Brian Koberlein

A Neutron Star is Unwinding a Companion Star

Astronomers have found a bizarre binary star system where a neutron star orbits with another star. Its companion used to…

2 years ago

A Planet has Whipped Up Spiral Arms Around a Young Star

Astronomers have observed dozens of newly forming stars surrounded by protoplanetary disks. Some look like grooved vinyl records, while others…

2 years ago

Supernovae are the Source of Dust in Early Galaxies

Dust is the building block for much of the Universe, including the planet you were born on. But where did…

2 years ago

Astronomers Map out the Radio Waves Coming From Large Satellite Constellations

You've heard that satellite constellations like Starlink are a problem for astronomers and their telescopes. Because the satellites are communicating…

2 years ago

Did the Pulsar Timing Array Actually Detect Colliding Primordial Black Holes?

With last week's announcement of the gravitational wave background detected by timing arrays, the assumption was that these are the…

2 years ago

The Early Universe Ran in Slow Motion

One of Einstein's predictions is that we should see time moving at different rates at different ages of the Universe.…

2 years ago

Gravitational Waves Can Be Gravitationally Lensed, and This Could Provide Another Way to Measure the Expansion of the Universe

Astronomers can never have enough ways to measure the expansion in the Universe, from nearby stars to distant quasars. A…

2 years ago

A Planet Was Swallowed by a Red Giant, But it Survived

When our Sun runs out of hydrogen fuel in its core, it'll switch to burning helium and bloat up as…

2 years ago

Astronomers Find the Fastest Spider Pulsar, Filling in the Missing Link in Their Evolution

Pulsars are rapidly spinning neutron stars which release blasts of radio waves with atomic clocklike accuracy. The fastest can be…

2 years ago

Nancy Grace Roman and Vera Rubin Will be the Perfect Astronomical Partnership

The Vera Rubin Observatory and the Nancy Grace Roman Telescope are two powerful astronomical instruments due to come online in…

2 years ago