Enceladus Might Mask the Length of Saturn’s Day

Enceladus. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSIYou’d think it would be an easy question to answer: how long is Saturn’s day? But it’s been a puzzle for astronomers for many years. On other gas planets, astronomers just measure the rotation of their magnetic fields. The problem is that the Ringed Planet’s field rotates slower than the rest of the planet, and it changes.
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Supersonic “Bullets” of Gas Ejected from the Orion Nebula

Orion nebula. Image credit: GeminiThis beautiful photograph shows a small portion of the star-forming Orion Nebula. The strange, wake-like structures are supersonic “bullets” of gas ejected from the nebula. What actually caused these ejections is still unknown, but astronomers think there was a recent violent event that fired them out.
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