R. Jay Gabany

Astrophoto: Centaurus A by Johannes Schedler

Natural disasters are, unfortunately, something that we must contend with. For example, a flash flood can plunge towns into unexpected…

18 years ago

Astrophoto: The North American and Pelican Nebulae by Don Goldman

We live in a universe filled with galaxies. Galaxies are vast gravitationally bound aggregations of hydrogen gas clouds, stars that…

18 years ago

Astrophoto: The Goldilocks Variable in the Dumbbell Nebula by Stefan Heutz

We are very fortunate, and perhaps lucky, to inhabit a planet near a star whose behavior has been relatively monotonous…

19 years ago

Astrophoto: The Crescent Nebula by Nicolas Outters

Nothing lasts forever. Even the stars in space have a beginning and an end. The length of time that a…

19 years ago

Astrophoto: Just North of Antares by Steve Crouch

When you gaze towards a clear moonless night sky, the stars appear as points of light - most are colorless.…

19 years ago

Astrophoto: M83 by Michael Sidonio

Scientists have known the universe is expanding for over eight decades. During this period, many speculated that gravity would eventually…

19 years ago

Astrophoto: The Whirlpool Galaxy by Robert Gendler

The Whirlpool Nebula by Robert Gendler Looking up into the midnight sky, with a faint cool breeze at your neck…

19 years ago

Astrophoto: The Vela Supernova Remnant by Loke Kun Tan

The Vela Supernova Remnant by Loke Kun Tan About 11,000 years ago, around the dawn of human history, a fantastic…

19 years ago

Astrophoto: The Orion Nebula by Rob Gendler

Ask any farmer - if you want to grow prize winning produce you have start with nutrient rich soil. The…

19 years ago