The Large Magellanic Cloud is the closest, brightest dwarf galaxy to the Milky Way—20 times bigger than the full Moon…
One explanation for dark matter is that it's made out of primordial black holes, formed in the earliest moments of…
Although the outer Solar System is mostly empty, there are icy objects drifting within the very limits of detection by…
About 370,000 years after the Big Bang, the Universe had cooled down so light could escape, traveling for billions of…
Researchers have been keeping an eye on the center of a galaxy located about a billion light-years away. Every few…
The Sun is surrounded by the corona, a region of superheated gas above the surface that can be millions of…
The Zone of Avoidance is a region of the sky that's obscured by the disk of the Milky Way. The…
JWST's primary mirror consists of 18 individual segments, each of which can be moved on 6 different axes of freedom.…
The speed of light gives astronomers a special trick when examining the tangled-up gravitational well around a black hole. Researchers…
WST recently turned up hundreds of free-floating rogue planets in the Orion Nebula, 42 in binary configurations. How two Jupiter-mass…