Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast: April 2-4, 2010

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! Have you been out enjoying the Sun? You better be, because the Sun has been enjoying you and putting on quite a show! Once it sets, be sure to look for both Venus and Mercury decorating the western skyline. With the Moon gone off the early evening scene, it’s also time to take on a couple of new galactic open cluster studies to tease your eye with photons! Whenever you’re ready, I’ll see you in the dark…

April 2, 2010 – On this date in 1889, the Harvard Observatory’s 13″ refractor arrived at Mt. Wilson. Just one month later, it went into astronomical service at Lick Observatory, located at Mt. Hamilton. It was here that the largest telescopes in the world resided from 1908 to 1948 – the 60″ for the first decade, then the 100″. This latter mirror is still the largest solid piece ever cast in plate glass, and weighed 4.5 tons. Would you believe it’s just 13″ thick?

This date in 1845, the first photograph of the Sun was taken. Although solar photography and observing is the domain of properly filtered telescopes, no special equipment is necessary to see some effects of the Sun, only the correct conditions. Right now Earth’s magnetosphere and magnetopause (the point of contact) are positioned correctly to interact with the Sun’s influencing interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), and the plasma stream that flows past us as the solar wind. During the time around equinox, this leaves the door wide open for one of the most awesome signs of spring – aurora! Visit the Geophysical Institute to sign up for aurora alerts, and use their tools to help locate the position of Earth’s auroral oval.

So is the Sun active right now? You betcha’. According to Spaceweather.com: “Amateur astronomers around the world are monitoring a huge prominence rising over the Sun’s northeastern limb. Magnetic fields underpinning this magnificent structure are in a state of fairly rapid motion, pulling the plasma to and fro, offering a different profile to every observer. The whole thing could become unstable and collapse.”

After you’ve enjoyed today’s Sun, be sure to watch as it sets for the brilliant appearance of Venus. Look closely to the northwest and you’ll see another planet, too. Mercury has come round from behind the Sun and is visible for a short time. If you don’t spot it at twilight, don’t despair. By week’s end, the two planets will be just 3 degrees apart!

April 3, 2010 – Tonight let’s try for a scattered open cluster, NGC 2281 (RA 06 48 18 Dec +41 05 00) toward the west in Auriga. At magnitude 5.4, NGC 2281 should be visible as a nebulous mist in binoculars on a dark night, but you’ll need a scope and high power to darken the sky enough to see the bright members found near its core.

NGC 2281 is around 1,500 light-years distant and 50 million years old. It can best be found by extending a line from Capella to Beta Aurigae an equal distance east to a pair of 5th magnitude stars separated by a finger-width. NGC 2281 lies less than a degree southeast of the eastern member of this pair (58 Aurigae). When studied photometrically, NGC 2281’s binary stars were found to congregate more toward the center of the cluster, and with more intensity than for single stars alone. With a population of no more than 60 stars, the binaries far outnumber their counterparts!

April 4, 2010 – Today we celebrate the 1809 birth on this date of astronomer Benjamin Peirce. Peirce was a professor of astronomy and mathematics for nearly 40 years and contributed greatly to the discovery of Neptune.

If you like challenging planetary nebulae studies, here’s a good one to try tonight – NGC 2610 (RA 08 33 23 Dec –16 08 58) near the Hydra/Puppis/Pyxis border.

At 13th magnitude, it’s not for the beginner, but a worthy study for seasoned veterans. Its position near two 7th magnitude stars will help reveal its location at low power. Magnify to catch a slightly elliptical shell, a stellar point on its northeast edge, and a wink of a central star. Note NGC 2610 is also cataloged as Herschel IV 65 – another to add to your ‘‘Herschel Hit List!’’

Have a terrific holiday weekend!

This week’s awesome images are: Hooker Telescope courtesy of NASA, latest H-Alpha image courtesy of SOHO, NGC 2281 and NGC 2610 from Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech. We thank you so much!

NGC 1097 Galaxy Jets: They Aren’t Just For Breakfast Anymore

Some 45 million light years away in the direction of the constellation of Fornax, a supermassive black hole is consuming its breakfast… and it doesn’t want just toast and tea. It has a hungry belly and the energetic area surrounding the central black hole is super-heated through its interaction with dust, gas, and other matter. Oh, dear. What can that matter be? Try a smaller galaxy that dared to get too close…

NGC1097 belongs a special class of galaxies called Seyfert – those that produce a specific type of spectrum and are thought to contain active galactic nuclei with super massive black holes. What makes this galaxy even more interesting is the very faint optical “jets” that may be the remnants of a smaller galaxy interaction many years ago.

Like a lingering smear of marmalade or a trail of toast crumbs, these optical jets leave visual and photographic clues as to their origin. In a deep search for neutral hydrogen gas associated with the faint optical “jets” of NGC 1097, researchers using the Very Large Array detected an H I source coincident with a small edge-on spiral or irregular galaxy (NGC 1097B) 12′ southwest of NGC 1097, situated between two jets. In addition, two other sources are noted – but not associated with the optical jets themselves. Click here for full size color image.

Could it be bacon?

According to James Higdon and John Wallin; “The jets’ radio-X-ray spectral energy distribution is most consistent with starlight. However, from their morphology, optical/near-infrared colors, and lack of H I, we argue that the jets are not tidal tails drawn out of NGC 1097’s disk or stars stripped from the elliptical companion NGC 1097A. We also reject in situ star formation in ancient radio jets as this requires essentially 100% conversion of gas into stars on large scales. Instead, we conclude that the jets represent the captured remains of a disrupted dwarf galaxy that passed through the inner few kiloparsecs of NGC 1097’s disk.

We present N-body simulations of such an encounter that reproduce the essential features of NGC 1097’s jets: A long and narrow “X”-shaped morphology centered near the spiral’s nucleus, right-angle bends, and no discernible dwarf galaxy remnant. A series of jetlike distributions are formed, with the earliest appearing ~1.4 Gyr after impact. Well-defined X shapes form only when the more massive galaxy has a strong disk component. Ram-pressure stripping of the dwarf’s interstellar medium would be expected to occur while passing through NGC 1097’s disk, accounting for the jets’ lack of H I and H II. The remnants’ (B-V) color would still agree with observations even after ~3 Gyr of passive evolution, provided the cannibalized dwarf was low-metallicity and dominated by young stars at impact.”

Bu that’s not all that’s on the table…

“The nucleus of the nearby galaxy NGC 1097 is known to host a young, compact (r < 9 pc) nuclear star cluster, as well as a low-luminosity active galactic nucleus (AGN). It has been suggested both that the nuclear stellar cluster is associated with a dusty torus and that low-luminosity AGNs like NGC 1097 do not have the torus predicted by the unified model of AGNs. To investigate these contradictory possibilities we have acquired Gemini/T-ReCS 11.7 and 18.3 ?m images of the central few hundred parsecs of this galaxy at <45 pc angular resolution, in which the nucleus and spectacular, kiloparsec-scale star-forming ring are detected in both bands." says R.E. Mason (et al). "The small-scale mid-IR luminosity implies thermal emission from warm dust close to the central engine. Fitting of torus models shows that the observed mid-IR emission cannot be accounted for by dust heated by the central engine. Rather, the principal source heating the dust in this object is the nuclear star cluster itself, suggesting that the detected dust is not the torus of AGN unified schemes (although it is also possible that the dusty starburst itself could provide the obscuration invoked by the unified model). Comparison of Spitzer IRS and Gemini GNIRS spectra shows that, although PAH bands are strong in the immediate circumnuclear region of the galaxy, PAH emission is weak or absent in the central 19 pc. The lack of PAH emission can probably be explained largely by destruction/ionization of PAH molecules by hard photons from the nuclear star cluster. If NGC 1097 is typical, PAH emission bands may not be a useful tool with which to find very compact nuclear starbursts even in low-luminosity AGNs." And starbursts as recently as 5 years ago from this early rising Seyfert are definitely on the menu... "We report evidence of a recent burst of star formation located within 9 pc of the active nucleus of NGC 1097. The observational signatures of the starburst include UV absorption lines and continuum emission from young stars observed in a small-aperture Hubble Space Telescope spectrum." says T. Storchi-Bergmann (et al). "The importance of this finding is twofold: (1) the proximity of the starburst to the active nucleus and thus its possible association with it, and (2) its obscuration by and apparent association with a dusty absorbing medium, while the broad emission lines appear unobscured, suggesting that the starburst could be embedded in a circumnuclear torus as predicted in the unified model of active galactic nuclei." Can I have eggs with that? Many thanks to NorthernGalactic member, Ken Crawford for his exclusive images. Be sure to check out Ken’s webpages at Imaging Deep Sky.

Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast: March 26 – 28, 2010

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! Are you ready to commit a little lunacy? Then don’t forget to turn off your lights to celebrate Earth Hour and let’s take a much closer look at what’s really lighting up the skies – the Moon. Before you think that lunar observing is boring, or carries a little less weight than deep sky studies, then try your hand at truly identifying some of this weekend’s studies! Some features can be identified with just your eyes.. and if you can do the larger ones with binoculars? You’re good. But why not test out your optics and your skills with some real lunar challenges? Then hit the switch and I’ll see you after dark…

March 26, 2010 – Today, think about a French amateur astronomer who was watching around black spot transit the Sun today in 1859. His name was Lescarbault, and he was sure he’d witnessed a new planet, which he christened ‘‘Vulcan.’’ Nathaniel Bowditch was also born this date in 1773. He also devised the ‘‘Bowditch Curve,’’ which applies in both physics and astronomy. Bowditch’s mathematical and astronomical work during his lifetime earned him many accolades – including election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. While his life took him down many career paths, including celestial navigation, one of his fortes was an article on his observations of the Moon which was published in 1804. Now, 206 years later, let’s step outside and look up…

We start our observing evening with the beautiful Moon as we return first to the ancient and graceful landmark crater Gassendi standing at the north edge of Mare Humorum. The mare itself is around the size of the state of Arkansas and is one of the oldest of the circular maria on the visible surface. As you view the bright ring of Gassendi, look for evidence of the massive impact which may have formed Humorum. It is believed the original crater may have been in excess of 462 kilometers in diameter, indenting the lunar surface almost twice over. Over time, similar smaller strikes formed the many craters around its edges and lava flow gradually gave the area the ridge- and rille-covered floor we see tonight. Its name is the “Sea of Moisture,” but look for its frozen waves in the long dry landscape.

Caught on the northwestern rim of Mare Humorum, look for crater Mersenius. It is a typical Nectarian geological formation, spanning approximately 51 miles in diameter in all directions. Power up in a telescope to look for fine features such as steep slopes supporting newer impact crater Mersenius P and tiny interior craterlet chains. Can you spot white formations and crevices along its terraced walls? How about Rimae Mersenius? Further south you’ll spy tiny Liebig helping to support Mersenius D’s older structure, along with its own small set of mountains known as the Rupes Liebig. Continue to follow the edge of Mare Humorum around the wall known as Rimae Doppelmayer until you reach the shallow old crater Doppelmayer. As you can see, the whole floor fractured crater has been filled with lava flow from Mare Humorum’s formation, pointing to an age older than Humorum itself. Look for a shallow mountain peak in its center – there’s a very good chance this peak is actually higher than the crater walls. Did this crater begin to upwell as it filled? Or did it experience some volcanic activity of its own? Take a closer look at the floor if the lighting is right to spy a small lava dome and evidence of dark pyroclastic deposits – it’s a testament to what once was!

March 27, 2010 – Enjoy your day and think about the importance of the birth of John Pierce in 1910. Pierce undertook the visionary work of communications satellites. Although people scoffed at his ideas, in 1960 he convinced a U.S. agency called NASA to convert a balloon-borne experiment called ‘‘Echo’’ into a radio wave reflector. Thanks to his brilliant work, the next step was the development of Telstar, a satellite that ushered in the modern age of television! Of course, you could always just skip TV tonight and do the Moon instead!

Tonight the great Grimaldi, found in the central region of the Moon near the terminator is the best lunar feature for binoculars. This huge, old basin on the western limb comes from the pre-Nectarian geological period and is definitely at least 4 billion years old. Spanning about 134 miles in diameter and filled with low albedo lava, Grimaldi – like Plato – is a landmark feature that’s easily noticed even without optical aid, but holds wonderful details for study. Using a telescope, take a look at the inner walls of Grimaldi, where you’ll see they have been heavily eroded and worn away by impacts and time. All that’s left now is a series of low hills and ridges – there’s no sharp crater walls to distinguish it. Beyond the basin, an outer wall still remains. If the lighting is right at your time of observation, you’ll notice it appears more strong to the north and west, as opposed to the southeast Rimae Grimaldi. Take a close look at the floor region, too. It’s home to a mascon, too… As well as lunar transient phenomena. Can you spot Lohrmann crater to its north or Riccioli crater to the southeast?

If you would like to see how well you have mastered your telescopic skills, then let’s crater hop. About one Grimaldi length south, you’ll see a narrow black ellipse with a bright rim. This is Rocca. Go the same distance again (and a bit east) to spot a small, shallow crater with a dark floor. This is Cruger, and its lava-filled interior is very similar to another study – Billy. Now look between them. Can you see a couple of tiny dark markings? Believe it or not, this is called Mare Aestatis. It’s not even large enough to be considered a medium-sized crater, but is a mare! Now, hop east and you will see two craters nearly identical in size and depth. The southern crater is Billy – one of the darkest floored areas on the Moon. Inside Billy’s bright rim, you will notice an interior as featureless as a mare. North of Billy is Hansteen, whose interior is much brighter and shows complex details. Comparing the two will show Billy was once filled with smooth lava, while Hansteen avoided that fate and shows its native scarred interior.

For larger telescopes, let’s try a challenging study worthy of your observing skills. Due west of Hansteen you will find a small crater known as Sirsalis near the terminator. It will appear as a small, dark ellipse with a bright west wall along with its twin, Sirsalis B. The feature you will be looking for is the Sirsalis Rille – the longest lunar “wrinkle” presently known. Stretching northeast of Sirsalis and extending 459 kilometers south to the bright rays of Byrgius, this major “crack” in the lunar surface shows several branchings – like a long dry river bed. Geologically forming in the Imbrian period, chances are the Sirsalis Rille is lunar graben. Thanks to Lunar Orbiter images, the evidence points to shifting tectonic plates as the source of this incredible feature.

March 28, 2010 – Tonight the Moon will look nearly full and it is a good time to spot yet another lunar asterism, “The Rabbit in the Moon.” Since the dawn of mankind, we have been gazing at the Moon and seeing fanciful shapes in large lunar features. Tonight, as the Moon rises, is your chance to catch a lunar challenge – “The Rabbit in the Moon.” The “Rabbit” is a compilation of all the dark maria. The Oceanus Procellarum forms the “ear” while Mare Humorum makes the “nose.” The “body” is Mare Imbrium and the “front legs” appear to be Mare Nubium. Mare Serenitatis is the “backside” and the picture is complete where Mare Tranquillitatis and Mare Fecunditatis shape the “hind legs” with Crisium as the “tail.” See the Moon with an imaginative mind and new eyes — and find the “Rabbit.” It’s already out of the hat and in the heavens..

Return to landmark crater Grimaldi and we’ll continue our journey of lunar evolution as we have a look at another walled plain just to the south – Darwin. Named for English naturalist Charles Darwin, this equally old feature bears the scars of the impact the created the Orientale Basin. Look carefully at the slopes in the northeast, for this may very well be material that was thrown there and left to slide back down to the crater floor. Spanning around 130 kilometers in diameter, Darwin’s actual size is only diminished by the fact that we view it on a curve. Its northern and southern shores have almost completely eroded, yet evidence remains of its eastern margin broken by the Rima Darwin which stretches for 280 kilometers. Was there lava here as well? Yes. Evidence still exists in the form of a dome along Darwin’s battered western edge. If the lighting is right, look at the western edge of Darwin for the Montes Cordillera. This is the external mountainous ring of Mare Orientale, and they could range as long as 545 miles in length, 182 miles in width and 18,200 feet in height. Many of the summits reach as much as 5000 feet! Talk about joining the mile high club…

Let’s continue our studies by using an unmistakable landmark feature to help guide us to interesting points on the lunar surface. Even small binoculars will reveal the outstanding presence of crater Tycho with its bright ejecta pattern splashing across the surface. Look closely at one of the brightest of the rays, for it passes over Mare Nubium—the Sea of Clouds. This exceptionally dark, irregular plain stretches out over 563 by 464 kilometers and has many areas worth exploring – but power up on Tycho.

Named for Danish astronomer, Tycho Brahe, this fantastic impact crater is very impressive in even the most modest of optical aids. Spanning 85 km, this lunar feature will be very prominent and unmistakable in the southern hemisphere of the Moon. Tycho’s highly conspicuous ray system supports its origin as an impact crater. The rays span hundreds of kilometers across the lunar surface. Tycho is also one of the youngest of the major features at an astounding age of only 50,000,000 years old! On January 9, 1968 Surveyor 7 – the last lunar robot of its kind – landed quietly at lunar sunrise on Tycho’s slopes. Because previous Surveyor missions provided the Apollo program with all data necessary for manned missions, Surveyor 7’s presence was scientific only. Two weeks later, when the Sun set on the landing site, Surveyor 7 had provided over 21,000 photographs, determined physical and chemical properties associated with the Southern Highland area, and detected laser beams aimed at it from two separate Earth observatories.

Look closely at the bright ray of material thrown across its dark floor from the impact that caused Tycho. It is easy to see that it is laid “over” the surface of the lava flow and this is an important clue to the age of lunar features. One of these rays crosses the Apollo 17 landing site 2000 kilometers from Tycho itself and may have caused a landslide from the mountains where the astronauts sampled. This suggests that Tycho is about 100 million years old. While this might seem like a great age, the Sea Of Clouds could be between 3 to 4 billion years old. Once upon a time, an impact formed its basin as well. Thanks to the Moon’s lack of atmosphere, the lava flow quietly filled the basin and left it as we see it tonight.

Until next week? “Lunatic fringe… We know you’re out there.”

This week’s awesome images are (in order of appearance): Nathaniel Bowditch (historical image), 11 Day Moon courtesy of Peter Lloyd, Mersenius courtesy of Damien Peach, John Pierce (historical image), Grimaldi from the Lunar Orbiter courtesy of NASA, Hansteen and Sirsalis Rille courtesy of Damien Peach, Thirteen Day Moon courtesy of Peter Lloyd, Darwin and Tycho courtesy of Damien Peach and Tycho Rays courtesy of Roger Warner. We thank you so much for sharing!

Earth Hour 2010

Where will you be when the lights go out? Earth Hour 2010 will take place on Saturday, March 27 at 8:30 pm local time. Even though it will spark a tirade of controversy just asking folks to turn off their lights for one hour, let’s see who would rather fight than turn off a switch. In 2009 hundreds of millions of people around the world showed their support and Earth Hour 2010 will continue to be a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to show leadership and be responsible for our future. Do you have what it takes to make such a simple gesture?

Then let’s rock the house…

Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their stand against climate change. A year later Earth Hour had become such a global force that more than 50 million people in 35 countries showed their support by switch off for a simple 60 minutes. Icons stood in dark silence as Sydney Harbour Bridge, The CN Tower in Toronto, The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Colosseum, all did their part as symbols of hope for the future.

Can you still use your imagination? Can you? Then imagine Earth Hour from space…

This year China’s Forbidden City heads up a list of some of the world’s most iconic landmarks that have confirmed their participation in Earth Hour – including The Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. They will be joined by Italy’s Trevi Fountain in Rome and Leaning Tower of Pisa, Big Ben and Houses of Parliament in London, Edinburgh Castle in Scotland, India Gate and Red Fort in Delhi, Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, Bosphorous Bridge in Istanbul, Hohensalzburg Castle in Salzburg, and Independence Angel in Mexico City. They join a comprehensive list of the world’s great man-made marvels and natural wonders, including the Eiffel Tower, Brandenburg Gate, Hiroshima Peace Memorial, Empire State Building, London Eye, Table Mountain, Christ the Redeemer statue, Sydney Opera House and the world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa, which will plunge into darkness for Earth Hour

Before you say “Why bother?” or “My contribution won’t make a difference.”, then think on this… Earth Hour has truly managed to raise our awareness of climate change issues. But there’s more to it than switching off your lights for one hour once a year. It’s all about giving people a voice on the future of our planet and working together. Even if you’d rather fight than flick the switch… you are participating. Whether you are an individual, a business, a school or a city, you can show your support for Earth Hour by turning off your lights at 8.30 pm on March 27 wherever you are on the planet. No one is saying you can’t use your computer or watch television. Bake a pizza and eat it by candlelight with your family! All it takes is the guts to show you understand and care enough to take action.

Do you have what it takes to flip the switch?


The Orion IntelliScope is a computerized object locator unit designed to compliment the Orion SkyQuest XT IntelliScope series of Dobsonian telescopes. It is essentially a handheld data base unit that plugs into a set of encoders mounted in the telescope base and axis – keeping track of the telescope’s position much like cursor and mouse work together on a computer screen. It consists of a two-line backlit LCD screen and illuminated keypad. The Intelliscope unit has an information base of 14,000 objects which include nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, double stars, planets and more.

It is the “more” that makes the Orion Intelliscope considerably different than a “GoTo”…

All computerized telescopes work on the same basic principle. They employ a set of positioning sensors located on the telescope’s ascension and declination axis – its up and down and right to left movement points. On a equatorial mount, these positions can be driven by a small set of servo motors which allows the telescope to automatically move itself to a selected position. These “GoTo” telescopes are a marvel of engineering, but with large aperture comes even a larger price. Traditionally, dobsonian style telescopes are favored by those who desire as much light gathering power as possible – made affordable by simplifying the telescope mount. As with all things, there is a trade-off. With affordable aperture, you lose the ability to “drive”.

The Orion Intelliscope solves the location equation by performing as digital setting circles. The specialized line of Orion SkyQuest XT IntelliScope Dobsonian Telescopes already have a set of high-resolution, 9,216-step digital encoders built into both axis. Simply plug the Computerized Object Locator into the base and you’re equipped to locate and view any of 14,000 celestial objects contained in its data base: : 837 stars (including double and variable stars), 7,840 NGC objects, 5,386 IC objects, 101 Messier objects, 8 major planets, and 99 user-entered objects. The Intelliscope unit features illuminated buttons and a backlit, two-line liquid crystal display (LCD). The intuitive menu buttons allow selection of objects by type (e.g., Planet, Nebula, Cluster, Galaxy) or catalog number (e.g., M57, NGC 253). Press the Tour button to select one of 12 tours of the best objects visible in any given month. Find something that you don’t know what it is? Then use the Intelliscope’s ID button to find out what object you’re viewing, if you’re not sure. The LCD screen provides information about the objects you see, including object type, common name (if any), magnitude, constellation, and a brief visual description.

How is this accomplished? Because the Orion IntelliScope Dobsonian telescope doesn’t employ drive motors, the user must manually move the telescope while watching the Intelliscope controller. A series of celestial coordinates will be displayed, prompting you to move the telescope in the desired direction – then simply watch the “countdown” until the telescope is in the proper position. While this seems easy, it does require some accurate user input to make it work correctly. Because the sky changes nightly, you must enter in the correct time and date. Our position on Earth also affects celestial positioning, so proper terrestrial coordinates must be selected from the database. Once this is entered in, the telescope tube must be leveled to make the “brain” understand the position – then at least two celestial points must be manually located, centered in the eyepiece and entered. This allows the Intelliscope unit to refine the telescope’s position – making its calculations more accurate. Haphazard entries will give you haphazard results!

The Orion Intelliscope Object Locator is a wonderful tool for both beginning and seasoned amateur astronomers. It will enable you to view many more celestial curiosities in an evening – and in a lifetime – than you ever dreamed possible. These telescope pointing systems are actually quite fun! Simply choose the aperture which suits your individual needs best, plug it in and away you go. But note… the IntelliScope Computerized Object Locator is not compatible with other encoder systems or other telescopes. Previous SkyQuest versions and SkyQuest XT Classic Dobsonian telescopes cannot be retrofitted for IntelliScope compatibility.

Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast: March 19-21, 2010

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! As one hemisphere warms, another cools… and so our passion for astronomy can sometimes wax and wane. Why not rekindle your viewing spirit by enjoying some lunar targets this weekend? If you don’t think identifying lunar features with a small pair of binoculars is exciting – then think on this: Using the most simple form of optics, you are viewing details on a distant world that’s a quarter of a million miles away! So what are you waiting for? Get out your binoculars and get ready to enjoy… and I’ll see you in the backyard.

March 19, 2010 – We begin our binocular and small telescope explorations tonight by looking near the center of the lunar terminator to identify and take a closer look at Mare Fecunditatis. Its expanse covers 1463 kilometers in diameter. The combined area of this mare is equal in size to the Great Sandy Desert in Australia—and almost as vacant in interior features. It is home to glasses, pyroxenes, feldspars, oxides, olivines, troilite and metals in its lunar soil, which is called regolith. Studies show the basaltic flow inside of the Fecunditatis basin perhaps occurred all at once, making its chemical composition different from other maria. The lower titanium content means it is between 3.1 and 3.6 billion years old. Stretching out across an area about equal in size to the state of California, the Sea of Fertility’s western edge is home to features we share terrestrially – grabens. These down-dropped areas of landscape between parallel fault lines occur where the crust is stretched to the breaking point. On Earth, these happen along tectonic plates, but on the Moon they are found around basins. The forces created by lava flow increase the weight inside the basin, causing a tension along the border which eventually fault and cause these areas. Look closely along the western shore of Fecunditatis where you will see many such graben features. They are also bordered by parallel fault lines and are quite similar to such terrestrial features as Death Valley in the western United States.

Now aim towards the earthen shore of Mare Fecunditatus and identify the flat, bright oval of a previous study, Langrenus. This is an opportunity to challenge yourself by identifying two small craters just slightly northwest of the mare’s central point – Messier and Messier A – named for the famous French comet hunter – Charles Messier. Scan along the terminator over Mare Fecunditatis about 1/3 its width from west to east for a pair of emerging bright rings. These twin craters will be difficult in binoculars, but not hard for even a small telescope and intermediate power. The easternmost crater is somewhat oval in shape with dimensions of 9 by 11 kilometers. At high power, Messier A to the west appears to have overlapped a smaller crater during its formation and it is slightly larger at 11 by 13 kilometers. For a challenging telescopic note, you’ll find another point of interest to the northwest. Rima Messier is a long surface crack which runs diagonally across Mare Fecunditatis’ northwestern flank and reaches a length of 100 kilometers. Keep the Messiers in mind, for in a few days you will see a pair of “rays” extending out from them.

March 20, 2010 – On the lunar surface tonight, let’s begin with a look at Mare Serenitatus – the “Serene Sea”. On its northeast shore, binoculars will have no trouble spotting the shallow ring of crater Posidonius. Almost flat from eons of lava flows, this crater shows numerous variations in texture along its floor in small telescopes. This huge, old, mountain-walled plain is considered a class V crater and could be as much as 3 billion years old. Spanning 84 by 98 kilometers, you can plainly see Posidonius is shallow – dropping only 2590 meters below the surface. Tonight it will resemble a bright, elliptical pancake on the surface to smaller optics with its ring structure remaining conspicuous to binoculars throughout all lunar phases. However, a telescope is needed to appreciate the many fine features found on Posidonius’ floor. Power up to observe the stepped, stadium-like wall structure and numerous resolvable mountain peaks joining its small, central interior crater. It has its own interior rimae that is especially prominent to the east and a smashing view of trio Posidonius O, I and B on the north crater rim. Adding crater Chacornac to the southeast makes things even more interesting! Did you spot the small punctuation of Daniell to the north?

Now, look a bit south of and east of Posidonius and almost parallel to the terminator for a curious feature known as the Serpentine Ridge, or more properly as Dorsa Smirnov and the accompanying Dorsa Lister. Can you detect the very tiny crater Very in its center? This thin, white line wanders across the western portion of Mare Serenitatus for a distance of about 134 kilometers. In some places it rises as high as 305 meters above the smooth sands. This lunar “wrinkle” is an amazing 10 kilometers wide! Power up in a telescope. The northern portion of the Serpentine Ridge is Dorsa Smirnov until it branches west and becomes Dorsa Lister. If the shadow play is good at your time, you might be lucky enough to resolve Dorsum Nicol, which connects the two. Only about 51 kilometers long, Dorsum Nichol will appear almost as a circular, crater-like feature – but it isn’t. As part of the Mare Serenitatis / Mare Tranquilitatis border, it’s not much more than a just an area where the two distinct lava flows cooled and contracted, causing the surface to heave up, but you’ll also find it’s connected to the Rima Plinius as well.

March 21, 2010 – Tonight on the lunar surface, all of Mare Serenitatis and Mare Tranquillitatis will be revealed, and so it is fitting we should take an even closer look at both the “Serene” and “Tranquil” seas. Formed some 38 million years ago, these two areas of the Moon have been home to most of mankind’s lunar exploration. Somewhere scattered on the basalt landscape on the western edge of Tranquillitatis, a few remains of the Ranger 6 mission lie tossed about, perhaps forming a small impact crater of their own. Its eyes were open, but blinded by a malfunction…forever seeing nothing. To the southwest edge lie the remnants of the successful Ranger 8 mission which sent back 7137 glorious images during the last 23 minutes of its life. Nearby, the intact Surveyor 5 withstood all odds and made space history by managing to perform an alpha particle spectrogram of the soil while withstanding temperatures considerably greater than the boiling point. Not only this, but it also took over 18,000 pictures!

Now let’s go to the southwest edge of Tranquillitatis and visit with the Apollo 11 landing area. Although we can never see the “Eagle” telescopically, we can find where it landed. For telescopes and binoculars the landing area will be found near the terminator along the southern edge of Mare Tranquillitatis. No scope? No problem. Find the dark round area on the lunar northeastern limb – Mare Crisium. Then locate the dark area below that – Mare Fecundatatis. Now look mid-way along the terminator for the dark area that is Mare Tranquillitatis. The bright point west where it joins Mare Nectaris further south is the target for the first men on the Moon. We were there! Telescopically, start tracing the western wall of Tranquillitatis and looking for the small circles of craters Sabine and Ritter which are easily revealed tonight.

Once located, switch to your highest magnification. Look in the smooth sands to the east to see a parallel line of three tiny craters. From west to east, these are Aldrin, Collins, and Armstrong – the only craters to be named for the living. It is here where Apollo 11 touched down, forever changing our perception of space exploration.

“That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Until next week? Ask for the Moon… But keep on reaching for the stars!

This week’s awesome images are (in order of appearance): Crescent Moon and Venus In the Trees courtesy of Mike Romine, Mare Fecunditatus courtesy of Virtual Moon Atlas, Craters Messier and Posidonius courtesy of Damien Peach, “Serpentine Ridge” and Six Day Moon courtesy of Peter Lloyd, Lunar History Area courtesy of Virtual Moon Atlas and “Footstep” courtesy of NASA. We thank you so much!

Astronomy for Kids: Gemini – Twins Everywhere!

Now that we’ve hunted down Orion and been bull ridin’ with Taurus, it’s time for us to discover a pair of celestial brothers – the Gemini twins. Gemini is one of the members of the zodiac which means the imaginary path the Sun, Moon and planets follow across the sky passes through the stars of this constellation. But what happens when you don’t have these solar systems objects to point the way to the pair? Then look over the top of Orion’s left shoulder and you’ll see two bright stars that live about a thumb’s length apart from each other – Castor and Pollux. For many of us, Gemini will be almost directly overhead at sky dark.

The slightly fainter star to the northwest is named Castor, and his almost identical brother star angled away to the southeast is Pollux. If you live where skies are dark, give your eyes plenty of time to adjust and you will begin to see the fainter stars that make up the stick figures of their bodies. Their “feet” will always point towards Orion. Once you understand the positions of the stars, it isn’t hard to see how ancient civilizations connected these two stars as twins! The ancient Romans saw the brothers Romulus and Remus, the two heroes that founded Rome. The Greek astronomers saw the twins Castor and Pollux, sons of the god Zeus. Oddly enough, both cultures believed the brothers were raised by the half-man, half-bull centaur called Chiron. Perhaps because of the nearby constellation of Taurus? It was Chiron who sent them to help Jason and the Argonauts in their quest to find the golden fleece. Legend has it that the twins rescued Jason’s ship from a killer storm and thus earned their place in the sky. Other stories say the twins were born of different fathers, making one mortal and one immortal. Pollux, who would live forever, was an excellent boxer. Castor, who would age normally, was an excellent horseman. When both were called upon to fight in the Trojan war, Castor was killed. Pollux love for his brother was so strong that he could not bear to be parted from him, so he begged Zeus to place them both in the sky as stars. The Arabs also saw this pair of stars as twins, while the Chinese referred to them as Yin and Yang!

But there’s a lot more “twins” here than can just be seen with your eyes alone. Two million year old Castor is also a very special type of “twin” star called a visual binary. This means it has another star that can be seen with a telescope very close to it. The two stars aren’t physically connected to each other, but its twin star is also a twin star! Pollux is also very special, too. Why? Because on on June 16, 2006 it was announced that there is planet just about twice the size of Jupiter orbiting it! The planet’s name is Polydeuces – another derivation of the word twin. In real life, this pair of stars couldn’t be more different than each other if they tried. Castor is a hot, blue/white A-type star – a multiple system located almost 50 light years away from Earth. Pollux is a cooler, singular star – a 35 light year distant orange giant that’s not only more massive than our Sun, but probably younger, too.

If you have binoculars or a telescope, be sure to take a look right around Castor’s big toe on a dark night. Here you will see colorful and bright galactic star cluster known as Messier Object 35. A large telescope will also reveal another nearby star cluster, NGC 2158, too. Another “twin”! There is also a planetary nebula called the “Eskimo” (NGC 2392) near the “arm” of the twin on the left. There are many other clusters and nebulae which are part of the constellation of Gemini, but most are too faint to seen without a large telescope.

Have fun with all your new knowledge of Gemini – the twins!

Gemini Map courtesy of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Mythological Figures courtesy of Stellarium, Constellation photography courtesy of Till Credner, M35 and NGC 2158 courtesy of N.A.Sharp/NOAO/AURA/NSF. Thank you so much!

A Deep Sky Celebration…

If you don’t know this face, then let me introduce you. His name is Ken Crawford and he’s the man “behind the curtain” of some of the most amazing works of astrophotography just this side of the Hubble Space Telescope. This northern California resident embarked on his celestial imaging journey almost a decade ago and his work graces everything from magazines to NASA’s “Astronomy Picture of the Day”. So what does the current President of the Advanced Imaging Conference, Inc. do when the skies are cloudy? Then step inside to find out…

This is a four minute journey through the Cosmos represents thousands of hours of image acquisition and processing. It is a compilation of Ken’s best astrophotography subjects since 2004 and gives tribute to all of us who love deep sky.

“What is amazing to me,” says Ken, “is that the ancient photons are so beautiful to our eyes, and when mixed with music, can be an inspiration to our soul.”

Kick back and enjoy the view. Not only does Ken share his wonderful visions through Imaging Deep Sky, but he also gives his time to the Cameron Park Rotary Community Observatory – as well as sharing his methods and work through presentations at schools, conferences and any gathering interested in what’s out yonder.

Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast: March 12-14, 2010

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! If you’re a die-hard amateur astronomer, then you’ll recognize this as one of the prime times to undergo the rigorous “Messier Marathon” – an all night race to see how many Messier objects you can capture! If you need a bit of assistance, be sure to visit the Guide To Space section of Universe Today where you’ll find plenty of information to help you along with your quest. If you’re into a more quiet weekend, then come along as we discover some galactic star clusters that are a little bit more off the beaten path. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll see you in the backyard…

March 12, 2010 – Today let’s celebrate three births! First comes Simon Newcomb. Born on this date in 1835, Newcomb was a Canadian–American astronomer who was really good with numbers. We have him to thank for ephemerides, those great tables of computed places of celestial bodies over long periods of time. Next is 1824 and Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, a physicist who established the theory of spectral analysis. Kirchhoff’s rule states: ‘‘When light passes through a gas, the gas absorbs the wavelengths it would emit if heated.’’ Kirchhoff was very knowledgeable in the field of electricity as well. In 1845, he proved current would flow at the speed of light in a zero resistance conductor. Last is Dorrit Hoffleit (b. 1906), the author of the Yale Bright Star Catalog. Dorrit enjoyed an 80-year career in astronomy and was one of the last living links to Annie Jump Cannon and the senior women’s astrophysics team at Harvard. In her 100-year life, Hoffleit certainly saw a lot of advances in astronomy!

While this is traditionally a “Messier Marathon Weekend”, tonight we’ll break with tradition and locate 6 Canis Minoris about three finger-widths northwest of Procyon. This normal K-type orange giant is around 560 light-years away from Earth, but aim a telescope its way for an opportunity to study an overlooked open cluster—Dolidze 26 (RA 07 30 06 Dec +11 54 00).

In the eyepiece, you’ll find a faint collection of stars that aren’t related to 6 Canis Minoris. Clusters of this type aren’t highly studied yet, but they belong to a group near in age and population and sharing similar star formation processes. Unlike other open clusters, these odd collections contain peculiar stars that produce very high velocity stellar winds and steady X-ray emission. Although it might not be as splashy as a Messier object, Dolidze 26 may very well accelerate cosmic ray particles!

March 13, 2010 – Today note the 1886 birth of Albert William Stevens, a daring balloonist who took the Explorer II to an altitude of 72,395 feet. He took the first photo showing Earth’s curvature and the first solar eclipse photo of the Moon’s shadow on Earth. Also, salute the 1855 birth on this date of Percival Lowell, who predicted the existence of Pluto (but Clyde Tombaugh was the one who actually discovered it, on Lowell’s 75th birthday!). Sir Percival was a determined soul who spent his life trying to find proof of life on Mars. He founded Lowell Observatory in 1894, where he studied Mars intensively, drawing the Red Planet covered with canals and oases. As Lowell once said: ‘‘Imagination is as vital to any advance in science as learning and precision are essential for starting points.’’

Tonight we’ll look at a bright collection of stars located less than a handspan west of Procyon. Its name is Collinder 106 (RA 06 37 19 Dec +05 57 55).

At a combined magnitude of 4.5, this expansive open cluster can be spotted as a hazy patch with the unaided eye and comes to full resolution with binoculars. It contains only around 14 members, but this widely scattered galactic collection has helped scientists determine size scales and dispersion among groups of its type. Viewed telescopically at low power, the observer will find it rich in background stars and a true delight in a low power, wide field eyepiece. If you’d like a challenge, hop a half degree to the northeast to spot Collinder 111 (RA 06 38 42 Dec +06 54 00). While visually only about one-tenth the apparent size of its larger southwestern neighbor, spare little Collinder 111 also belongs to the same class of open clusters. Who knows what may lurk around these understudied clusters?

March 14, 2010 – Celebrate today’s famous astro births, starting with astronaut Frank Borman (b. 1928), a crew member of Apollo 8, the first manned flight around the Moon. Next, astronaut Eugene Cernan (b. 1934), who floated in space for more than 2 hours during the Gemini 9 mission and piloted Apollo 10. How about Giovanni Schiaparelli (1835), the Italian astronomer who described Mars’s ‘‘canali’’ and named its ‘‘seas’’ and ‘‘continents.’’ Schiaparelli’s comet studies demonstrated that meteoroid swarms existed in the path of cometary orbits, and thus predicted annual meteor showers. He was first to suggest that Mercury and Venus rotate and discovered the asteroid Hesperia. Still not enough? Then wish a happy birthday to Albert Einstein (b. 1879), the German–American physicist considered the most brilliant intellect in human history!

For a moment let’s reflect on Einstein’s Cross, proof of his genius. We can’t observe this Pegasus based gravitational lens right now, but we can try to understand Einstein’s theory of gravity as an effect of the curvature in space–time. For example, if you draw a line around the center of a ball, the line would be straight, eventually coming back to its point of origin. We don’t see the point until we reach it, but we know it’s there. Einstein knew this dimension existed and predicted any object with mass will bend space and time around it, just like our line around the ball. He predicted light would also follow a curved path around an object. . .such as a distant quasar located behind a closer galaxy!

Tonight’s object is a ‘‘cross’’ of stars that we’ll dub “Einstein’s Asterism”. Begin at Procyon and shift about 10 degrees southwest (or 2 degrees south of 18 Monocerotis) to locate this pretty grouping of stars. Yes it’s true. It’s just an unknown, undocumented, and unnamed asterism, but how fitting to honor all these famous astro figures and a brilliant man who once said: ‘‘The fairest thing in life we can experience is the mysterious. It. . .stands at the cradle of true art and true science.’’

Until next week, best of luck and clear skies to our marathoning friends!

This week’s awesome images are a historical collection of famous astronomers, “Einstein’s Cross” as imaged by the HST and provided by NASA, and all the great cluster images as done by Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech. We thank you so much!

Taking The Pulse Of A Supernova – NGC 4490

NGC 4490/4485 – T. Grossman, D. Hager and R. Johnson

Way out yonder some 40 to 50 million light years away in the constellation of Canes Venetici is a pair of interacting galaxies sometimes referred to as “The Cocoon”. These two mis-shaped blobs of star stuff have already made their closest approach to each other and are now parting ways. Between them stretches a trail of stars that spans some 24,000 light years as they face each other showing off their numerous star-forming regions. But where there is life… There is death. Let’s put our finger right on the pulse of a supernova. Continue reading “Taking The Pulse Of A Supernova – NGC 4490”