Astrophoto: Lunar Trio By Tom Orff

Astrophotographer Tom Orff took this Moon picture of the three major lunar craters; Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catharina, on the 28th April 2001 from Shenandoah PA, USA. Image was acquired with a Starlight Xpress MX516 CCD camera and an 8″ Celestron Starhopper Dobsonian with a Dob Driver II at 3x prime focus (3600mm focal length (at f/18) with a TeleVue 3x barlow).

Do you have photos you’d like to share? Post them to the Universe Today astrophotography forum or email them to me directly, and I might feature one in Universe Today.

New Revelations About the Planet Under Your Feet

Artist’s conception of the Earth’s inner layers. Image credit: S. Jacobsen, M. Wysession, and G. Caras. Click to enlarge
Recently, seismologists have observed that the speed and direction of seismic waves in Earth?s lower mantle, between 400 and 1,800 miles below the surface, vary tremendously. ?I think we may have discovered why the seismic waves travel so inconsistently there,? stated Jung-Fu Lin.* Lin was with the Carnegie Institution?s Geophysical Laboratory at the time of the study and lead author of the paper published in the July 21, issue of Nature. ?Until this research, scientists have simplified the effects of iron on mantle materials. It is the most abundant transition metal in the planet and our results are not what scientists have predicted,? he continued. ?We may have to reconsider what we think is going in that hidden zone. It?s much more complex than we imagined.?

The crushing pressures in the lower mantle squeeze atoms and electrons so closely together that they interact differently from under normal conditions, even forcing spinning electrons to pair up in orbits. In theory, seismic-wave behavior at those depths may result from the vice-gripping pressure effect on the electron spin-state of iron in lower-mantle materials. Lin?s team performed ultra high-pressure experiments on the most abundant oxide material there, magnesiow?stite (Mg,Fe)O, and found that the changing electron spin states of iron in that mineral drastically affect the elastic properties of magnesiow?stite. The research may explain the complex seismic wave anomalies observed in the lowermost mantle.

As co-author of the study Viktor Struzhkin elaborated: ?This is the first study to demonstrate experimentally that the elasticity of magnesiow?stite significantly changes under lower-mantle pressures ranging from over 500,000 to 1 million times the pressure at sea level (1 atmosphere). Magnesiow?stite, containing 20% iron oxide and 80% magnesium oxide, is believed to constitute roughly 20% of the lower mantle by volume. We found that when subjected to pressures between 530,000 and 660,000 atmospheres the iron?s electron spins went from a high-spin state (unpaired) to a low-spin state (spin-paired). While monitoring the spin-state of iron, we also measured the rate-of-change in the volume (density) of magnesiow?stite through the electronic transition. That information enabled us to determine how seismic velocities will vary across the transition.?

?Surprisingly, bulk seismic waves travel about 15% faster once the electrons of iron are spin-paired in the magnesium-iron oxide,? commented co-author Steven Jacobsen. ?The measured velocity jump across the transition might, therefore, be detectable seismically in the deep mantle.? The experiments were conducted inside a diamond-anvil pressure cell using the intense X-ray light source at the nation’s third-generation synchrotron source, Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago.

?The mysterious lower mantle region can?t be sampled directly. So we have to rely on experimentation and theory. Since what happens in Earth?s interior affects the dynamics of the entire planet, it?s important for us to find out what is causing the unusual behavior of seismic waves in that region,? stated Lin. ?Up to now, earth scientists have understood Earth?s interior by only considering pure oxides and silicates. Our results simply point out that iron, the most abundant transition metal throughout the entire Earth, gives rise to very complex properties in that deep region. We look forward to our next experiments to see if we can refine our understanding of what is happening there,? he concluded.

Original Source: Carnegie Institution News Release

Discovery Set to Launch Tuesday Morning

The Return to Flight mission STS-114 crew. Image credit: NASA/KSC. Click to enlarge
With some work still to go, NASA is moving toward a new launch attempt for the Space Shuttle Discovery Tuesday, July 26, at 10:39 a.m. EDT. Engineers are wrapping up a troubleshooting plan to address a fuel sensor system issue that caused Space Shuttle managers to scrub the first launch attempt for the Return to Flight mission, STS-114.

At a meeting today of the Mission Management Team, Shuttle managers decided on a plan to complete outstanding work on the External Tank’s liquid hydrogen low-level fuel sensor system circuit that runs from the External Tank into the Orbiter. The plan outlines a series of steps that could culminate in a launch next Tuesday. First, engineers will complete tests to look at electromagnetic interference as a factor in the sensor system circuit malfunction. Then, workers will swap circuits for two of the sensors to provide a means to isolate the problem to the wiring or the point sensor box, should the problem recur during the countdown. Next, engineers will shore up the electrical grounding to reduce further the chance of electromagnetic interference with the sensor system.

For a Tuesday launch, the official launch countdown for Discovery will begin Saturday. During the countdown, engineers will closely watch the behavior of the sensor system circuit as the tank is filled with super-cooled propellants.

Including the first launch attempt on Tuesday, there are at least four opportunities for Discovery to launch during the current launch window, which extends until July 31. NASA managers are also looking at the possibility of additional launch opportunities in the first week of August.

For the latest information on the Space Shuttle’s Return to Flight, visit:

Original Source: NASA News Release

A Supernova that Won’t Fade Away

UV image of supernova in spiral galaxy M100. Image credit: ESA/NASA/Immer et al. Click to enlarge
Scientists have found that a star that exploded in 1979 is as bright today in X-ray light as it was when it was discovered years ago, a surprise finding because such objects usually fade significantly after only a few months.

Using ESA?s XMM-Newton space observatory, a team of astronomers has discovered that this supernova, called SN 1979C, shows no sign of fading. The scientists can document a unique history of the star, both before and after the explosion, by studying rings of light left over from the blast, similar to counting rings in a tree trunk.
?This 25-year-old candle in the night has allowed us to study aspects of a star explosion never before seen in such detail,? said Dr Stefan Immler, leader of the team, from NASA?s Goddard Space Flight Center, USA. ?All the important information that usually fades away in a couple of months is still there.?

Among the many unique finds is the history of the star?s stellar wind dating back 16 000 years before the explosion. Such a history is not even known about our Sun. Also, the scientists could measure the density of the material around the star, another first. The lingering mystery, though, is how this star could fade away in visible light yet remain so radiant in X-rays.

Without fuel and thus energy to support their gravity, such stars first implode. The core reaches a critical density, and much of the collapsing matter gets bounced back out violently into space by powerful shockwaves.

Supernovae can outshine an entire galaxy and are often easily seen in neighbouring galaxies with simple amateur telescopes. Supernovae are typically half as bright after about ten days and fade steadily after that, regardless of the wavelength.

SN 1979C has in fact faded in optical light by a factor of 250 becoming barely visible with a good amateur telescope. In X-rays, however, this supernova is still the brightest object in its host galaxy, M100, in the constellation ?Coma Berenices?.

In identifying the history of the star that created SN 1979C, the team found that this star, about 18 times more massive than our Sun, produced fierce stellar winds. That material was flung into space for millions of years, creating concentric rings around the star.

The X-rays – produced after the explosion when the supernova shock caught up with the stellar wind and heated it to a temperature of several million degrees – illuminated 16 000 years? worth of stellar activity.

?We can use the X-ray light from SN 1979C as a ?time machine? to study the life of a dead star long before it exploded,? said Immler.

The detailed analysis was only possible because SN 1979C has not yet faded away. Scientists have 25 years? worth of data in a variety of wavelengths, from radio waves through to optical/ultraviolet and X-rays. They speculate that the abundance of stellar wind has provided ample material to keep SN 1979C glowing so brightly.

The team also captured a rare glimpse of the ultraviolet radiation from the supernova using XMM-Newton. The ultraviolet image independently confirms what the X-ray analysis found: that the circumstellar material ? covering a region 25 times larger than our Solar System – has a relatively high density of 10 000 atoms per cubic centimetre, or about 1000 times denser than the wind from our Sun. The ultraviolet image also shows galaxy M100 in detail never seen before.

?XMM-Newton is known among scientists as a superior X-ray observatory, but the study of SN 1979 demonstrates the importance of the satellite’s simultaneously observing ultraviolet and optical telescope,? said Dr Norbert Schartel, XMM-Newton Project Scientist at ESA’s European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Spain.

Original Source: ESA Portal