source: Caltech News Release