Mark Mortimer

Book Review: Parallel Worlds

Pandora had her box. Adam and Eve had their apple. Physicists have the expanding universe. Whether the universe expands forever…

19 years ago

Book Review: Getting Off the Planet

The first astronauts wanted to be more than passengers in their spaceships. However, undertaking an active role meant that systems,…

19 years ago

Book Review: Europa, the Ocean Moon

Our five senses are all we have to allow our brains to interact with the world outside our bodies. Space…

19 years ago

DVD Review: Dune – Extended Edition

Being a messiah can't be easy. For one thing, you have to have many disadvantaged people to lead. As well,…

19 years ago

Book Review: Saturn V

As rockets go, the Saturn V will remain as the champion of its century. A concerted engineering effort brought theory…

19 years ago

Book Review: On to Mars 2

Mars, both God of War and seductive planet. Its reddish hue bathes us in tempestuous delight, stirring our minds and…

19 years ago

Book Review: Return to the Moon

For anyone who's managed a program, they know that the best time to consider options is before the program begins,…

19 years ago

Book Review: Fred Hoyle’s Universe

Salmon have an heriditary instinct to swim upriver against the stream. The same inate drive pushes some scientists to replace…

19 years ago

Book Review: Apollo 11 – First Men on the Moon

Television, with its 20 second sound bites, has done much to alter our attention spans and our expectations for news…

19 years ago

Book Review: Women in Space

Equality is a rallying call for many. The emancipation of women gave ladies the right to vote, obtain education, achieve…

19 years ago