Titan’s Purple Halo

Titan’s orange globe surrounded with a soft purple haze. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI Click to enlarge
With its thick, distended atmosphere, Titan’s orange globe shines softly, encircled by a thin halo of purple light-scattering haze.

Images taken using blue, green and red spectral filters were used to create this enhanced-color view; the color images were combined with an ultraviolet view that makes the high-altitude, detached layer of haze visible. The ultraviolet part of the composite image was given a purplish hue to match the bluish-purple color of the upper atmospheric haze seen in visible light.

Small particles that populate high hazes in Titan’s atmosphere scatter short wavelengths more efficiently than longer visible or infrared wavelengths, so the best possible observations of the detached layer are made in ultraviolet light.

The images in this view were taken by the Cassini narrow-angle camera on May 5, 2005, at a distance of approximately 1.4 million kilometers (900,000 miles) from Titan and at a sun-Titan-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 137 degrees. Image scale is 8 kilometers (5 miles) per pixel.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo.

For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov . The Cassini imaging team homepage is at http://ciclops.org .

Original Source: NASA/JPL/SSI News Release.

New Imaging Technique Reveals the Moon’s Secrets

Remote-sensing instruments on SMART-1 scan the Moon’s surface. Image credit: ESA Click to enlarge
ESA’s SMART-1 spacecraft has been surveying the Moon’s surface in visible and near-infrared light using a new technique, never before tried in lunar orbit.

For the last few months, the Advanced Moon Imaging Experiment (AMIE) on board SMART-1, has been opening new ground by attempting multi-spectral imaging in the ‘push-broom’ mode. This technique is particularly suited to colour imaging of the lunar surface.

(Note that ‘colour imaging’ here does not mean natural colour, the colour bands of the AMIE filters are in the infrared region and are selected such that the intensity of the iron absorption line can be determined from brightness ratios of the images.)

In this mode, AMIE takes images along a line on the Moon’s surface perpendicular to the ground track of the spacecraft.

It relies on the orbital motion of the spacecraft to reposition it as it records a sequence of images known as an ‘image swath’.

The AMIE camera on board SMART-1 has fixed-mounted filters which see the Moon in different colour bands. The figure shows four consecutive images taken by AMIE from left to right. The fixed filters are indicated by coloured frames.

The images, taken only a few seconds apart, show how the surface is moving through the different filters. The spacecraft is moving over the Moon’s surface at a speed of more than a kilometre per second!

By combining images showing the same feature on the Moon as seen through different filters, colour information can be obtained. This allows to study the mineralogical composition on the lunar surface, which in turn lets scientists deduce details of the formation of our celestial companion.

Whereas the multi-spectral camera aboard the US Clementine mission had constant illumination conditions, SMART-1’s orbit will offer different viewing angles. AMIE’s views correlated with Clementine data of the same lunar areas will allow scientists to better interpret such spectral data.

Original Source: ESA Portal

Ariane 5 Blasts Off with Two Satellites

Ariane 5 lift off from the Guiana Space Centre. Image credit: ESA Click to enlarge
The second member of Europe’s new generation of weather satellites has successfully been lifted onto orbit, continuing an uninterrupted series of launch successes since 1977.

This ninth Meteosat satellite, developed on behalf of EUMETSAT under the aegis of the European Space Agency, will reinforce EUMETSAT’s capacity to monitor the Earth atmosphere above Europe, Africa, the Middle-East and the Atlantic Ocean.

MSG-2 (2nd flight model of Meteosat Second Generation) was one of the two payloads of Ariane 5’s latest launch. The European launch vehicle lifted off from the Guiana Space Centre, Europe’s spaceport, in Kourou, French Guiana, at 19:33 local time on 21 December (23:33 CET).

The Ariane 5GS vehicle successfully delivered its two passenger payloads onto a near perfect geostationary transfer orbit. The MSG-2 satellite is now under control of ESA’s European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany, under a contract with EUMETSAT. In the coming days, it will perform a series of orbital manoeuvres using its onboard propulsion system in order to circularize its orbit at geostationary altitude.

“The successful launch of the second Meteosat satellite today reinforces the cooperation between the European Space Agency (ESA) and EUMETSAT in the designing and development of a series of missions devoted to meteorology” said Volker Liebig, ESA’s Director of Earth Observation programmes.

“Two further MSG satellites, planned to be launched, will guarantee continuity of services until around 2018. MSG- 2 improves today the provision of essential data and information for operational weather forecast and sustainable development” he continued.

MSG-2 is the first of three satellites based on the same design and procured by ESA on behalf of EUMETSAT, the European weather satellite organization, founded in 1986 and now encompassing all 17 ESA member states plus Turkey. Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Romania, Serbia-Montenegro, Slovakia and Slovenia are also contributing states to the organisation.

A new eye to watch our weather

The MSG satellites are designed to observe the Earth in twelve spectral bands and to deliver pictures every 15 minutes in visible light, infrared and at water vapour wavelength, with a ground resolution of 1 km. In all, they are able to return 10 times more data than the satellites of the original series.

Weighing about 2 metric tons at launch, the MSGs are twice and half heavier than their predecessors, but about half of this mass is propellant for reaching the operational orbit and station-keeping for about 7 years. They keep the same drum-shaped design but at a larger scale, with a 3.22-m diameter and a height of 3.74 m.

The payload is composed of two radiometers, SEVIRI and GERB. The Spinning Enhanced Visible & Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) observes the Earth in 12 spectral bands in visible light and infrared and delivers a picture of the hemisphere every 15 minutes. This allows to follow closely the development of rapidly evolving weather phenomena like storms, blizzards and fog. Its ground resolution in visible parts of the spectrum is 1 km, in order to monitor highly localized events.

The Global Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) experiment measures the amount of solar radiation reflected into space by the Earth and atmosphere, providing vital information about global climate change.

Besides these two instruments, MSG satellites carry a comprehensive communications payload for satellite operation, data communication and user data dissemination. It also includes a Search and Rescue transponder to relay distress signals from ships, aircraft and others in peril to the emergency services.

Witnessing global climate change

Once in geostationary orbit, MSG-2 will undergo several months of in-orbit commissioning before being operational. A first picture of the Earth captured by the SEVIRI instrument should be released by late January. In summer 2006 , MSG-2 is expected to enter operational service above the Gulf of Guinea, at 0 degree of longitude.

Renamed Meteosat 9, it will replace Meteosat 8 as the primary satellite to monitor the atmosphere and the climate. Meteosat 8 will be moved to 3.4 degrees West as a back-up satellite in order to ensure continuity of service in any circumstance. In addition EUMETSAT still operates the first-generation Meteosat 5, 6 and 7 satellites with an extended coverage over the Indian Ocean.

The MSG programme was decided in 1990 as follow-on to the highly successful original Meteosat series, with the introduction of new, more powerful and more accurate sensors, for a continuous observation of Earth’s atmosphere. With two more satellites currently ordered, the MSG series should provide coverage at least through 2018. This uninterrupted monitoring lasts since the very first Meteosat satellite, which was developed and launched by ESA in 1977. The Meteosat data are a unique testimony on the evolution of the planet’s climate over nearly three decades and its consequences on our weather.

Original Source: ESA Portal

Galaxies Grow Up in Dark Matter Nurseries

An accurate illustration of young galaxies twe<lve billion light years awayClick to enlarge/a>
Astronomers have found clear indications that clumps of dark matter are the nursing grounds for new born galaxies about twelve billion light years away. A single nest of dark matter can nurture several young galaxies. These results from researchers at the Space Telescope Science Institute, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and the University of Tokyo confirm predictions of the currently dominant theory of cosmology known as the Cold Dark Matter model.

Recent studies suggest that dark matter out weighs ordinary matter by a factor of seven. Although dark matter cannot be seen directly through a telescope, it reveals itself to astronomers by its strong gravitational pull on nearby stars and gas, and even galaxies.

Galaxies are often clustered together and how they cluster is determined mostly by gravity.

By studying how galaxies cluster, it is possible to determine how dark matter is distributed and how it affects the birth and growth of galaxies. In the past, it was extremely difficult to study the clustering of young galaxies. Young galaxies appear faint due to their great distances, and finding enough of them to study how they cluster was an observational challenge.

Masami Ouchi from the Space Telescope Science Institute and colleagues used the Subaru telescope and its Suprime-Cam camera to study a piece of the sky in the constellation Cetus (the Whale) called the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Field (SXDS). This piece of sky covers an area five times the size of the full moon. By taking deep and sensitive images of the field in three colors of visible light, the SXDS team was able to find about seventeen thousand (17,000) young galaxies twelve billion light years away. This number is ten times larger than previous studies of such young galaxies.
Based on these data, the team found that:

1) There are many pairs of galaxies with separations less than eight hundred thousand (800,000) light years.
2) Even at large distances, galaxies are strongly clustered.

Both of these results are expected if the galaxies are nestled within clumps of dark matter. The SXDS team compared the observational results in detail to theoretical predictions based on a Cold Dark Matter model by team member Takashi Hamana and found that the average clump of dark matter nests weighs as much as six hundred billion (600,000,000,000) Suns, and that a single clump of dark matter harbors multiple young galaxies.

Independently, Nobunari Kashikawa from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and colleagues also used Subaru’s Suprime-Cam camera to study an area of sky in the constellation Coma Berenices (Berenice’s Hair) called the Subaru Deep Field (SDF). This field is only the size of one full moon but the data available are twice as sensitive as the SXDS field data. The SDF team found about five thousand (5,000) young galaxies at a distance of twelve billion light years, and eight hundred (800) even younger galaxies at a distance of twelve billion five hundred million light years. The SDF team was also able to double check the identities of the young galaxies by taking spectral data of the galaxies with the Subaru and Keck telescopes. The SDF team independently obtained the results 1)+2) described above, and concluded that some single clumps of dark matter harbours multiple young galaxies. In the SDF images, it is possible to see several new born galaxies huddled together in a small area. By comparing the SDF data in detail to high precision computer simulations of the growth of clumps in Cold Dark Matter by team member Masahiro Nagashima of Kyoto University, the SDF team concludes that heavier clumps of dark matter have more bright galaxies, and that this preference produces the correlations found in real observation.

The two teams together have found the first concrete evidence that young galaxies in the early universe are nestled within clumps of dark matter, and that a single clump of dark matter nurses several young galaxies. Both teams took advantage of the Subaru telescope’s unique ability to take deep sensitive images over a large area of sky.

Original Source: NAOJ News Release

Podcast: Plasma Thruster Prototype

If you’re going to fly in space, you need some kind of propulsion system. Chemical rockets can accelerate quickly, but they need a lot of heavy fuel. Ion engines are extremely fuel efficient but don’t generate a lot of power, so they accelerate over months and even years. A new thrusting technology called the Helicon Double Layer Thruster could be even more efficient with its fuel. Dr. Christine Charles from the Australian National University in Canberra is the inventor.
Continue reading “Podcast: Plasma Thruster Prototype”

Podcast: Plasma Thruster Prototype

Dr. Charles and the ANU HDLT team. Image credit: ANU. Click to enlarge.
Listen to the interview: Plasma Thruster Prototype (5.5 MB)

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Fraser: Can you give me some background on the thrusting technology you’ve invented?

Dr. Christine Charles: Okay, this thruster is called the HDLT, which stands for Helicon Double Layer Thruster, and it’s a new type of plasma thruster application into deep space travel. And the background is our expertise in plasma technologies, space plasma, plasma processing for treating surfaces and a variety of other applications.

Fraser: So, the favourite engine of the space exploration set these days is the ion engine, which has demonstrated quite good performance as a fuel efficient engine. How does the engine you’re working on relate to an ion engine? Can you give people some context?

Dr. Charles: Yes, there are some common aspects and some very different aspects. So, first the ion engine has been successfully developed for the past – I don’t know – 50 years or so. It’s quite well developed now. But the HD thruster has some interesting advantages. First, it doesn’t use any electrodes. So in the ion engine, you have a series of grids to accelerate the ion. So our thruster doesn’t have electrodes, we have a new type of acceleration mechanism that we call the Double Layer. This is why we call it HDLT: Helicon Double Layer Thruster. It has no electrodes, so that means it has a long lifetime because you don’t have electrode erosion. And a second, really important aspect is if you look at devices like ion engines, they emit ions. So you need to have an external source of electrons to neutralize these ions, and that’s generally done by having a second device on the side of the thruster which is called a hollow cathode device. In fact you have two devices on an ion engine. And often because they’re afraid that these hollow cathode devices might fail, they put two of them on to increase the lifetime. But in the HDLT, we actually emit a plasma, which in itself contains a supersonic ion beam. So we have the supersonic ion beam, which is the main source of thrust as it exits the thruster, but we also have the plasma which emits just enough electrons to neutralize the beam. So we don’t need this external device which is the neutralizer. That’s very good because it can provide safety, and simplicity – there’s no moving parts – so it makes the HDLT quite attractive for very deep space travel; long lifetime. And another advantage is that because we use a second concept called helicon plasma, it’s a very efficient way of transferring electricity into the charged particles in the plasma. That means we can get really dense plasmas with a lot of ions and we can scale up in power. So, we can probably go up to 100 kilowatts. This hasn’t been done yet here in a prototype, because our first prototype was just 1 kilowatt. But other experiments have suggested that with our type of plasma, we can really scale up in power, and to do that with an ion engine, basically the main thing is that when you go above a few kilowatts, you have to have a cluster of thrusters.

So I would say that it’s really early days for the HDLT, but the main advantages are increased lifetime, simplicity, scalability, and safety. And it’s also quite fuel efficient, which is very good.

Fraser: In terms of performance, ion engines can put out the thrust of the weight of a piece of paper, but they can do it for years and years and build up thrust. You’re saying that you could put out more thrust?

Dr. Charles: At the moment, ion engines are definitely the best in terms of thrust, for kilowatt, at the moment. And the HDLT prototype, which is just a concept and under 1 kilowatt, it doesn’t match the thrust. If you take the example of an ion engine, it typically has 100 milli newtons for one kilowatt. We’re talking probably 3-5 times less at the moment, but you have to see that we haven’t had 20 years of development. It’s early days, and we can certainly improve the technology.

Fraser: And then as I understand now, the European Space Agency has picked up the technology and is doing some in-house testing. And how’s that gone for them?

Dr. Charles: Okay, they had a few projects. The first thing is that we had a grant in Australia from a funding agency, and that was during 2004-2005. And we designed and manufactured the first HDLT prototype, which we brought to ESA last April, and which we tested for a month. We had limited funding so we couldn’t test it for more than a month. And this showed that all aspects of the thruster worked perfectly. But we tested all the powers that we could, and we had different gas pressures, etc. We didn’t have the diagnostics we needed to measure the thrust, so we didn’t know what the actual thrust was. The thrust that we have is what we can measure from the ion beam in Australia – it still has to be done. And it’s based on this very new concept of the double layer, which we had to convince people about. And ESA thought it was really interesting, so they had decided to have an independent study to validate the double layer effect. It’s the basic concept behind the thruster; the acceleration mechanism. So now we really have to see what this is about.

What is a double layer? You can just imagine, it’s like a river and suddenly the bed of the river falls down so that a waterfall is created. Then you have these ions which fall down this waterfall, and get accelerated and then get connected to the rocket with a large exhaust velocity. So the double layer is a potential drop in the plasma. What’s very interesting is that in the HDLT, we don’t have any electrodes; the plasma just decides to do this, by using a certain magnetic field, which is a magnetic bottle or nozzle. And that’s all. So it’s like having the waterfall without pumping the water through. So this is the basic concept.

So ESA had this independent study to validate the concept of the double layer. Have you seen the latest press release?

Fraser: Yes, I have.

Dr. Charles: So there was this latest study by Australia. We have the first prototype, and we have demonstrated some aspects; although, the thrust hasn’t been measured in a space simulation chamber yet. And ESA has also validated the concept behind the thruster, which is this double layer concept. So that’s where we’re at at the moment.

Fraser: So what kinds of missions do you think the HDLT thruster would be better for?

Dr. Charles: It has to be for really long term missions where you’re forced to go slowly, but for a long time. And it’s also has this nice safety aspect. It has the potential to be used for manned spaceflight. So it’s really for deep space missions, or going to Mars… things like that.

Fraser: I see. I guess one of its main advantages here is that it has less moving parts – parts that could break down.

Dr. Charles: And it can be scaled up in power, which is also important. NASA has made a simulation of what type of power you would need to send humans to Mars, and it’s in the megawatt range. So you will have to have the power. You’ll need to be able to scale up your thrusters as well. They need to be able to operate under large power to do the job. What NASA did is show that if you could have a proper plasma thruster, or plasma rocket, you could cut down the time to go to Mars because if you use plasma technology, you can use geodesic trajectories. If you use chemical propulsion, you’ll have more like a ballistic trajectory. So you can cut down on the time travel to Mars for example.

Fraser: So what are the next steps for your research?

Dr. Charles: Well, we’re doing various things in parallel. We’re still working very strongly on the double layer itself because this is a very nice kind of physics that has all kinds of other applications to the aurora, or solar wind acceleration, etc. We also have a new space simulation chamber here at the Australian National University. And we have mounted the prototype, which is back from ESA, into that space simulation chamber. And we’re going to start trying to measure the thrust balance and other ways, probably from January 2006. And there might be other news happening, I don’t know. We’ll see how it goes. We’ll definitely be putting a lot of effort into this subject. It’s very fascinating because many people are interested in the outcome.

HDLT Thruster Information from ANU

Stardust is Almost Home

Artist’s impression of Stardust returning back to Earth. Image credit: NASA/JPL Click to enlarge
NASA’s Stardust mission is nearing Earth after a 4.63 billion kilometer (2.88 billion mile) round-trip journey to return cometary and interstellar dust particles back to Earth. Scientists believe the cargo will help provide answers to fundamental questions about comets and the origins of the solar system.

The velocity of the sample return capsule, as it enters Earth’s atmosphere at 46,440 kilometers per hour (28,860 miles per hour), will be the fastest of any human-made object on record. It surpasses the record set in May 1969 during the return of the Apollo 10 command module. The capsule is scheduled to return on Jan. 15, 2006.

“Comets are some of the most informative occupants of the solar system. The more we can learn from science exploration missions like Stardust, the more we can prepare for human exploration to the moon, Mars and beyond,” said Dr. Mary Cleave, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate.

Several events must occur before scientists can retrieve cosmic samples from the capsule landing at the U.S. Air Force Utah Test and Training Range, southwest of Salt Lake City. Mission navigators will command the spacecraft to perform targeting maneuvers on Jan. 5 and 13. On Jan 14 at 9:57 p.m. PST (12:57 a.m. EST on Jan. 15), Stardust will release its sample return capsule. Four hours later, the capsule will enter Earth’s atmosphere 125 kilometers (410,000 feet) over the Pacific Ocean.

The capsule will release a drogue parachute at approximately 32 kilometers (105,000 feet). Once the capsule has descended to about 3 kilometers (10,000 feet), the main parachute will deploy. The capsule is scheduled to land on the range at 2:12 a.m. PST (5:12 a.m. EST).

After the capsule lands, if conditions allow, a helicopter crew will fly it to the U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, for initial processing. If weather does not allow helicopters to fly, special off-road vehicles will retrieve the capsule and return it to Dugway. Samples will then be moved to a special laboratory at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Houston, where they will be preserved and studied.

“Locked within the cometary particles is unique chemical and physical information that could be the record of the formation of the planets and the materials from which they were made,” said Dr. Don Brownlee, Stardust principal investigator at the University of Washington, Seattle.

NASA expects most of the collected particles to be no more than a third of a millimeter across. Scientists will slice these particle samples into even smaller pieces for study.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. manages the Stardust mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver, developed and operates the spacecraft.

For information about the Stardust mission on the Web, visit http://www.nasa.gov/stardust .

Original Source: NASA News Release

The Source of Killer Electrons

Artist’s illustration of ESA’s Cluster spacecraft floating above Earth. Image credit: ESA Click to enlarge
ESA’s Cluster mission has revealed a new creation mechanism of ‘killer electrons’ – highly energetic electrons that are responsible for damaging satellites and posing a serious hazard to astronauts.

Over the past five years, a series of discoveries by the multi-spacecraft Cluster mission have significantly enhanced our knowledge of how, where and under which conditions these killer electrons are created in Earth?s magnetosphere.

Early satellite measurements in the 1950s revealed the existence of two permanent rings of energetic particles around Earth.

Usually called the ‘Van Allen radiation belts’, they are filled with particles trapped by Earth’s magnetic field. Observations showed that the inner belt contains a fairly stable population of protons, while the outer belt is mainly composed of electrons in a more variable quantity.

Some of the outer belt electrons can be accelerated to very high energies, and it is these ‘killer electrons’ that can penetrate thick shielding and damage sensitive satellite electronics. This intense radiation environment is also a threat to astronauts.

For a long time scientists have been trying to explain why the number of charged particles inside the belts vary so much. Our major breakthrough came when two rare space storms occurred almost back-to-back in October and November 2003.

During the storms, part of the Van Allen radiation belt was drained of electrons and then reformed much closer to the Earth in a region usually thought to be relatively safe for satellites.

When the radiation belts reformed they did not increase according to a long-held theory of particle acceleration, called ‘radial diffusion’. Radial diffusion theory treats Earth’s magnetic field lines as being like elastic bands.

If the bands are plucked, they wobble. If they wobble at the same rate as the particles drifting around the Earth then the particles can be driven across the magnetic field and accelerated. This process is driven by solar activity.

Instead, a team of European and American scientists led by Dr Richard Horne of the British Antarctic Survey, Oxford, UK, used data from Cluster and ground receivers in Antarctica to show that very low frequency waves can cause the particle acceleration and intensify the belts.

These waves, named ‘chorus’, are natural electromagnetic emissions in the audio frequency range. They consist of discrete elements of short duration (less than one second) that sound like the chorus of birds singing at sunrise. These waves are among the most intense in the outer magnetosphere.

The number of ‘killer electrons’ can increase by a factor of a thousand at the peak of a magnetic storm and in the following days. Intense solar activity can also push the outer belt much closer to Earth, therefore subjecting lower altitude satellites to a much harsher environment than they were designed for.

The radial diffusion theory is still valid in some geophysical conditions. Before this discovery, some scientists thought that chorus emissions were not sufficiently efficient to account for the reformation of the outer radiation belt. What Cluster has revealed is that in certain highly disturbed geophysical conditions, chorus emissions are sufficient.

Thanks to the unique multipoint measurements capability of Cluster, the characteristic dimensions of these chorus source regions have been estimated for the first time.

Typical dimensions have been found to be a few hundred kilometres in the direction perpendicular to the Earth’s magnetic field and a few thousands of kilometres in the direction parallel to this.

However, the dimensions found so far are based on case studies. “Under disturbed magnetospheric conditions, the chorus source regions form long and narrow spaghetti-like objects. The question now is whether those very low perpendicular scales are a general property of the chorus mechanism, or just a special case of the analysed observations,” said Ondrej Santolik, of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, and main author of this result.

Due to our increased reliance on space based technologies and communications, the understanding of how, under which conditions and where these killer electrons are created, especially during magnetic storm periods, is of great importance.

Original Source: ESA Portal

Has Beagle 2 Been Found?

Artist’s impression of Beagle 2 lander. Image credit: ESA Click to enlarge
The news that Beagle 2 may have been spotted on the surface of Mars in the immediate vicinity of where it was expected to land was welcomed by the European Space Agency.

ESA?s Mars Express spacecraft had delivered the Beagle 2 lander to Mars on 25 December 2003.

ESA?s Director of Science David Southwood said, “If this turns out to be a definitive sighting then we can feel very pleased not only for the Beagle 2 team but also for everyone else involved in getting the probe to Mars and accurately into its descent.”

“Although the discovery cannot make up for the loss of science, there can be more confidence that Beagle 2 made it down to the surface. The search itself has been not been easy and it says something for the persistence and dedication of the team that this report has emerged.”

It is also important if the scenario of impact, as outlined by the team on the basis of the NASA Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft images, can be further investigated.

“This information, if consolidated, can limit what might have gone wrong two years ago and we can use it to increase our own confidence and faith in the methods used when we next face the challenge of going to Mars,” added Southwood.

ESA received the go-ahead for a new European lander mission to Mars, Exomars, with the subscription by Member States for a new exploration programme, Aurora, just a few weeks ago at the ESA Council of Ministers in Berlin on 5-6 December 2005.

Original Source: ESA Portal

Mission to Mars via Antarctica

Concordia Station in Antarctica. Image credit: IPEV Click to enlarge
A few weeks before leaving for the Antarctic Concordia Station, the Italian-French crew that will spend over one year in one of the harshest, isolated environments on Earth, attended two days of preparatory training at ESA’s Headquarters in Paris, France. During their stay at the research station the crew will participate in a number of ESA experiments ? the outcome of which will help prepare for long-term missions to Mars.

As part of the Aurora Exploration Programme, ESA is considering participating in a human mission to Mars by the year 2030. Research projects are planned or are already underway to develop the technology and knowledge needed. By being involved in programmes that have requirements similar to those of a mission to Mars, ESA will gain experience on how best to prepare for such a challenging mission.

“The Concordia Station is an ideal location as it replicates certain aspects of a Mars mission,” explains Oliver Angerer, ESA’s coordinator for the Concordia research programme. “The crew lives in an extreme environment in one of the most remote places on Earth. During the winter the base is completely cut off with no visitors and no chance for rescue. In such an isolated location, the crew has to learn to be fully self-sufficient.”


Built and operated jointly by the French Polar Institute (Institute Paul Emile Victor, IPEV) and the Italian Antarctic Programme (Consorzio per l?attuazione del Programma Nazionale di Richerche in Antartide, PNRA S.C.r.l.), the Concordia Station was completed in 2004. A letter of intent was signed with IPEV and PNRA in 2002 that enabled ESA to cooperate on some aspects of the project.

Capable of providing home to up to 16 crewmembers in the winter, the station consists of three buildings, which are interlinked by enclosed walkways. Two large cylindrical three-storey buildings provide the station’s main living and working quarters, whilst the third building houses technical equipment, like the electrical power plant and boiler room.

Last November, the first crew finished their winter-over which was dedicated to the technical qualification of the station . The summer season sees a swelling in the number of inhabitants as short-stay scientists take advantage of the less extreme weather (however, mean air temperature is about -30?C during this time!). With the second crew now starting to gather at the remote research station, the summer season also marks a change over of the crew.


Three scientists who are part of the next Concordia winter-over crew have already made the long journey to Antarctica. The rest of the crew, who will leave for the Antarctic research station during December, gathered at ESA’s Headquarters in Paris for two days of pre-departure training. They received briefings about life at Concordia, including aspects such as safety and the implications of the Antarctic Treaty for activities at the station.

The seven crewmembers also heard about research at the station, including two special experiments for which they will act as subjects during their stay. In 2003, ESA coordinated together with the Concordia partners a Research Announcement for medical and psychological research, from which six proposals were selected.

The two experiments, which are the first to be implemented in the coming season, look at psychological adaptation to the environment and the process of developing group identity; issues that will also be important factors for humans travelling to Mars. For this research the crew will complete questionnaires at regular intervals throughout their stay.

ESA’s Mistacoba experiment, which already started a year ago when the first crew started living at the station, will also continue after the crew rotation. Starting from a newly built clean environment, samples are taken from fixed locations in the base as well as from crewmembers themselves. The Mistacoba experiment will provide a profile of how microbes spread and evolve in the station – an isolated and confined environment – over time.


To protect the Antarctic environment, all waste materials must be removed from the Continent. For the Concordia Station, this means that all waste materials have to be appropriately treated. Regarding water, based on ESA life support technologies, ESA developed, together with PNRA and IPEV, a system to recycle the so-called ‘grey water’ collected from showers, laundry and dishwashing, which has been operating for a year in line with the requirements of the Concordia partners.

Other ESA activities for Concordia include the ongoing development of a system to monitor the health and well being of the crew, part of the Long Term Medical Survey (LMTS). Physiological parameters, collected using a vest-like item of clothing, will provide valuable data about the health and fitness of crew during long-term stays in harsh environments.

Real environment

In mid-February the last plane of summer visitors will depart from Concordia leaving the crew to their own devices. “For those nine winter months the crew will experience extreme isolation,” adds Oliver Angerer. “Concordia is a real operational environment, something we would never be able to simulate in a laboratory. This will enhance and complement our research and give us valuable insight we need to prepare for Mars.”

Original Source: ESA Portal