Lasers Could Deflect Future Asteroids From Impacting Earth

Asteroid Ida. Image credit: NASA/JPLThe Earth has been bombarded by asteroids in the past, and it’s going to happen again in the future. It’s not a question of “if”, it’s a question of “when”. Keenly aware of the problem, scientists are working on strategies that could prevent an asteroid with Earth in its cross hairs from impacting us.
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NASA’s Next Probe Should Visit Europa

Europa. Image credit: NASA/JPLArizona State University professor Ronald Greeley thinks that NASA’s next flagship mission to the outer planets should be sent to Europa, to help determine if the Jovian moon is a good place to search for life. Greeley presented his rationale at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in San Francisco.
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What’s Up this Week: February 19 – February 25, 2007

NGC 2170. Credit: Doc G., Dick Goddard and Adam Block/NOAO/AURA/NSFMonday, February 19 – Today is the birthday of Nicolas Copernicus. Born in 1473, he was the creator of the modern solar system model which illustrated the retrograde motion of the outer planets. Considering this was well over 530 years ago, and in a rather “unenlightened” time, his revolutionary thinking about what we now consider natural is astounding.
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Podcast: The Fermi Paradox: Where are all the Aliens?

Enrico FermiWe live in a mind bogglingly big Universe filled with countless stars. We know intelligent life evolved here on Earth. It must be common across the Universe, right? But if there’s life out there, how come we haven’t been visited by aliens yet? Why haven’t we even picked up signals from alien television stations? Where’s all the life?
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