Brian Ventrudo

Happy 10th Birthday, Chandra X-Ray Observatory!

[/caption] Ten years ago, on July 23, 1999, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory was deployed into orbit by the space shuttle…

15 years ago

A Table-Top Test of General Relativity?

[/caption] Even Albert Einstein might have been impressed. His theory of general relativity, which describes how the gravity of a…

15 years ago

Solved: Mystery of Gamma Ray Distribution in the Milky Way

A team of astrophysicists has solved the mystery of the distribution of gamma rays in our Milky Way galaxy.  While…

15 years ago

Australian Astronomers Reveal Image of A Cosmic “Blue Whale”

[/caption] Astronomers at Australia's Commonwealth Scientific Research Organization (CSRIO) have revealed the hidden face of an enormous galaxy called Centaurus…

15 years ago

NASA IBEX Spacecraft Detects Neutral Hydrogen Bouncing Off Moon

[/caption] NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft has made the first observations of fast hydrogen atoms coming from the moon,…

16 years ago

New Sky Survey To Catch Exploding Stars In The Act

[/caption] An innovative new sky survey called the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) will use a 48-inch telescope together with the…

16 years ago

Astronomers Predict Birth of a New Star

[/caption] A computer simulation of the dark nebula Barnard 68 suggests the cloud will collapse into a brand new star…

16 years ago

The Strange Case of Supernova SN2008ha

[/caption] Almost immediately after it was discovered last November by 14-year-old Caroline Moore of the Puckett Observatory Supernova Search Team,…

16 years ago

So Where Is ET, Anyway?

While having lunch with colleagues at Los Alamos National Labs in 1950, physicist Enrico Fermi mused about the likelihood of…

16 years ago

What If There Is Only One Universe?

When it comes to universes, perhaps one is enough after all. Many theories in physics and cosmology require the existence…

16 years ago