Some Variable Stars Cloak Themselves from View


Most stars shine with a brilliant light, barely changing for billions of years. Others vary in brightness dramatically, dimming and brightening in a period of days, weeks or months. One class, called R Coronae Borealis are erratic in their cycles of brightening and dimming, and now astronomers think they know why: they’re hiding behind a dusty blanket.

An international team of astronomers from France and Brazil has detected a huge cloud of dust around an R Coronae Borealis star called RY Sagittarii, lending evidence to the theory that these stars are actually enshrouding themselves in dust, and hiding from view.

The theory goes that these stars, which can be 50 times larger than our Sun, puff out an envelope of dust around themselves. As this cloud moves into our line of sight from the Earth, it eclipses the star. From our point of view, the star dims in brightness. Then as the solar radiation blasts the dust particles away, the star brightens again.

The researchers used ESO’s Very Large Telescope Interferometer to clearly detect the presence of clouds around a variable star called RY Sagittarii. This was the first time these dust clouds were ever directly detected. The brightest dust cloud was detected several hundred stellar radii away from the centre of the star, so it had clearly drifted away. They discovered that a huge envelope surrounds the star in an area 120 times as big as RY Sagittarii itself.

The cloud is traveling at a speed of 300 km/s, so the astronomers calculated that it was probably ejected about 6 months before it was discovered. They’re planning to perform follow up observations on RY Sagittarii to understand how these dust clouds are formed, and how they dissipate.

Original Source: ESO News Release

Phoenix Mars Lander Launches for the Red Planet


NASA’s Phoenix Mars Lander blasted off early Saturday morning, beginning its mission to search for evidence of water, and maybe even life, on the Red Planet. If all goes well, the spacecraft will arrive at Mars on May 25, 2008, touching down in the planet’s polar region – roughly the same latitude as Northern Alaska here on Earth.

The Boeing Delta II rocket carrying the spacecraft lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Base at 5:26 am EDT on Saturday, August 4th, 2007, roaring into the sky above the Florida’s Atlantic coast. 90 minutes later, the spacecraft detached from the 3rd stage of the rocket, right on target to take it to Mars. Ground controllers confirmed that they were able to communicate with the spacecraft at 7:02 am EDT.

Barry Goldstein, Phoenix project manager was very happy with the launch so far, “Our trajectory is still being evaluated in detail; however we are well within expected limits for a successful journey to the red planet. We are all thrilled!”

Next comes the testing, and the waiting. Over the next 9 months, the spacecraft will cross the 679 million kilometer (421 million mile) distance between Earth and Mars, entering the Red Planet’s atmosphere on May 25, 2008.

I’ve written a few articles about Phoenix, so I’ll just link you to one for more details on the mission. Here’s a story I did just a few days ago.

Original Source: NASA/JPL News Release

Astrosphere for August 6th, 2007


Today’s astrophoto is supplied by forum member andyschlei. It’s a great photo of M13, the great globular cluster in Hercules. The photo was taken using a C-11 telescope, with a total exposure time of 37.5 minutes.

You’ve heard about the dust devils on Mars, but they’re actually much larger than even tornadoes here on Earth. The Stars My Destination has some diagrams to show us a sense of scale.

Is it a star or a planet? Centauri Dreams has a story about a brown dwarf planet.

Now this is cool, Carl Zimmer is collecting images of science related tattoos. Show him your ink.

Have you heard? Queen guitarist Brian May turned in his PhD thesis in astrophysics… or was it astrology? Thanks to DaveP for the catch.

Did you know there are 13 telescopes perched atop Mauna Kea? Astroprof breaks them all down for us.

Sentient Developments has the transcript of a speech about the Fermi Paradox. Wondering where the aliens are gives a few clues about the future of humanity.

Podcast: Tidal Forces Across the Universe


Last week we talked about tidal forces within our solar system. This week we’re going to expand our view and encompass the entire universe. Some of the most dramatic events originate from tidal forces caused by gravity: other worlds, galaxies, black holes and even entire clusters of galaxies are under this influence.

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Tidal Forces Across the Universe – Show notes and transcript

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What’s Up this Week: August 6 – August 12, 2007


Monday, August 6 – Today in 2001 the Galileo spacecraft made its flyby of the moon Io sending back incredible images of the surface. For southern hemisphere observers, be on watch as the Iota Aquarid meteor shower peaks on this Universal date.

Studies continue as we look deeper into structure. As a rule, globular clusters normally contain a large number of variable stars, and most are usually the RR Lyrae type such as in earlier study M54. At one time they were known as “cluster variables,” with their number differing from one globular to another. Many globulars also contain vast numbers of white dwarfs. Some have neutron stars which are detected as pulsars, but out of all 151, only four have planetary nebulae in them… Read on!

Tonight our studies will take us toward the emerging constellation of Pegasus and the magnitude 6.5, class IV M15. Easily located with even small binoculars about four degrees northwest of Enif, this magnificent globular cluster is a true delight in a telescope. Amongst the globulars, M15 ranks third in variable star population with 112 identified. As one of the densest of clusters, it is surprising that it is considered to be only class III. Its deeply concentrated core is easily apparent, and has begun the process of core collapse. The central core itself is very small compared to the cluster’s true size and almost half M15’s mass is contained within it. Although it has been studied by the Hubble, we still do not know if this density is caused by the cluster stars’ mutual gravity, or if it might disguise a supermassive object similar to those in galactic nuclei.

M15 was the first globular cluster in which a planetary nebula, known as Pease 1, could be identified. Larger aperture scopes can easily see it at high power. Surprisingly, M15 also is home to 9 known pulsars, which are neutron stars left behind from previous supernovae during the cluster’s evolution, and one of these is a double neutron star. While total resolution is impossible, a handful of bright stars can be picked out against that magnificent core region and wonderful chains and streams of members await your investigation tonight!

Tuesday, August 7 – On this date in 1959, Explorer 6 became the first satellite to transmit photographs of the Earth from its orbit.

Tonight, let’s return again to look at two giants roughly equal in size, but not equal in class. To judge them fairly, you must use the same eyepiece. Start first by re-locating previous study M4. This is a class IX globular cluster. Notice the powder-like qualities. It might be heavily populated, but it is not dense. Now return to previous study M13. This is a class V globular cluster. Most telescopes will make out at least some resolution and a distinct core region. It is the level of condensation that determines the class. It is no different from judging magnitudes and simply takes practice.

Try your hand at M55 along the bottom of the Sagittarius “teapot” – it’s a class XI. Although it is a full magnitude brighter than class I M75, which we looked at earlier in the week, can you tell the difference in concentration? For those with GoTo systems, take a quick hop through Ophiuchus and look at the difference between NGC 6356 (class II) and NGC 6426 (class IX). If you want to try one that they can’t even classify? Look no further than M71 in Sagitta. It’s all a wonderful game and the most fun comes from learning!

In the meantime, don’t forget all those other wonderful globular clusters such as 47 Tucanae, Omega Centauri, M56, M92, M28 and a host of others!

Wednesday, August 8 – Today in 2001, the Genesis Solar Particle Sample Return mission was launched. In September of 2004, it crash landed in the Utah desert with its precious payload. Although some of the specimens were contaminated, some did survive the mishap. So what is “star stuff?” Mostly highly charged particles generated from a star’s upper atmosphere and flowing out in a state of matter known as plasma…

Tonight let’s study one of the grandest of all solar winds as we seek out an area about three fingerwidths above the Sagittarius “teapot’s spout” as we have a look at the magnificent M8, the “Lagoon Nebula.”

Visible to the unaided eye as a hazy spot in the Milky Way, fantastic in binoculars, and an area truly worth study in any size scope, this 5200 light-year area of emission, reflection and dark nebulae has a rich history. Its involved star cluster – NGC 6530 – was first discovered by Flamsteed around 1680, and the nebula by Le Gentil in 1747. Cataloged by Lacaille as III.14 about 12 years before Messier listed it as number 8, its brightest region was recorded by John Herschel and the dark nebulae were discovered by Barnard.

Tremendous areas of starbirth are taking place in this region; while young, hot stars excite the gases in a are known as the “Hourglass,” around Herschel star 36 and 9 Sagittarius. Look closely around cluster NGC 6530 for Barnard dark nebulae B89 and B296 at the nebula’s southern edge. No matter how long you chose to swim in the “Lagoon” you will sure find more and more things to delight both the mind and the eye!

Thursday, August 9 – Today in 1976, the Luna 24 mission was launched on a return mission of its own – not to retrieve solar winds samples, but lunar soil! Remember this mission as we take a look at its landing site in the weeks ahead.

Tonight we’ll return to the nebula hunt as we head about a fingerwidth north and just slightly west of M8 for the “Trifid”…

It was discovered by Messier on June 5, 1764, and much to his credit, he described it as a cluster of stars encased in nebulosity. This is truly a wonderful observation since the Trifid could not have been easy given his equipment. Some 20 years later William Herschel (although he usually avoided repeating Messier objects) found M20 of enough interest to assign separate designations to parts of this nebula – IV.41, V.10, V.11, V.12. The word “Trifid” was used to describe its beauty by John Herschel.

While M20 is a very tough call in binoculars, it is not impossible with good conditions to see the light of an area that left its home nearly a millennium ago. Even smaller scopes will pick up this round, hazy patch of both emission and reflection, but you will need aversion to see the dark nebula which divides it. This was cataloged by Barnard as B85. Larger telescopes will find the Trifid as one of the very few objects that actually appears much in the eyepiece as it does in photographs – with each lobe containing beautiful details, rifts and folds best seen at lower powers. Look for its cruciform star cluster and its fueling multiple system while you enjoy this triple treat tonight!

Friday, August 10 – Today in 1966 Lunar Orbiter 1 was successfully launched on its mission to survey the Moon. In the days ahead, we’ll take a look at what this mission sent back!

Tonight we’ll look at another star forming region as we head about a palm’s width north of the lid star (Lambda) in the Sagittarius teapot as we seek out “Omega”…

Easily viewed in binoculars of any size and outstanding in every telescope, the 5000 light-year distant Omega Nebula was first discovered by Philippe Loys de Chéseaux in 1745-46 and later (1764) cataloged by Messier as object 17. This beautiful emission nebula is the product of hot gases excited by the radiation of newly born stars. As part of a vast region of interstellar matter, many of its embedded stars don’t show in photographs, but reveal themselves beautifully to the eye of the telescope. As you look at its unique shape, you realize that many of these areas are obscured by dark dust, and this same dust is often illuminated by the stars themselves.

Often known as the “Swan,” M17 will appear as a huge, glowing check mark or ghostly “2” in the sky – but power up if you use a larger telescope and look for a long, bright streak across its northern edge, with extensions to both the east and north. While the illuminating stars are truly hidden, you will see many glittering points in the structure itself and at least 35 of them are true members of this region spanning about 40 light-years that could contain up to 800 solar masses. It is awesome…

Saturday, August 11 – On this date in 1877, Asaph Hall of the U.S. Naval Observatory was very busy. This night would be the first time he would see Mars’ outer satellite Deimos! Six nights later, he observed Phobos, giving Mars its grand total of two moons.

Tonight after midnight is the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, and this year there’s no Moon! Now let’s sit back and talk about the Perseids while we watch…

The Perseids are undoubtedly the most famous of all meteor showers and never fail to provide an impressive display. Their activity appears in Chinese history as far back as 36 AD. In 1839, Eduard Heis was the first observer to give an hourly count, and discovered their maximum rate was around 160 per hour at that time. He, and other observers, continued their studies in subsequent years to find that this number varied.

Giovanni Schiaparelli was the first to relate the orbit of the Perseids to periodic comet Swift-Tuttle (1862 III). The fall rates have both risen and fallen over the years as the Perseid stream was studied more deeply, and many complex variations were discovered. There are actually four individual streams derived from the comet’s 120 year orbital period which peak on slightly different nights, but tonight through tomorrow morning at dawn is our accepted peak.

Meteors from this shower enter Earth’s atmosphere at a speed of 60 km/sec (134,000 miles per hour), from the general direction of the border between the constellations Perseus and Cassiopeia. While they can be seen anywhere in the sky, if you extend their paths backward, all the true members of the stream will point back to this region of the sky. For best success, position yourself so you are generally facing northeast and get comfortable. The radiant will continue to climb higher in the sky as dawn approaches and the Moon officially becomes new. If you are clouded out, don’t worry. The Perseids will be around for a few more days yet, so continue to keep watch!

Sunday, August 12 – Did you mark your calendar to be up before dawn to view the Perseid meteor shower? Good! Because today is the official date of the New Moon, and hidden from our view the Moon is occulting Mercury as it heads between the Earth and the Sun.

Tonight while darkest skies are on our side, we’ll fly with the “Eagle” as we hop another fingerwidth north of M17 and head for one of the most famous areas of starbirth – IC 4703.

While the open cluster NGC 6611 was first discovered by Chéseaux in 1745-6, it was Charles Messier who cataloged the object as M16 and he was the first to note the nebula IC 4703, more commonly known as the “Eagle.” At 7000 light-years distant, this roughly 7th magnitude cluster and nebula can be spotted in binoculars, but at best it is a hint. As part of the same giant cloud of gas and dust as neighboring M17, the Eagle is also a place of starbirth illuminated by these hot, high energy stellar youngsters which are only about five and a half million years old.

In small to mid-sized telescopes, the cluster of around 20 brighter stars comes alive with a faint nebulosity that tends to be brighter in three areas. For larger telescopes, low power is essential. With good conditions, it is very possible to see areas of dark obscuration and the wonderful “notch” where the Pillars of Creation lie. Immortalized by the Hubble Space telescope, you won’t see them as grand or colorful as it did, but what a thrill to know they are there!

Galactic Collisions Set Quasars Ablaze


Some galaxies are relatively quiet, while others blaze with enough radiation that we can see them clear across the Universe. Astronomers now understand that these quasars are formed when the supermassive black holes at the heart of galaxies are actively feeding on material. But where does this material come from?

What sets quasars off?

New research led by two astronomers from the University of Hawaii, Hai Fu and Alan Stockton, seems to give the answer. When you bring a gas-poor galaxy together with a gas-rich galaxy, the cosmic collision feeds fresh hydrogen and helium directly into the maw of the supermassive black hole. Material backs up, then heats up, and then it blazes across the electromagnetic spectrum. Explosions can detonate in the surrounding accretion disk, hurtling back outward again.

Astronomers have suspected this mechanism was happening, but they weren’t sure where this fuel supply of gas was coming from. Using the Hubble Space Telescope and telescopes on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, the researchers analyzed the chemical constituents of material falling into a distant quasar.

They found that this gas was almost pure hydrogen and helium – mostly untouched since the Big Bang. This is much different from the stars and other material in the surrounding giant galaxy which are polluted with heavier elements like carbon and oxygen. The black hole is getting a fresh supply of uncontaminated material.

This difference means that the infalling gas is coming from an external source, probably from another galaxy which is currently in the process of merging. This material comes in, and it also goes out. The tremendous forces and energies involved expel material away from the black hole, helping it travel thousands of light-years away.

Original Source:Institute for Astronomy

Everything’s Go for Saturday’s Phoenix Lander Launch


All systems look good for Saturday’s launch of NASA Phoenix Mars Lander from Florida’s Cape Canaveral. If everything goes as planned, the latest visitor to the Red Planet will blast off as early as August 4th at 0926 UTC (5:26 am EDT) atop a Boeing Delta II rocket. A second launch windows is also possible later on in the day.

The Delta II rocket will carry the Phoenix into orbit, and then give it a push into its flight trajectory about 90 minutes later. This will begin the 8 month journey to reach the Red Planet; the spacecraft will eventually cover a distance of 679 million kilometres, arriving at Mars on May 25, 2008.

When it reaches Mars, the spacecraft will enter the planet’s atmosphere directly, aiming for a landing spot at 68.35 degrees north latitude – the equivalent of northern Alaska back on Earth. It will reach the surface using a combination of parachutes and retro-rockets.

Once it gets to the ground, the Mars Phoenix Lander is stuck; it’s a lander, not a rover. It’ll use a collection of scientific instruments, including a long digging arm to investigate its surroundings. Its will be to probe down into the ground beneath the surface, searching for water. The lander’s instruments are designed to search for evidence of periodic melting of the ice. This would help scientists know if this region represents a habitable environment for microbes.

Good luck Phoenix.

Original Source:NASA JPL News Release

Upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse on August 28th, 2007


By the end of August, you might be just cooling down from the excitement of the Perseid meteor show, but it’s time to gather the friends and family again for another fantastic sky show – a total lunar eclipse on Tuesday, August 28th, 2007. This is going to be one of most popular, visible from 5 continents, including most of North America. Got that, set your calendar right now.

If you live in Western North America like me, you know we’ve gotten the short end of the lunar eclipse stick for the past few years. Well, now’s our time to shine in the ruddy glow of a fully eclipsed moon. This is the one we’ve been waiting for.

The eclipse will begin just after midnight August 28th for folks in Pacific Daylight Time – 12:54 am PDT. It won’t look like much in the beginning, but then the Earth’s shadow will slowly start to darken the Moon. Around 2 hours later, at 2:52 am PDT, the eclipse will reach totality, when the Moon is fully in the Earth’s shadow. It will change from grey to red, and stay that way for another 90 minutes. Then it will exit the shadow again just before dawn.

The eclipse will be visible from Australia, Japan, parts of Asia and most of the Americas. Unfortunately, it won’t be visible to observers in Africa or Europe. Since the eclipse gets a late start, we’ll get a good view on the West Coast of North America; as long as you’re willing to stay up late. Eastern observers will need to bring coffee, since their view won’t wrap up until 7:22 am EDT.

Here’s a special web page from NASA on the eclipse, providing diagrams and starting times for this event. I’ll provide another reminder as we get closer to the 28th, I just wanted to make you aware, and encourage you to set that evening aside for a wonderful sky show.

Original Source:NASA Eclipse Information

Asteroid Vesta Formed Quickly, and Early


Asteroid 4 Vesta is the second largest asteroid in the Solar System, stuck between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It was fully formed early on, turning solid and crystallizing within 10 million years of the Solar System’s formation. How do scientists know this? They’ve found a little piece of it right here on Earth. A Vesta meteorite discovered in Antarctica that tells the history of the early Solar System.

A study is being led by researchers from the University of Toronto. Their subject is a volcanic meteorite discovered in Antarctica during a recent survey. The space rock contains tiny zircon crystals that match the chemical makeup of Asteroid Vesta. It belongs to a class of objects called eucrites – meteorites that formed from volcanic activity.

Scientists believe that Vesta was quickly heated, and then melted into a metallic and silcate core, similar to the process that happened here on Earth billions of years ago. The radioactive decay from abundant minerals in the early Solar System was thought to provide the energy for this process.

Based on their analysis, this meteorite – and therefore Vesta – was once boiling rock that quickly turned solid and crystallized. This change, from liquid to solid happened within 10 million years of the Solar System’s formation. This information gives scientists clues about how our own planet solidified out of the Solar System’s protoplanetary disk.

Original Source:University of Toronto News Release

The Origin Discovered for Saturn’s G Ring


When you look at Saturn, it’s easy to see the distinct rings, with dark bands in between them. For some of the rings, scientists think they know their sources: several of the planet’s moons are feeding particles into the rings. The planet’s mysterious G ring has had them puzzled since Cassini first arrived at Saturn in 2004. But now this ring is giving up its secrets.

The particles in Saturn’s G ring are confined to their position through gravitational interaction with Saturn’s moon Mimas. Micrometeoroids collide with the particles, and release even smaller, dust-sized particles. The plasma field generated by Saturn’s magnetic field sweeps through the cloud of particles, and pulls out the finest ones, creating the G ring.

This discovery will be published in the August 2nd issue of the journal Science, and was based on Cassini spacecraft observations in 2004 and 2005. The photos gathered by Cassini have been turned into movies, showcasing an entire orbital revolution. The G ring is revealed as a bright arc on the ring’s inner edge. To see the animation, click here.

Several of Saturn’s other rings are associated with a specific moon. For example, Enceladus’ geysers are supplying material for the E ring. And other moons sculpt and shape the rings, such as the effect that Prometheus and Pandora have on the F ring. But this isn’t the case for the G ring.

The latest Cassini images show that the ring stretches around Saturn like a bright arc 150 km wide, reaching about 1/6th around the planet. It contains about as much mass as a single ice rich moon 100 metres wide. It was seen several times during Cassini’s 2004 arrival at Saturn, but scientists hadn’t worked out where it came from until now.

Original Source:Cassini-Huygens News Release