Mars, Messier 44 and the Ecliptic Plane…

Have you been watching the sweet movements of Mars as it cruises across the starry nights? Perhaps, like many of us, you’re snowed in right now and could use a little mental and visual inspiration. If so, then step inside and let’s take a look at what it’s like to enjoy clear, dark skies while riding on the ecliptic plane…

This sumptuous image was taken.. well, tomorrow, actually. If you’re into stellar patterns, then it didn’t take you long to notice the stars were “upside down” in relation to the background – a sure clue it came from the southern hemisphere. And you’d be right! The photo is a ten-second exposure taken with a tripod mounted Nikon camera and done by the one and only “Tasmanian Devil” – Shevill Mathers. (And how I’d love to be exposed to 10 seconds of that kind of sky action!)

Can you imagine just stepping out your back door and seeing the stars so bright and beautiful? For those of us who may never get a chance to travel out of our earthly hemisphere, the vision would be incredible – but all wrong for what we know. Why? Because we’re simply accustomed to certain things being in a certain place in the sky, and one of the most imprinted of all is the ecliptic plane. Nope, it’s not a flight you can hop to another country where the weather is warmer, but it is the apparent path the Sun follows across the sky during the year and the projection of the Earth’s orbital plane onto the celestial sphere. The ecliptic plane would seem to move to the east along this imaginary spherical surface, the celestial sphere, in relation to the fixed stars. In this case, the (well, almost) fixed set of stars we’re looking at is Messier Object 44, but where will Mars go next? Not precisely in the direction you might think.

While we might believe the planets also follow the ecliptic plane exactly, that’s just not so. Our solar system members follow the invariable plane of a planetary system, also called Laplace’s invariable plane. Without getting too technical, this means a slight change in the magnitude of the angular momentum of the planets, as well as a change in their direction (precession) because the rotational axes are not parallel to the orbital axes. Add to that the galactic plane and set everything spinning. If you think that’s confusing, then just imagine the ecliptic being on the “wrong” side of the sky!

Whether it’s right or wrong, Mars and Messier 44 will still be dancing around with each other for many days yet to come. Be sure to catch this lovely vision and try not to get dizzy!

Many thanks to Shevill Mathers for sharing a southern summer night with us!

Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast: February 5-7, 2010

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! If you’re not about to get buried under a blanket of snow, then why not spend some time out under blanket of stars with this weekend’s stellar project? This four star adventure is sure to warm you up. Need more? Then I’ll show you were to look for a comet and a “snow ball” of stars! Of course, we’ve got plenty to learn about the history and mystery of what we’re looking at, so whenever you’re ready? I’ll see you in the backyard…

Friday, February 5, 2010 – On this date in 1963, Maarten Schmidt measured the first quasar redshift, and in 1974, Mariner 10 took the first close-up images of Venus. This date in 1971 was also important for two men named Shepard and Mitchell, whose Apollo 14 module had just touched down in the Fra Mauro highlands. At 14:54 UTC, Alan Shepard stepped onto the surface and said, ‘‘It’s been a long way, but we’re here.’’

If you think these two Apollo astronauts traveled a long way, then let’s take a look at some stars that have been at if for a couple of million years! Near the heart of the Orion Nebula, two massive binary stars were involved in a head-on collision, exchanging stars. Iota Orionis became a new binary system, but two ‘‘runaways’’ left the scene of the accident at a speed of 200 kilometers per second. Tonight we’ll look at these two challenging stars – one to the north and one to the south.

North is AE Aurigae (RA 05 16 18 Dec +34 18 44). Its two-letter designation shows AE is a variable star, and it flirts with unaided visibility between magnitudes 5 and 6. On a dark night, you can usually spot AE hanging out on the northwestern perimeter of a spangle of stars about two finger-widths east of Iota Aurigae. With a distance of 1,450 light-years, it’s not surprising that its faint, but AE would be a full magnitude brighter if it wasn’t in a dust cloud! AE Aurigae is a hot star, and its simple spectrum and rapid movement against the interstellar medium make it ideal for studying these primal gases. Examined with a telescope at low magnification, you can enjoy the illumination created by the ‘‘Flaming Star’’!

To the south is our runaway collision victim Mu Columbae. Draw an imaginary line due south from the Orion Nebula past Lepus, and you’ll encounter dim Mu (RA 05 45 59 Dec -32 18 23) just northeast of Alpha Columbae. Cruising along at 117 kilometers per second, this white-hot star sheds about one-tenth of a millionth of its mass every year. Holding a steady magnitude 5, and now 1,300 light-years distant, Mu is one of the very few of its type easily seen by the unaided eye. What can’t be seen, however, is the signature left by the star in the warm interstellar medium. Like footprints in the sand, high-resolution spectrographs show the moving star left a trail in its wake!

Are you ready to take on a more challenging traveler? Then why not seek out 11.8 magnitude Comet Tritton! Now cruising through the constellation of Aries (RA 1h 53.5m Dec 17° 39′), this faint fuzzy won’t be the easiest of targets to spot – but then it wouldn’t be a challenge, would it? Comet 157P Tritton was discovered by Keith Tritton (U. K. Schmidt Telescope Unit, Coonabarabran) on a deep IIIa-J exposure made with the 122-cm Schmidt telescope on February 11, 1978. Now, almost 32 years later to the date, it’s back again on its every 6.33 year journey around our Sun. Although it won’t reach perihelion until February 20, its original estimated return brightness was only expected to reach magnitude 16 and now it is far exceeding expectations. Don’t expect to see a flaming ball exhibiting a tail because that’s not going to happen… but congratulate yourself if you spot a diffuse, round area about the size of a small planetary nebula!

Saturday, February 6, 2010 – This date marks the 1991 fiery return of the Soviet space station Salyut 7. Launched in 1982, electrical and maneuvering problems plagued the mission, but cosmonauts were able to stay onboard for as long as 8 months before returning. Abandoned in 1986, equipment and supplies were transferred to the orbiting Mir. If you’d like to spot a space station, why not use a great tool like Heavens Above to let you know when and where to look for the ISS!

Tonight, our traveling project concludes at the tip of Orion’s sword – Iota Orionis – the third player in our ‘‘runaway’’ drama (RA 05 35 25 Dec -05 54 35).

Hatsya (Bright One of the Sword) is a spectroscopic binary resulting from the collision we studied yesterday. Iota consists of two powerful, white hot suns, orbiting less than one Astronomical Unit (AU) apart and nearly touching at one point during their monthly orbit – a powerful X-ray source! In binoculars, Hatsya appears in a charming collection of stars, while small telescopes reveal a colorful red/blue triple system. Surrounding Iota is a faint stardust nebula, NGC 1980, often mistaken as part of M42.

Now hop down to Lepus for a faint, round, fuzzy object that’s achievable in a small telescope or binoculars – Messier Object 79 (RA 05 24 10 Dec +24 31 27).

In small binoculars this small cluster is nothing more than a faint stellar snowball, but the true beauty of this object is revealed in large telescopes. Behold a globular cluster, one of many densely packed balls of stars that mainly congregate near our galactic center. Discovered by Pierre Mechain and cataloged by Messier in 1780, M79 is on the opposite side of our galaxy, and about 4,200 light-years away. Spanning 118 light-years, this starry sphere may not be an original member of our galaxy at all but an import. Although we can’t see it happening, the Canis Major Dwarf galaxy is slowly being incorporated into our own system, and M79 might very well be a product of this union! Thanks to Mechain and Messier’s careful notes, William Herschel later recovered M79 and resolved its stars. Although the practice of maintaining an astronomy diary isn’t for everyone, keeping simple records is very rewarding. Make note of the object’s appearance, equipment used, and sky conditions. Observing diaries just like those of Messier and Me´chain have led countless astronomers along the road of discovery to all the deep-sky objects we know today!

Sunday, February 7, 2010 – On this date in 1889, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific was born. In 1926 celebrated cosmonaut Konstantin Feoktistov, who flew Voskhod 1 and helped design Salyut and Mir, was born. Yet most noteworthy today is the 1824 birth of amateur astronomer William Huggins. By age 30, he’d built his own private observatory and through his studies made important contributions to astronomy. According to scientists Kirchoff and Bunsen, the chemical composition of minerals could be determined from their spectral signatures. The inquisitive Huggins began comparing mineral samples to the spectra of celestial objects. Although his experimental methods were crude by today’s standards, his calculations were perfect. Huggins proved the spectrum of the Orion Nebula was like that of a pure gaseous emission, while the spectrum of the Andromeda Nebula was similar to that of starlight – and this long before confirmation of its galactic nature!

Huggins was also the first amateur to measure the radial velocities of stars from their spectral shifts. Although most people assume only professional scientists can make such measurements, many of today’s amateurs (unpaid, but not unskilled!) have measured spectra. Tonight let’s look at a star whose radial velocity has been studied both professionally and personally – Kappa Orionis (RA 05 47 45 Dec -09 40 10).

Named Saiph, it’s the often-overlooked eastern ‘‘foot’’ of Orion. According to spectral analysis, this 722 light-year distant blue supergiant star is moving away from us at 21 kilometers per second. Roughly the same type, size, and distance as Rigel, it looks far fainter. But why? Oddly enough, Saiph has an extremely high temperature, burning more than 1,500 K hotter. Near the point where helium fusion replaces hydrogen fusion, the majority of its variable light output is in the ultraviolet band. And as Huggins once said: ‘‘It is remarkable that the elements diffused through the host of stars are some of the most closely connected with the living organisms of our globe.’’

Until next week? Dodge the snow flakes and dance in the starlight!

This week’s awesome image are (in order of appearance): AE Aurigae and Mu Columbae – Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech, Comet Tritton rough finder chart courtesy of Heavens Above, Salyut 7 as seen from orbiting Soyuz courtesy of NASA, Iota Orionis and Messier 79 – Palomar Observatory courtesy of Caltech, William Huggins historical image and Kappa Orionis – Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caletch. We thank you so much!

Journey Around A Black Hole – Epsilon Aurigae

Now that the Moon is absent from the early evening picture, are you ready to journey around a black hole? It’s not an easy observation, but it is one that doesn’t require highly specialized equipment and its not difficult to find. Can you identify Capella? Then let’s rock…

Using the map below to help you identify the constellation of Auriga, you won’t have any problem picking out the sixth brightest star in the northern hemisphere night – bright, yellowish-white Capella. While Alpa Aurigae is an interested spectroscopic binary star, it’s not our target. If your skies are fairly dark, look a few fingerwidths southwest for much dimmer Epsilon (the backward 3 on our map). Epsilon Aurigae is an eclipsing binary star, but one that has an extraordinarily long period -27.1 years. While it only drops .8 of a magnitude, it’s dark companion is a 10-12 solar mass black hole. According to studies done by Wilson and Cameron a ring of obscuring material surrounds the black hole and accounts for the magnitude drop. And it’s dropping now!

According to AAVSO Special Notice #192 prepared by Aaron Price: “Epsilon Aurigae continues to progress through its first eclipse since 1982-84. Visual and photometric observation means place it at around magnitude 3.7-3.8. Totality was likely reached sometime in January, but it will take some time to analyze the data to establish a specific date. Totality is expected to last about 15 months, but the system is not expected to remain quiet during this time. Small amplitude modulations are being detected which are likely not associated with the eclipse itself. However, their exact source is still debated. The amplitude of these modulations are at the limit of the average observer’s ability to detect visually. Therefore this may make a nice, challenging system to test your eyes. Right now, Epsilon Aurigae is well placed for observing high in the sky right after dusk.

In addition to these modulations, a mid-eclipse brightening of a few tenths of a magnitude have been reported in past eclipses. If confirmed, it would contribute significantly to our understanding of the structure of the eclipsing disk of material. The problem is this will happen next summer when epsilon Aurigae is near solar conjunction. So observations very early in the morning later this season will be very important. It may be a good idea to begin practicing twilight observations right now.”

What will it look like? Just a barely perceptible change in brightness, but observers interested in DSLR or photoelectric photometers may want to use this project as an entry point. A team of observers is working on a series of tutorials on the Citizen Sky web site. General information regarding the Epsilon Aurigae campaign and a series of online discussion forums can be found at the Citizen Sky web site. Information is also available to submit your observations to the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO), too!

Journey around a black hole… If you dare!

Epsilon Aurigae illustration is courtesy of Nico Camargo.

Mars Rover? Nah… Southern Spirit!

While this desolate looking red landscape looks like it might be part of the Martian surface, it’s actually a bit closer to home. The Great Southern Rail, which launched a luxury train crossing Australia from Darwin to Adelaide, has christened one of its lines the “Ghan” after the original ships of the desert – camels – and its other line the Southern Spirit. The Southern Spirit joins the Ghan, which runs south to north, and the Indian Pacific, which runs east to west, as a grand rail adventure of world standard. The remarkable difference about the Southern Spirit is that it will traverse the country both east to west and north to south and offer an adventure you might never associate with a rail trip… Astronomy!

Astronomer Dave Reneke from Australasian Science magazine was invited by Great Southern Railways to take part in the inaugural rail journey of Spirit across Australia as a “stellar” guest speaker on this astronomy themed journey. He and partner Robin were part of the initial journey, following a route from Uluru and Alice Springs, down into South Australia then across to Melbourne and into southern NSW. But these trips are more than just a ride, the exclusive tours are designed so you can pause and savor the essence of Australia as The Southern Spirit winds its way through a rich tapestry of landscapes. “It’s an amazing country and the outback skies are so clear,” David said. “The passengers loved it, and we did too!”

David gave a series of lectures each time on-board the train and organized a night at the ‘Dish’ – the famous Parkes Radio telescope. The Parkes telescope was built about the same time as the Green Bank 140 foot telescope, but it has an excellent alt-az design and is still in active use, with multibeam receivers making HI and pulsar surveys of the southern sky. However, its claim to international fame is because Parkes is where the first Moon landing images were received in 1969. A feature of the “Spirit” adventure is an opportunity to attend a short talk by their resident lecturer, Mikalya, about what really did and didn’t happen on that day, as portrayed in the movie. Needless to say, the information was enthusiastically received and astronomy went back on the rails again. “Onboard the train you couldn’t ask for better service.” David said. “This is one of the great rail journeys of the world and I look forward to going again next year.”

Since becoming a radio correspondent, writer, lecturer and media personality, David has carved out a solid international profile and astronomical reputation. Not only is there a lot of space out there, but it’s a big year ahead and Reneke is set to continue his popular Astronomy Outreach program for Aussie schools, expand his writing portfolio and taking part in other exotic astronomy tours.

Maybe his next stop really will be Mars?

The Full Moon and Mars…

Friday’s close conjunction of the full Moon and Mars was spectacular… “if” you weren’t surrounded by clouds! Did you get a chance to see it – or better yet take a photo? Then why not share…

Thanks to some time zone differences, not only was the Moon “full” on January 29, 2010 – it was also the “blue” Moon for observers in Tasmania and Australia. Even though skies were cloudy there as well, Shevill Mathers of Southern Cross Observatory had an opportunity to photograph the pair just before an upcoming storm.

As luck would have it, the view was pretty much the same worldwide, but perhaps some of you caught the solar system dance in a photo of your own? Then why not share with the rest of us. Feel free to post a link to your image!

And keep on rockin’ the night….

“Horsefeathers” – NGC 7770/71 Galaxy Group by Ken Crawford

Away in Pegasus and 225 million light years from Earth, a barred spiral galaxy designated as NGC 7771 spans across 164,000 light years of space. It is a part of a small galaxy group consisting of lenticular galaxy NGC 7770 to the south and edge-on NGC 7771A to the west connected to magnificent spiral NGC 7769. But horsefeathers doesn’t mean this little clump of galactic partners is nonsense… Horsefeathers are what we need to make an intergalactic duster just to see them!

“This interacting group of galaxies reside behind an amazing amount of foreground dust. This high latitude dust reflects the light from our own galaxy.” says astrophotographer, Ken Crawford. “This dust makes color changes by scattering light, especially blue light making image processing a challenge. This dust is very faint and I enhanced it to make it easier to see its interesting structures.”

Not only does looking through a dust cloud make imaging galactic structure more difficult, but it also makes studying galactic structure more difficult, too. “We present a multiwavelength study of the interacting starburst galaxy NGC 7771, including new optical and ultraviolet spectra and a previously unpublished soft X-ray ROSAT image and spectrum. The FIR, radio, and X-ray fluxes suggest that a massive burst of star formation is currently in progress, but the small equivalent width of the Balmer emission lines, the weak UV flux, the low abundance of ionized oxygen, and the shape of the optical spectrum lead us to conclude that there are few O stars. This might normally suggest that star formation has ceased, but the barred gravitational potential and large gas reserves of the galaxy imply that this should not be so, and we therefore consider other explanations.” says Richard Davies, et al. “We argue that the observations cannot be due to effects of geometry, density-bounded nebulae, or dust within the nebulae, and conclude that a truncated IMF is required. The dwarf galaxy NGC 7770 appears to be in the initial stages of a merger with NGC 7771, and the resulting tidal perturbations may have induced the apparent two-armed spiral pattern, and driven a substantial fraction of the disk gas inwards. The presence of a bulge in NGC 7771 may be moderating the starburst so that, while still occurring on a large scale with a supernova rate of 0.8-1/yr, it is less violent and the IMF has a relatively low upper mass limit. We find that there is a cluster of stars obscuring part of the starburst region, and we offer an explanation of its origin.”

Through Ken’s mastery of imaging, we don’t need quite such sophisticated equipment to take a look at all the action going on with the NGC 7771 grouping. The primary galaxy’s well known starburst ring easily distinguishes itself and the tidal tails of its interacting companions come to light. Is it possible this giant molecular dust cloud could be contributing to the rapid formation of stars? Or… Is the region itself causing all the dust?

“Many statistical studies of interacting galaxies have shown that galaxy interactions can enhance star-forming activity. Luminous infrared galaxies are galaxies which emit the bulk of their energy in the far-infrared (FIR) and often show signs of interaction, such as tidal tails, multiple nuclei, or disturbed outer envelopes. LIRGs are considered to be extreme objects, where strong starbursts are induced by galaxy interactions, because in many such objects star formation can account for the infrared emission.” says T. Hattori (et al). “Theoretical work supports the idea that interactions play an important role in stimulating starbursts in galaxies. Numerical simulations of merging gas-rich spiral galaxies show that during the merging process, gas clouds lose their angular momentum and flow into the circumnuclear region of the host galaxies. The resulting high concentration of molecular gas can fuel star-formation activity in the circumnuclear region. This is consistent with compact nuclear starbursts and gas condensation in ultra-luminous infrared galaxies observed in mid-infrared. Therefore, a nuclear starburst triggered by gas inflow has generally been assumed to be the mechanism for producing enhanced star formation in interacting galaxies.”

Although it sounds good in theory, the reality check is the dust is between us and the galaxy grouping – like a thin fog seen at a great distance. Says Ken, “The interesting fact is this dust is illuminated by our own galaxy and reflected back to us. This dust scatters light, especially the blue light and this scattering is called light extinction. Light extinction plays havoc on color balance when it is this prominent and it makes processing a challenge.”

It’s a challenge we’re glad you took on… Because the results are amazing!

Many thanks to outstanding astrophotographer Ken Crawford for sharing his amazing work with us…

Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast: January 29-31, 2010

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! The Full Moon and Mars… the Full Moon and Mars… Will they be as big as each other? Or dance with the stars? Be sure to take time out of your busy evening to at least step outside to check out this relatively close visual pairing. You might not need a telescope for the weekend conjunction, but be sure to bring one along as we check out some very special stars along the way! Now, let’s wait on the Sun to set and I’ll see you in the back yard….

Friday, January 29, 2010 – Although the internet will probably light up with a plethora of mis-information, the truth is that the full Moon and Mars are going to be putting on quite a show in the sky as they pair up for a conjunction. Mars is now at opposition – which means it rises directly opposite the Sun in the sky and is viewable all night. Coincidentally, so is the first Full Moon of 2010! Although positions will vary slightly depending on your viewing area and time, the show will begin as the pair rises side by side just after local sunset, appear overhead at local midnight and set to the west as the Sun rises again, never straying more than about 6 degrees apart. If your skies are cloudy tonight? Hey… Don’t be upset. Just look again on Saturday when the Moon switches “sides”!

But the planetary alignment fun doesn’t end there. Keep watching as the Moon tracks away from Mars and heads towards Saturn! It’s a great lesson on how to see exactly where the ecliptic plane is in your local sky. By Tuesday, February 2, 2010 the waning wanderer will also make a very close pass at the ringed planet as it moves along the ecliptic in clockwork fashion. While you’re there, be sure to turn a telescope towards 204 light year distant Eta Virginis, just south of Saturn. It’s name is Zaniah, at it’s positioned right on the ecliptic. Although it visually a appears to be a solitary star, lunar occultations have shown Eta to be a very close triple star system!

While we’re observing the planet dance, be sure to remember William Ferrel who was born on this day in 1817.. His equations, known as ‘‘Ferrel’s Law,’’ demonstrated how Earth’s rotation affects high and low pressure systems, and the deflection of air and water currents. Ferrel also studied solar and lunar gravity and the effects created on Earth’s rotation. Even with no proof, he was first to claim Earth’s axis had a wobble!

Saturday, January 30, 2010 – Tonight, let’s observe the small star found just south of the easternmost ‘‘belt’’ star in Orion – Sigma (RA 05 38 44 Dec 02 36 00). Small optics close the 1,150 light-year gap and reveal this multiple-star system in all its red, white, and blue beauty. Fine optics at high magnification can resolve four members.

The brightest, A/B, is one of the most massive binaries known and ignites the surroundings in a glow of interstellar gas. The D and E members are nearly identical in magnitude, yet E is, oddly, a helium-rich star, likely related to Cor Caroli types. Nearest to the primary A/B pair is C—a totally normal dwarf. As part of a larger grouping, Sigma’s fate is unclear. The A/B union is solid, but the orbits of its companion stars are highly unstable. Chances are that when the A/B pair has evolved fully and is ready to end its life quietly as a pair of white dwarfs, it will eject the others. The larger Sigma Orionis grouping also contains many low-mass stars about three times larger than Jupiter, and many planetary candidates. It’s an interesting area of the sky, and well worth your time!

Sunday, January 31, 2010 – What a busy date in astronomy history! In 1958 the United States. launched its first satellite – Explorer 1 – which discovered the bands of radiation now referred to as the Van Allen Belts . In 1961 the Mercury-Redstone 2 launched, carrying Ham the chimpanzee to fame. Cabin pressure failed during the suborbital flight, but inside his pressure suit, Ham remained safe and performed his tasks with a reaction time only a half second slower than on the ground, proving primates could function in space! Ham lived for another 17 years, and the celebrated chimp gave many performances – even guest starring in movies! Luna 9 was launched in 1962 and 72 hours after its launch became the first craft to successfully touch down on the Moon and broadcast television from Oceanus Procellarum . Even Apollo 14 was Luna-bound today in 1971!

Alvan Graham Clark , Jr, made history at the eyepiece on this date in 1862. While watching Sirius and testing an 1800 refractor his -family built, Clark uncovered the intense star’s faint companion – Sirius B. Friedrich Bessel had proposed its existence back in 1844, but this was the first visual confirmation. Try your own hand at the ‘‘Scorching One.’’ Alpha Canis Majoris has an amazing magnitude of +1.42. Next to Alpha Centauri , 8.7 light-year distant Sirius is the closest visual star, but it’s not standing still. Part of the Ursa Major moving stream, Sirius has changed position by one and half times the apparent width of the Moon in just 2,000 years! Telescopically, this main-sequence gem is dazzling white, tinged with blue and diffracts a rainbow of colors. For many of us, beautiful iridescence is all we’ll ever see, but a 1000 telescope under perfectly steady skies will reveal the secretive companion. In less than 20 years it will reach maximum separation of 11.500, so keep watching to Sirius’ southeast when you observe – perhaps (thanks to Moon bright skies) you’ll spot B!

Unitl next week? Keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the skies!

This week’s awesome images are (in order of appearance): The Moon and Mars (courtesy of joka2000 – Wikipedia), Sky Maps by Your Sky, Wiliiam Ferrel (historical image), Orion from the Southern Hemisphere (courtesy of Shevill Mathers), Ham the Chimpanzee (courtesy of NASA) and Sirius (courtesy of John Chumack). We thank you so much!

Online Telescopes

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to look through a telescope, but don’t have one? Are you curious if there is such a thing as an online telescope? The answer is yes. If you have a computer, you can use it to virtually look through the eyepiece of a telescope… and even aim it at the objects of your choice!

One of the most exciting concepts to come about in a long time is the SLOOH Space Camera. Here’s an opportunity to look through a variety of online telescopes located around the world and take a look at space from the comfort of your home. It’s not difficult and you don’t need complicated instructions to use it. SLOOH’s patented instant-imaging technology and user-friendly interface let’s astronomers of all ages and skill levels remotely control a real telescope!All you need is a Mac or PC computer and Internet browser to explore the deepest reaches of space. To use the Slooh online telescope you must become a member of the Club, which includes mission cards, activity books, and online gift certificates. Once enrolled, you can articipate in group missions or control the online telescopes yourself. Says PC Magazine: “Would-be astronomers can gaze at live images of the night sky, but in the comfort of their homes. Kids – even big ones will marvel when they see the Andromeda Galaxy and other distant objects slowly materialize on their computer screens.”

iTel-Logo-UTIf you’re a bit more advanced and would like to try your hand at astrophotograpy with an online telescope, then check out iTelescope.Net. iTelescope.Net also has a variety of telescopes positioned in observatories around the world, and you can view live images as they are being created by remote astrophographers. Because taking images of the sky can involve very costly equipment and years of practice, how cool would it be just to tap into an on-line telescope and begin imaging? Now it’s as easy as taking lessons and renting the equipment – and you don’t even need clear skies or a special place to go. It’s as close as your PC!

Another type of opportunity to enjoy an online telescope in a different format is the WorldWide Telescope. While this online telescope doesn’t offer “live” views, the WorldWide Telescope (WWT) will allow your computer to act as a virtual telescope by displaying images from the foremost ground and space-based telescopes. You can even take a tour of all the most incredible places in space narrated by a real astronomer! This online telescope can provide views in multiple wavelength. Imagine seeing an x-ray view of a supernova and fading into visible light! Now you can take a look with H-alpha to view star-forming regions and examine high energy radiation coming from nearby stars in the Milky Way. Are you skies clouded out? No more. With the WorldWide Telescope you can view the Moon and planets anytime, from any location on Earth and any time in the past or future!

Would you like to use an online telescope to look at our nearest star? Then take a look at Eyes On The Skies. This simple and easy to use website offers “live” views of our Sun with an online telescope. This is the home of the internet-accessible robotic solar telescope, built by Tri-Valley Stargazers member Mike Rushford. Of course, you can only control the online solar telescope if the skies are sunny in Livermore California, USA!

Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast – January 22-24, 2010

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! I don’t know about everyone else, but most observations here have been of the big M0. Clouds, clouds and more clouds! Perhaps we’re really in a nebula? However, for those fortunate few that do have clear skies, let’s take a look at what’s happening on the lunar surface each night. And, since we’ve got to deal with a little “Moonlight Sonata”, we’ll also inspect some bright stars and alternative catalog studies to add to your knowledge and pleasure of the night sky! Whenever you are ready, dust off your optics and I’ll meet see you in the backyard….

January 22, 2010: Start the astronomical day by observing the 1592 birth on this date of Pierre Gassendi, French scientist, mathematician, philosopher… and the first to use a Galilean telescope to observe a Mercury transit by the projection method. Gassendi was a prodigious observer, known for his humor, and was friends with Cassini, Galileo, Hevelius, and Kepler. His writings included work on falling bodies – a rare coincidence, since the only known piece of ‘‘space junk’’ to ever re-enter our atmosphere and strike a human occurred on the 405th anniversary of his birth!

Let’s begin our weekend by taking a look with binoculars at the first quarter Moon and see what we can discover… First repeat our first litany: #1—Mare Crisium, #2—Mare Fecunditatis, and #3—Mare Nectaris. Head north to the huge area of #4, Mare Tranquillitatis, which appears with its irregular borders. Beneath the smooth appearing regolith, the ‘‘Tranquil Sea’’ basin is cracked and overlapped by accompanying basins – lava spilling and flowing into other areas as large as the Kimberley region of Australia, or three times larger than England! Now, #5 Mare Serenitatis, the ‘‘Sea of Serenity.’’ Home to a violent past, its outer edges appear darker than the interior—mute testimony to continued seismic and volcanic activity allowing the basin to fill with lava more than once. Take a telescopic look at the rilles adorning this lunar desert, whose surface is the size of Italy. Then go north for #6, Mare Frigoris, the ‘‘Sea of Cold.’’ Congratulations on another learning exercise and if you’re thinking about how cold you are, think about how cold you’d be if you were observing Earth from Mare Frigoris!

Now open your eyes and let’s head for the star on Orion’s western shoulder, Gamma. Named Bellatrix, the 243 light-year distant ‘‘Amazon’’ is not actually part of the Orion association. Gamma is a foreground star and is the hottest of its type visually observable. Historically this star was used as a luminosity standard to compare with other stars to check for variability. But it was later discovered that Bellatrix itself is an eruptive variable, changing in luminosity by a few percent over time. It ranges in magnitude from 1.59 to 1.64. Sure, it’s a minor change – but still a change! There are a couple of types of eruptive variable stars, some with a broad range of increase in luminosity and a fixed time line. These types of eruptive variables include flare stars – very faint stars on the main sequence; novae and dwarf novae – which are caused by the sharing of material between evolved stars in binary systems; and supernovae – the violent and uber brilliant end for several classes of star.

Use binoculars to spot a fainter star about a half degree northeast and say hello to alternative catalog study Dolidze 21 (RA 05 26 50 Dec +06 58 30). This loose association of stars contains a few solar types, and many stars fainter than small optics can resolve – an unusual observation for your notes. Here we have what is considered a “poor” open cluster. Not because it isn’t nice – but because it isn’t populous. It is home to around 20 or so low wattage stars of mixed magnitude with no real asterism to make it special.

January 23, 2010: On the Moon the clockwork movement of the terminator has slowly marched across the surface, revealing more lunar landscape and its 12 maria for exploration. While it ticks along the ecliptic, Luna is passing by other orbiting bodies. Want a challenge? Then we’ll pass on the Moon and aim binoculars towards the constellation of Leo and take on an asteroid! Although Vesta isn’t as exciting, now is a good time to practice observing these rocky Solar System bodies. Spinning completely on its axis about every 5.5 hours and spanning 525 kilometers, this Arizona-sized minor planet is a treat for amateurs because its surface is highly reflective. At times Vesta can reach near unaided-eye visibility, but moonlight steals away fainter objects from easy view. Chances are very good that even in a starry field Vesta will be one of the brightest points visible. See if you can discover Vesta tonight!

Looking for an unusual star to spark your imagination? Then set your sights on the westernmost star of Orion’s ‘‘belt’’ – Mintaka. Like clockwork, astronomical objects can also keep incredibly accurate time. Located around 1,500 light-years away, Delta Orionis is a multiple star system: its companion star is almost equal in brightness and orbiting at a clockwork rate of 5.7325 days from only 8 million kilometers away. In astronomical terms, these two white-hot suns are nearly touching! Mintaka is a prime example of a spectroscopic binary star – a pair so close they are only detectable by changes in the stars’ spectra. Its stationary spectral lines proved the existence of interstellar matter! Take a closer look, and Delta Orionis will reveal a visible 6.7 magnitude companion to its north – a challenge well suited to small optics.

January 24, 2010: Tonight, let’s take time to work toward learning more major lunar features by sailing across 12 seas. The key to learning is to repeat these again and again: #1: Mare Crisium, #2: Mare Fecunditatis, #3: Mare Nectaris, #4: Mare Tranquillitatis, #5: Mare Serenitatis, and #6: Mare Frigoris. Excellent work! Now let’s go have a closer look at #7: Mare Imbrium. Identical in size to Saudi Arabia and about one-fourth the size of the United States, the ‘‘Sea of Rains’’ basin was formed 38 million years ago during a dramatic impact causing a Moon-wide series of faults. The massive strike shattered the lithosphere to a depth of 100 kilometers, embedding the impactor as a mascon. Seismic waves traveled through the interior—re-shaping the far side and creating magnetic anomalies—while the basin floor rebounded and flung ejecta 800 kilometers away. Over 500 million years, at least three areas of distinct lava flow poured into the impact basin (the oldest and largest about 1,200 kilometers long), far out-producing any earthly volcano. The youngest and smallest is about 400 kilometers in length, matching our terrestrial Columbia River Flood Basalt, an area stretching from Idaho to the Pacific Ocean! Now, here are some more to learn: #8: Mare Vaporum, #9: Mare Insularum, #10: Mare Cognitum, #11: Mare Nubium, and #12: Mare Humorum. Remember: repeat, repeat, repeat!

Now turn your eyes towards Orion and its Alpha star – Betelgeuse. Early in the evening, Orion the ‘‘Hunter’’ is beginning its journey across the night sky. Alpha stands out as an orangish star in the northeastern corner. It is a giant among stars! Betelgeuse has a long literary history and was one of the most massive stars known. In the mid-1800s, John Herschel observed that Betelgeuse varied in brightness, its light intensity changing by as much as a magnitude in under 6 years. The red giant is continually contracting and expanding to a formidable size – one that would fill the orbit of Jupiter around our own small star. But, it’s not alone…. Alpha also has four companion suns! Estimated to be 6 million years old, the light you see tonight from Betelgeuse left the
star around the time Nostradamus was making his predictions. Should it go supernova tomorrow, it would be almost another half century before this spectacular sight would be seen in our night sky!

Until next week? Ask for the Moon… But keep on reaching for the stars!

This week’s awesome images are an historical photo of Gassendi, lunar images we done by Greg Konkel. Stellar and cluster images are from Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech and the Betelgeuse diagram is courtesy of NASA. We thank you so much!

The Coma Berenicid Meteor Shower Peaks

Awake during the wee hours of the morning? Try heading outdoors for awhile to watch for the “guess-timated” peak of the Coma Berenicid meteor shower on the morning of January 19. It might not be the most prolific meteor shower on record and this might not be the perfect peak, but this year’s presence is making headlines!

Not normally known for kicking up a fuss, the Coma Berenicid meteor shower is active from December 8 to January 23. At best, it might throw a handful of bright meteors per hour, but this year’s activity has already made a stir to eyewitnesses in the UK. According to Associated Content Press, here’s what observer’s have reported:

Graham Riley said, “We were out in Brigsteer, Cumbria, UK to watch fireworks at midnight New Years Eve [2010]. Brigsteer has no street lighting myself and my wife witnessed a huge bright yellow square with four triangular yellow flashes emitting from the main body… it traveled slowly with no sound from NE to SW and burnt out over the Sea— fantastic sight!” Posted on 01/01/2010 at 2:01:10 PM.

Martin Howie said, “My brother-in-law went out to walk the dogs just after the New Year Bells, and came running back in to call me out to see if I could rationally explain what he’d seen over Rosyth, in Fife, Scotland. Suffice to say, I was at a loss for words, seeing 20-25 orange balls streaking across the sky. The whole family came outside, and a few neighbours came to see what the commotion was. My wife saw one meteor break up into 3 parts and fizzle out. I don’t think any of us will be forgetting this New Year anytime soon. Curious as to the lack of TV coverage or Internet postings thus far also.” Posted on 01/01/2010 at 3:01:08 PM

David Pulman, a pilot who has given earlier eyewitness accounts of this spectacular celestial event, said, “My wife has been in a bit of a panic ever since as she fears there is some sort of official news black out! They were very easily visible— no need for telescope or binoculars. They must have been pretty big too in order that we could see them so clearly— and obviously fire balls— to the point of being able to see them (mostly) burn up in the atmosphere.”

Samantha Istead said, “…I feel so lucky because on Christmas night, I saw two [meteors] on their own at 10.39pm in the UK/Sussex. They were massive, lasting about 6-7mins, but scary at the same time.,. and tonight 1st Jan at 12:07am, I saw about 8/9. They were not difficult to spot. I dragged my neighbour out. He was totally freaked by it, Then halfway through one dropped down and we saw smoke fizzle from it, So amazing. It went on for about 10/15mins.”

Lynn, Keith and Emma Aston in Rothertham, South Yorkshire, England said, “Wow what a night! [We] went upstairs to watch the fireworks at midnight New Year’s Eve only to see meteors flying across the sky and burning out into the atmosphere. Must have seen at least 50. Was amazing but scary at the same time. 4 of them were huge and you could see the flames. Never in my life have I experienced what I saw last night and early morning.”

Can you count on a similar experience just by watching tomorrow morning? Not hardly. Meteor showers are fickle things and a rogue stream relies more on being in the right place at the right time. However, you can even the odds out a bit by watching the general area around the constellation of Coma Berenices. The ecliptic plane is visible the world over, and activity will seem to come from a region just east of Leo. The time to begin is several hours after local midnight and best observations will probably occur when the radiant is highest just before dawn.

Traditionally, the Coma Berenicid activity is weak, with an average fall rate of about 7 per hour, it still warrants study. Noted first around 50 years ago, the stream was connected to another minor shower in the same orbit, the December Leo Minorids . Meteoroid streams are traditionally by-products of comets, but in this case the comet had not been confirmed! Observed in 1912 by Australian amateur astronomer B. Lowe, it was officially designated as 1913 I and was only seen four times before being lost to the sunrise. Using Lowe’s observations, independent researchers computed the comet’s orbit, but it was forgotten until Fred Whipple made the association between his photographic studies and the enigmatic comet. By observing the annual shower, Whipple placed the orbital period of Comet Lowe at 75 years, with the two major streams occurring about 27 and 157 years apart. Due to the uneven dispersion of material, it may be another decade before we see some real activity and the time just might be now! Because when opportunity knocks?

Ya’ gotta’ be there to open the door…