Paul M. Sutter

Mother of Dragons: Astronomers Peer Inside the “Dragon Cloud”

How did the most massive stars form? Astronomers have debated their origins for decades. One of the biggest problems facing…

2 years ago

The First Radiation Map of the Skies Over Africa

Astronomers have developed a way to cheaply and easily measure the radiation exposure experienced by airline crews over Africa. (more…)

2 years ago

When Clouds Collide, Destruction and Creation Go Hand-in-Hand

All stars are born from the collapse of clouds of dust and gas. But triggering star formation is a tricky…

2 years ago

Astronomers Find Out What Happens to Rocky Planets That Wander too Close to Their Stars

The massive Kepler survey found a treasure trove of exoplanets. But in all that wealth they found three anomalies: what…

2 years ago

Forget the Habitable Zone – We Need to Find the Computational Zone

Astronomers are currently searching for signs of life in the "habitable zones" of nearby stars, which is defined as the…

2 years ago

Physicists Discover that Gravity Can Create Light

Researchers have discovered that in the exotic conditions of the early universe, waves of gravity may have shaken space-time so…

2 years ago

Stars Can Eat Their Planets…and Spit Them Back Out Again

As tragic as it is, engulfment of a planetary object by its stellar parent is a common scenario throughout the…

2 years ago

Watch a Baby Planet Carve Out a Home for Itself

Astronomers have detected a small, compact source embedded in a gap in the disk surrounding a young star. They believe…

2 years ago

The Universe May Have Started with a Dark Big Bang

The Big Bang may have not been alone. The appearance of all the particles and radiation in the universe may…

2 years ago

How do Black Holes Make a Shadow?

It's notoriously difficult to take a picture of a black hole. But when they are surrounded by material we have…

2 years ago