Messier 98

Object Name: Messier 98
Alternative Designations: M98, NGC 4192
Object Type: Type Sb Barred Spiral Galaxy
Constellation: Coma Berenices
Right Ascension: 12 : 13.8 (h:m)
Declination: +14 : 54 (deg:m)
Distance: 60000 (kly)
Visual Brightness: 10.1 (mag)
Apparent Dimension: 9.5×3.2 (arc min)


Locating Messier 98: As part of the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies, M98 is best found by returning to our “galaxy hopping” ways we’ve learned. Begin with the bright M84/84 pairing located in the heavily populated inner core of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies about halfway between Epsilon Virginis and Beta Leonis. Once identified, stay at the eyepiece a move your telescope north until you locate M99 and continue at least 3 or 4 more eyepiece fields. This is what is known as “sweeping”. When you reach a star pattern you are certain that you can identify, shift the telescope one eyepiece field to the west. Now sweep south for several eyepiece fields. If you have not seen the slender scratch of M98, continue the process carefully one eyepiece field at a time. (Not all eyepieces have the same apparent field of view, but use your lowest magnification.) M98 is edge-on in presentation, so it will be a slender scratch of nebulousity that requires dark, clear skies and at least 4″ in aperture.

What You Are Looking At: M98 is nearly edge-on in presentation and displays a disturbed, misty elongated disk. There are some blue regions of new star formation, as well as a massive quantity of occulting dust which reddens the appearance of the small, bright nucleus. But where did all this dust come from?

m98atlas“Debris sent into the intergalactic medium during tidal collisions has received much attention as it can tell us about several fundamental properties of galaxies, in particular their missing mass, both in the form of cosmological Dark Matter and so-called Lost Baryons. High velocity encounters, which are common in clusters of galaxies, are able to produce faint tidal debris that may appear as star–less, free floating HI clouds. These may be mistaken for Dark Galaxies, a putative class of gaseous, dark matter (DM) dominated, objects which for some reason never managed to form stars. VirgoHI21, in the Virgo Cluster, is by far the most spectacular and most discussed Dark Galaxy candidate so far detected in HI surveys. We show here that it is most likely made out of material expelled 750 Myr ago from the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 4254 during its fly–by at about 1000 km s?1 by a massive intruder. Our numerical model of the collision is able to reproduce the main characteristics of the system: in particular the absence of stars, and its prominent velocity gradient. Originally attributed to the gas being in rotation within a massive dark matter halo, we find it instead to be consistent with a combination of simple streaming motion plus projection effects.” say Piere Alain Duc.

m98_spiral“Based on our multi-wavelength and numerical studies of galaxy collisions, we discuss several ways to identify a tidal origin in a Dark Galaxy candidate such as optical and millimetre–wave observations to reveal a high metallicity and CO lines, and more importantly, kinematics indicating the absence of a prominent Dark Matter halo. We illustrate the method using another HI system in Virgo, VCC 2062, which is most likely a Tidal Dwarf Galaxy . Now, whereas tidal debris should not contain any dark matter from the halo of their parent galaxies, it may exhibit missing mass in the form of dark baryons, unaccounted for by classical observations, as recently found in the collisional ring of NGC 5291 and probably in the TDG VCC 2062. These “Lost Baryons” must originally have been located in the disks of their parent galaxies.”

m98blockSo is it dust that dims M98’s core or is it something else? Something like maybe a Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (LLAGNs)? “Low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (LLAGNs) comprise 30% of all bright galaxies (B?12.5) and are the most common type of AGN . These include LINERs, and transition-type objects (TOs, also called weak- [OI] LINERs). These two types of LLAGNs have similar emission line ratios in [OIII]/HB, [NII]/H?, and [SII]/H?, but [OI]/H? is lower in TOs than in LINERs. LLAGNs constitute a rather mixed class and different mechanisms have been proposed to explain the origin of the nuclear activity, including shocks, and photoionization by a non-stellar source, by hotstars or by intermediate age stars.” says Rosa M. Gonzalez Delgado (et al). “Because we do not know yet what powers them and how they are related to the Seyfert phenomenon, LLAGNs have been at the forefront of AGN research since they were first systematically studied by Heckman (1980). Are they all truly “dwarf” Seyfert nuclei powered by accretion onto nearly dormant supermassive black holes (BH), or can some of them be explained at least partly in terms of stellar processes? If LLAGNs were powered by a BH, they would represent the low end of the AGN luminosity function in the local universe and would also establish a lower limit to the fraction of galaxies containing massive BHs in their centers. If, on the contrary, LLAGNs were powered by nuclear stellar clusters, their presence would play an important role in the evolution of galaxy nuclei. Therefore, it is fundamental to unveil the nature of the central source in LLAGNs.”

M98_colorBut that’s not all that’s hiding inside M98. Now let’s try type II LINERS. ” We present ASCA observations of low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs) without broad H? emission in their optical spectra. The sample of “type 2″ LINERs consists of NGC 404, 4111, 4192, 4457, and 4569. We have detected X-ray emission from all the objects except for NGC 404; among the detected objects are two so-called transition objects (NGC 4192 and NGC 4569), which have been postulated to be composite nuclei having both an H II region and a LINER component. The images of NGC 4111 and NGC 4569 in the soft (0.5-2 keV) and hard (2-7 keV) X-ray bands are extended on scales of several kiloparsecs. The X-ray spectra of NGC 4111, NGC 4457, and NGC 4569 are well fitted by a two-component model that consists of soft thermal emission with kT ~ 0.65 keV and a hard component represented by a power law (photon index ~2) or by thermal bremsstrahlung emission (kT ~ several keV). The extended hard X-rays probably come from discrete sources, while the soft emission most likely originates from hot gas produced by active star formation in the host galaxy. We have found no clear evidence for the presence of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in the sample.” says Yuichi Terashima (et al). “Using black hole masses estimated from host galaxy bulge luminosities, we obtain an upper limit on the implied Eddington ratios less than 5 × 10-5. If an AGN component is the primary ionization source of the optical emission lines, then it must be heavily obscured with a column density significantly larger than 1023 cm-2, since the observed X-ray luminosity is insufficient to drive the luminosities of the optical emission lines. Alternatively, the optical emission could be ionized by a population of exceptionally hot stars. This interpretation is consistent with the small [O I] ?6300/H? ratios observed in these sources, the ultraviolet spectral characteristics in the cases where such information exists, and the X-ray results reported here. We also analyze the X-ray properties of NGC 4117, a low-luminosity Seyfert 2 galaxy serendipitously observed in the field of NGC 4111.”

History: M98 was originally discovered by Pierre Mechain on March 15, 1781 and reported to Charles Messier who confirmed and logged it on April 13, 1781. In his notes he writes: “Nebula without star, of an extremely faint light, above the northern wing of Virgo, on the parallel and near to the star no. 6, fifth magnitude, of Coma Berenices, according to Flamsteed. M. Mechain saw it on Mar 15, 1781.”

m98aSir William Herschel would catch this great galaxy on December 30, 1783 with much detail. In his unpublished notes he writes: “”The difference [of Messier’s and Mechain’s observations on one hand, and Herschel’s on the other] will appear when we compare my observation of the 98th nebula with that in the Connoissance des Temps for 1784, which runs thus: [Messier’s description follows in French, as translated above]. My observation of the 30th December, 1783, is thus: A large, extended fine nebula. Its situation shews it to be M. Messier’s 98th; but from its description it appears, that that gentleman has not seen the whole of it, for its feeble branches extend above a quarter of a degree, or which no notice is taken. Near the middle of it are a few stars visible, and more suspected. My field of view will not quite take in the whole nebula.”

Obviously, taking your time and really “looking” at M98 makes a huge difference, as Admiral Smyth would point out about a hundred years later: “A fine and large, but rather pale nebula, between Virgo’s left wing and Leo’s tail; with the bright star, 6 Comae Berenices, following [East] in the next field exactly on the parallel. M. [Messier], who discovered it in 1781, merely registered it as “a nebula without a star, with an extremely faint light;” but on keeping a fixed gaze it brightens up towards the centre. It is elongated, in the direction of two stars, the one np [noth preceding, NW] and the other sf [south following, SE] of the object; with another star in the nf [north following, NE] quadrant pretty close. Differentiated with Beta Leonis, which star it follows by 6deg 1/2 in the direction of Arcturus; it lies on the outskirts of the vast region of nebulae that adorns the Virgin’s wing.”

Let your galaxy hunting skills take wing tonight!

Top M98 image credit, Palomar Observatory courtesy of Caltech, M98 2MASS image, M98 Spiral Structure (AANDA) M98 by Adam Block/NOAO/AURA/NSF, M98 Wikipedia courtesy of Ole Nielsen and M98 image courtesy of NOAO/AURA/NSF.

Happy Holidays from UT

Christmas Tree and Cones - JP Metsavainio


If you’re celebrating your Christmas Eve with clear skies and new optics, then why not have a little seasonal fun? Let’s begin before the Moon sets…

Earth as seen from Apollo 8 (credit—NASA).
Earth as seen from Apollo 8 (credit—NASA).
As you’re setting up, let your mind time travel back to December 22. 1968, when the first US live telecast from a manned spacecraft in outer space was transmitted at 3:01 p.m. from Apollo VIII. Earth appeared in this transmission as a blurred ball of light. The craft was 139,000 miles from Earth, 31 hours after launch. Once you’re ready, let’s take a look at the Moon and view some of these features through our telescope and binoculars as we remember astronaut Jim Lovell’s words…

Image taken through Apollo 8 window while passing over the lunar surface.
Image taken through Apollo 8 window while passing over the lunar surface.
‘‘Roger. For information, we’re passing over just to the side of the crater Langrenus at this time, going into the Sea of Fertility. The Moon is essentially gray, no color; looks like plaster of Paris or sort of a grayish beach sand. We can see quite a bit of detail. The Sea of Fertility doesn’t stand out as well here as it does back on Earth. There’s not as much contrast between that and the surrounding craters. The craters are all rounded off. There’s quite a few of them, some of them are newer. Many of them look like—especially the round ones—look like hit by meteorites or projectiles of some sort. Langrenus is quite a huge crater; it’s got a central cone to it. . .Okay over to my right are the Pyrenees Mountains coming up and we’re just about over Messier and Pickering [Messier A] right now…’’

Agrippa and Godin - Credit: Wes Higgins
Agrippa and Godin - Credit: Wes Higgins
Tonight there are craters galore to explore: Plato, Aristotle, Eudoxus, Archimedes. . . But let’s head to the north of Sinus Medii and have a look at a pair we’ve not yet encountered on our lunar travels – Agrippa and Godin. The larger of the two, Agrippa, measures around 46 kilometers in diameter and drops to a depth of 3,070 meters. To the south is Godin, which is somewhat smaller at 35 kilometers in diameter, but a bit deeper at 3,200 meters. Note how Godin’s interior slopes toward its central peak.

Earthrise  (credit—Apollo 8/NASA)
Earthrise (credit—Apollo 8/NASA)
In 1968, Apollo 8 became the first manned spacecraft to orbit the Moon. Until this date, no one had seen with their own eyes what lay beyond. Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders were to become the first to directly view the ‘‘dark side’’ – and so would be the first to witness Earthrise over the Moon. If you enjoyed this year’s lunar studies, let your mind take flight! What courage it took for these brave individuals to journey so far from hearth and home…

“And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas, and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth.” –Astronaut Frank Borman

Just as surely as Apollo passed over the terminator into lunar sunset, so the Moon shall set giving us a chance to explore tonight’s astronomical object – a celebration of both starlight and asterism. Located 10 degrees east of Betelgeuse, you’ll have to wait until later for it to be seen to advantage – but that only means enjoying some hot cocoa or eggnogg while you wait!

Monoceros Map
Monoceros Map
Now head slightly more than a fist width northeast of Betelguese (RA 6:41.1 Dec +09:53) to put you in the area for NGC 2264 – also known as “the Christmas Tree” cluster. This bright asterism of two dozen bright and 100 fainter stars is embroiled in a faint nebulosity visible only through very dark skies, but its delightful “Christmas Tree” shape, adorned with stars, can be seen through the smallest binoculars or telescopes. The very brightest of these stars, S Monoceros, is 5th magnitude and shows clearly in the finderscope as a double. Steady skies will reveal that the “star” at the top of our “tree” is also a visual double and home to the beautiful, dark “Cone Nebula.” Many of the stars will also appear to have companions arrayed in faint hues of silver and gold.

Christmas Trees and Cones- JP Metsavainio
Christmas Trees and Cones- JP Metsavainio
The “Christmas Tree Cluster,” was given its name by Lowell Observatory astronomer Carl Lampland. With its peak pointing due south, this triangular group is believed to be around 2600 light-years away and spans about 20 light-years. Look closely at its brightest star – S Monocerotis is not only a variable, but also has an 8th magnitude companion. The group itself is believed to be almost 2 million years old. The nebulosity is beyond the reach of a small telescope, but the brightest portion illuminated by one of its stars is the home of the Cone Nebula. Larger telescopes can see a visible V-like thread of nebulosity in this area which completes the outer edge of the dark cone. To the north is a photographic only region known as the Foxfur Nebula, part of a vast complex of nebulae that extends from Gemini to Orion.

The nebulosity is beyond the reach of a small telescope, but the brightest portion illuminated by one of its stars is the home of the Cone Nebula. Larger telescopes can see a visible V-like thread of nebulosity in this area which completes the outer edge of the dark cone. To the north is a photographic only region known as the Foxfur Nebula, part of a vast complex of nebulae that extends from Gemini to Orion. Northwest of the complex are several regions of bright nebulae, such as NGC 2247, NGC 2245, IC 446 and IC 2169. Of these regions, the one most suited to the average scope is NGC 2245, which is fairly large, but faint, and accompanies an 11th magnitude star. NGC 2247 is a circular patch of nebulosity around an 8th magnitude star, and it will appear much like a slight fog. IC 446 is indeed a smile to larger aperture, for it will appear much like a small comet with the nebulosity fanning away to the southwest. IC 2169 is the most difficult of all. Even with a large scope a “hint” is all.

This is one of many presents from the Cosmos… Enjoy!

Messier 97

Object Name: Messier 97
Alternative Designations: M97, NGC 3587, Owl Nebula
Object Type: Type 3a Planetary Nebula
Constellation: Ursa Major
Right Ascension: 11 : 14.8 (h:m)
Declination: +55 : 01 (deg:m)
Distance: 2.6 (kly)
Visual Brightness: 9.9 (mag)
Apparent Dimension: 3.4×3.3 (arc min)


Locating Messier 97: Locating Messier 97 is fairly easy. You’ll find it one third the distance in a mental line drawn between Beta and Gamma Ursa Majoris and just slightly south of that line towards a dim star. Yep. The problem isn’t finding the Owl Nebula… It’s seeing it! Despite its billed combined magnitude of 9.9, this is one low surface brightness object and requires pristine skies to be seen with an average 4″ telescope. Nebula and light pollution filters do help, but sky conditions truly dictate. (This author has seen it in 16X65 binoculars, but from a guarded dark sky site.) What you are looking for is about the same diameter that Jupiter would be in the given eyepiece you are using and under average skies will appear only as the faintest contrast change. Large aperture, fast focal ratio telescopes improve your chances marginally.

m97atlasWhat You Are Looking At: Messier 97 is a very unusual and dynamic planetary nebula whose shape may be considered that of a cylindrical torus shell viewed on the oblique. What we see photographically (and sometimes physically) as the “Owl’s Eyes” may be the projected matter-poor ends of the cylindrical shape, while the head could be a low ionization shell. Inside this 6,000 year old denizen of the night is a dying, now 16th magnitude star with a little bit more than half the mass of our own Sun. A star which – oddly enough – can sometimes be glimpsed easier than the nebula itself!

m97_sddsWhy? Perhaps density? “We are able to evaluate the variation of excitation and electron density over the projected envelope of the source. We propose that the Owl Nebula consists of four primary shells: an internal, tilted, barrel-like component responsible for higher excitation emission; two much more uniform, spherically symmetric structures, CSCI and CSCII. These, finally, are enveloped by a much lower intensity, lower excitation halo, dubbed CSCIII. A large proportion of the low-excitation emission appears to be associated with the periphery of CSCI, and it is conceivable that this is, physically speaking, a relatively thin-shelled structure.” says L. Cuesta (et al). “[S II] density mapping appears to indicate that ne is preferentially enhanced toward the northern periphery of the shell, in a regime where low-excitation line strengths are also preferentially enhanced. We suggest that such trends may arise through northerly shocking of the shell CSC.”

m97_aandaSo what gives with the holes we call eyes? Let’s ask R. L. M. Corradi (et al): “The haloes have been classified following the predictions of modern radiation-hydrodynamical simulations that describe the formation and evolution of ionized multiple shells and haloes around PNe. According to the models, the observed haloes have been divided into the following groups: (i) circular or slightly elliptical asymptotic giant branch (AGB) haloes, which contain the signature of the last thermal pulse on the AGB; (ii) highly asymmetrical AGB haloes; (iii) candidate recombination haloes, i.e. limb-brightened extended shells that are expected to be produced by recombination during the late post-AGB evolution, when the luminosity of the central star drops rapidly by a significant factor; (iv) uncertain cases which deserve further study for a reliable classification; (v) non-detections, i.e. PNe in which no halo is found to a level of ?10?3 the peak surface brightness of the inner nebulae.”

m97aAnd what’s going on with the central star? “Einstein, EXOSAT, and ROSAT X-ray observations of planetary nebulae detected soft photospheric X-ray emission from their central stars, but the diffuse X-ray emission from the shocked fast stellar wind in their interiors could not be unambiguously resolved. The new generation of X-ray observatories, Chandra and XMM-Newton, have finally resolved the diffuse X-ray emission from shocked fast winds in planetary nebula interiors.” says Mart?n A. Guerrero. “Furthermore, these observatories have detected diffuse X-ray emission from bow-shocks of fast collimated outflows impinging on the nebular envelopes, and unexpected hard X-ray point-sources associated with the central stars of planetary nebulae. Here I review the results of these new X-ray observations of planetary nebulae and discuss the promise of future observations.”

m97_owlIs it possible this is just one big planetary nebula bubble? According to Adam Frank and Garrelt Mellema: “We have presented radiation-gasdynamic simulations of aspherical Planetary Nebula (PN) evolution. These simulations were constructed using the Generalized Interacting Stellar Winds scenario where a fast, tenuous outflow from the central star expands into a toroidal, slow, dense circumstellar envelope. We have demonstrated that the GISW model can produce aspherical flow patterns. In particular we have shown that by varying key initial parameters we can produce a variety of elliptical and bipolar forward shock configurations. The dependence of the shock morphology on the initial parameters conforms to the expectations of analytical models (Icke 1988). We have demonstrated that including radiation-transfer, ionization, and radiative heating and cooling does not drastically alter the global morphologies. Radiative cooling does slow the evolution of the forward shock by removing energy from the hot bubble. The evolution of the forward shock configuration is independent of the ionization of the undisturbed slow wind. Also, radiation heating and cooling does change the temperature structure of the shocked slow wind material compressed into the dense shell.”

m97owlHistory: M97 was discovered by eagle-eyed Pierre Mechain on February 16, 1781. (That was back in the day where if you were complaining about light pollution that you asked your neighbor to “put out their candle”.) It was logged into record by Charles Messier on March 24, 1781 where he notes: “Nebula in the great Bear [Ursa Major], near Beta: It is difficult to see, reports M. Mechain, especially when one illuminates the micrometer wires: its light is faint, without a star. M. Mechain saw it the first time on Feb 16, 1781, and the position is that given by him.”

It was later noted by Sir William Herschel in his own celestial wanderings as: “The arguments that the nebulous matter is in some degree opaque which is given in the 25th article, will receive considerable support from the appearance of the following nebulae; for they are not only round, that is to say the nebulous matter of which they are composed is collected into a globular compass, but they are also of a light which is nearly of an uniform intensity except just on the borders. I give these nebulae in two assortments (incl. M97). Number 97 of the Connoissance is “A very bright, round nebula of about 3′ in diameter; it is nearly of equal light throughout, with an ill defined margin of no great extent.”

Top M97 image credit, Palomar Observatory courtesy of Caltech, M97 2MASS Image, M97 IR (NOAO), Owl Nebula – SEDS, “Owl Nebula” – Karen Kwitter (Williams College), Ron Downes (STScI), You-Hua Chu (University of Illinois) and NOAO/AURA/NSF, M97 (AANDA) and M97 images courtesy of NOAO/AURA/NSF.

Santa Spied at Lunar North Pole…

Only one more day left until Christmas Eve, and astronomers have just discovered a unique feature on the lunar surface. Although accepted for many years to be a natural feature of selenography, modern astrophotography coupled with today’s high-powered telescopes have discovered an area near the lunar North Pole that’s apparently being used as a runway by a man in a red suit piloting an unusual spacecraft…

Be sure to spark the imaginations in your young viewers (or simply enjoy the holiday smile) as you show them the Alpine Valley!

Tonight’s outstanding feature will be the lunar Vallis Alpes. Located near the terminator in the lunar “North Pole”, this wonderful gash in the landscape very conspicuously cuts across the lunar Alps just west of crater Aristotle. As you view this 180 km long and (at points) less than 1 km wide feature, ask yourself how it was formed. While it looks very artificial with limited aperture and possibly like it could have been formed by a glancing blow from a small asteroid, it’s actually a volcanic/tectonic feature called a sinuous rille.


If Santa were to look up along the southeast side of the Alpine Valley, he’d see a very tall linear cliff that’s slightly concave – like an amphitheater. To the northwest would be a small series of hills leading up the the grand lunar Alps. To the south would be another curved mountain ring about 16 or 17 miles in length, and from 3 to 4 miles in width. This forms the gorge, bordered on the east by sheer vertical cliffs, towering thousands of feet above the bottom of the valley. The valley floor is a flat, lava-flooded surface that is divided by a slender, cleft-like rille. Chances are this “little runway” was once a graben that which was flooded with magma.

But tonight? It’s the most special place not on Earth!

Many thanks to Wes Higgins for the holiday smiles and to Dietmar Hager for his equally splendid lunar photography.

It’s A Blue Moon New Year’s Eve Party!

Have you enjoyed our lunar studies together this year? We hope you’ve taken the time to follow the phases and to appreciate what you see. Although it would be wonderful to end our this year’s time together viewing the distant cosmos, something very cool is about to happen…

In 1982, a second full Moon of the month was visible. Known as a ‘‘Blue Moon,’’ the name does not refer to the Moon’s color but reflects the rarity of the event and gives rise to the expression, ‘‘once in a blue moon.’’ The Blue Moon of 1982 was even more special because a total lunar eclipse also occurred (for the United States) then. The image you see below has a strange significance as well. Not only is it the absolute finest photo of the full Moon I have ever seen, but it was recorded at a year’s end, too… on December 22, 1999 by incomparable astrophotographer Rob Gendler. That particular December’s Moon was special for another reason, as the full phase occurred on the day of the winter solstice, within hours of lunar perigee and just one month away from a lunar eclipse.

280px-Lunar_eclipse_chart_close-2009Dec31Only a very small portion of the Moon’s southern limb will be in the Earth’s umbral shadow, but there will be a noticeable darkening visible over the Moon’s face at the point of greatest eclipse. Need more? Then know this eclipse is the one of four lunar eclipses in a short-lived series. The lunar year series repeats after 12 lunations or 354 days. Afterwards it will begin shifting back about 10 days in sequential years. Because of the date change, the Earth’s shadow will be about 11 degrees west in sequential events.

For the eclipse, the duration of the partial phase will last within two seconds of a hour long, while the penumbral duration from beginning to end will run about four hours and eleven minutes. Penumbral contact will begin at 17:17:08 UT and umbral contact at 18:52:43 UT. The moment of greatest depth of shadow will occur at 19:22:39 UT, 31 December 2009. It will be visible from all of Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

What a wonderful way to end our year together. . . at light speed!

Many thanks to Kostian Iftica for his “Blue Moon” image and to Robert Gendler. Once again, I strongly encourage you to look at the hi-resolution image of “A SkyGazer’s Full Moon” and Carpe Noctem, dudes…

Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast – December 18-20, 2009

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! What a wonderful weekend we have coming up. On clear nights, the diamond-bright stars of the Winter constellations have been simply beautiful with the crown jewel of Jupiter headlining the early evenings. Although the Moon will gently return over the next few days, it’s a spectacular time to enjoy those new optics you may have lurking about underneath a cloak of colorful paper and ribbons. Don’t shake the boxes too hard, but ask to take them out! We’ve got wonderful objects discovered by Sir William Herschel, unusual star clusters not on regular lists, new binocular targets, sweet old favorites and even an asteroid. Not enough? Then how about of pairing of Jupiter and Neptune! Still mourning missing the Geminids because of the weather? Then smile and catch the peak of the Delta Arietid meteor shower. (told ya’ this was a great weekend!) Whenever you’re ready, I’ll see you in the backyard…

Friday, December 18, 2009 – So where has Sir William Herschel been lately? (Besides the obvious answer, ok?) Rest assured that one of the most prolific observers of the cosmos never stopped exploring, discovering, and documenting some of the finest deep-space objects, and was doing so almost every single night of the year.


Tonight let’s start with a Herschel discovery made on this date in 1788 as we take a look in northern Perseus, about a fist-width northeast of Alpha, for NGC 1444 (RA 03 49 24 Dec þ52 40 00). Well known as a source of radio emission, NGC 1444 holds a rough cumulative magnitude of 6.5; in binoculars it will show as a small compression of stars around SAO 24248, but use a scope if you can! Even modest aperture and magnification will reveal a delightful chain of stars in an S-pattern around this Herschel ‘‘400’’ object.

151371_1_En_13_Chapter_Page_19_Image_0003If you’d like to explore something a little more off the beaten path (and an object not discovered by Herschel), head about a degree and a half southwest for King 7 (RA 03 59 00 Dec +51 48 00). Very rich and compressed, this alternative catalog study is slightly larger than tonight’s Herschel and is definitely more set apart from the surrounding star fields. Studied by (and named for) Ivan R. King, this intermediate-to-old open cluster seems to be very relaxed in its evolutionary state. Be sure to power up, because King 7 is definitely a stellar region you won’t want to miss!

Saturday, December 19, 2009 – Tonight let’s return to Fornax and start with binoculars. For a real treat, look just below Beta for the triple Eta. To limited optics, this sweet triple grouping will show two stars closer together—northeastern Eta 3 and southwestern Eta 2.


This is a visual combination in a delightful starry field, but take out your telescope and have a closer look at Eta 2 (RA 02 50 14 Dec –35 50 37). Separated by 5.000 this disparate magnitude 5.9 and 10.1 binary system is a challenge object on many double stars lists!

151371_1_En_13_Chapter_Page_20_Image_0003For larger telescopes, set sail for Beta Fornacis and head 3 degrees southwest (RA 02 39 42 Dec –34 16 08) for a real curiosity—NGC 1049. At magnitude 13, this globular cluster is a challenge for even large scopes, and with good reason: it isn’t even in our galaxy. This cluster is a member of the Fornax Dwarf Galaxy, a 1-degree span that’s so large it was difficult to recognize as extragalactic—at least it was until the great Harlow Shapely figured it out! NGC 1049 was discovered and cataloged by John Herschel in 1847, only to be reclassified as Hodge 3 (by Paul Hodge) in a 1961 study of the system’s five globular clusters. Since that time, yet another globular has been discovered in the Fornax Dwarf! Good luck. . .

151371_1_En_13_Chapter_Page_21_Image_0003Sunday, December 20, 2009 – Tonight’s twilight crescent Moon has a visitor 2.4 degrees north—the asteroid Iris. Check out Jupiter’s northern visitor, too. Neptune is still just 0.6 degrees away! Tonight is the peak of the Delta Arietid meteor shower, an early evening event that must be viewed before the radiant sets. The fall rate is modest, about 12 per hour. Today also marks the founding of Mt. Wilson Solar Observatory in 1904, and the birth of Walter Adams in 1876. While studying at Mt. Wilson, Adams revealed the nature of Sirius B, the first known white dwarf star.

Let’s pretend the skies are still as dark as they were at Mt. Wilson in Adams’ time as we aim our binoculars and telescopes toward one of the most elusive galaxies of all—M33. Located about one-third the distance between Alpha Trianguli and Beta Andromedae (RA 01 33 51 Dec þ30 39 37), this member of our Local Group was probably first seen by Hodierna but was recovered independently by Messier some 110 years later. Right at the edge of unaided visibility, M33 spans about four Moons’ width of sky, making it a beautiful binocular object and a prime view in a low power telescope.


Smaller than both the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy, the Triangulum may be average in size, but it’s not an average study. So impressed was Herschel that he gave it its own designation of HV.17 after having already cataloged one of its bright star-forming regions asHIII.150! In 1926 Hubble also studied M33 at Mt. Wilson with the Hooker Telescope during his work with Cepheid variables.

Larger telescopes often ‘‘can’t see’’ M33 with good reason: it overfills the field of view. But what a view! Not only did Herschel discover a region much like our own Orion Nebula, but also the entire galaxy contains many NGC and IC objects (even globular clusters) attainable with a larger scope. Although M33 might be 3 million light-years away, tonight it’s as close as your own dark-sky site.

Until the next event? May the stars sparkle in your eyes and the love of observing sparkle in your heart…

This week’s awesome images are (in order of appearance): NGC 1444, King 7, Eta 3 and Eta 2 Fornacis, NGC 1049 (credit—Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech), Walter Adams (credit—Yerkes Observatory, University of Chicago) and M33 (courtesy of NOAO/AURA/NSF). We thank you so much!

A “Polar Ring” For Christmas…

This image is dedicated to our late friend Danny Marquardt.


No. This polar ring isn’t a phone call from Santa, but an unusual interacting galaxy designated as NGC 660. Located over 20 million light-years away, this member of the M74 group located in the constellation of Pisces is rare breed – a “polar ring” galaxy – a bizarre configuration of stars, gas, and dust orbiting in ring formations nearly perpendicular to the plane of a flat galactic disk. What caused it? Read on…

Polar ring galaxies are believed to have formed from a spectacular collision of two galaxies who shared a common past. While they may not have merged, the encounter could have left a debris trail which encircles the host galaxy’s disk. “High-resolution interferometric data of the H I and OH absorption in the nuclear region of NGC 660 reveal three distinct absorbing structures. The central disk of the galaxy with a large velocity gradient dominates the absorption signature. The gas in the warped outer disk appears in absorption close to the systemic velocity; the outer rings of the warp located at large radii are moving in front of the nuclear radio source.” says Willema Baan (et al), “Third, an outflowing feature can be seen at the center of the radio source at 100 km/s below the systemic velocity. This mostly molecular feature could be due to a perturbed spiral structure in the inner regions of the disk.”

But, when it comes to NGC 660, the explanation might not quite be as straight forward. Apparently from our line of sight, the area of the ring closest to us doesn’t cross that galactic plane in the middle- but off to one side. This gives us a unique opportunity to study the shape of this galaxy’s hidden dark matter halo by calculating the enigma’s gravitational influence on the rotation of the ring and disk – a mass of starburst activity! Within the ring itself are an estimated 500 clusters where stars are continuously being born with the youngest of the siblings estimated to be about 7 million years old.

“NGC 660 contains concentrated central star formation of power ~ 2 x 1010~ Lsun. Our 1.3 cm continuum image reveals a bright, compact source of less than 10 pc extent with a rising spectral index. We infer that this is optically thick free-free emission from a super star cluster nebula. The nebula is less than 10 pc in size, comparable in luminosity to the “supernebula” in the dwarf galaxy, NGC 5253.” says J.P. Naiman, “We estimate that there are a few thousand O stars contained in this single young cluster. There are a number of other weaker continuum sources, either slightly smaller or more evolved clusters of similar size within the central 300 parsecs of the galaxy.”

But that’s not all that’s hiding in NGC 660, its unusual profile gives us an opportunity to study what happens to molecular gas densities when galaxies collide, too. It opens the mysterious phenomena of megamasers and kilomasers. “Contrary to conventional wisdom, IR luminosity does not dictate OHM formation; both star formation and OHM activity are consequences of tidal density enhancements accompanying galaxy interactions. The OHM fraction in starbursts is likely due to the fraction of mergers experiencing a temporal
spike in tidally driven density enhancement.” says Jeremy Darling. “OHMs are thus signposts marking the most intense, compact, and unusual modes of star formation in the local universe. Future high-redshift OHM surveys can now be interpreted in a star formation and galaxy evolution context, indicating both the merging rate of galaxies and the burst contribution to star formation.”

But what about things we can’t see? Things far more powerful in the electromagnetic spectrum than those given off by Cassiopeia A… Compact radio sources! “Nuclei of starburst galaxies are often obscured by dust and hence are probed best in non-visual wavelength regimes such as the infrared and radio.” sys A. Wiercigroch (JPL). “A number of the compact sources appear to lie along a ring projected against the more diffuse radio emission in the galaxy’s nuclear region.”

Not bad for just another Christmas story….

Credits: Image processing Dietmar Hager and Immo Gerber. Image Acquistion at Tao Observatory. We thank you so much!

When Everything Old Comes To New Again…

There are times when even the smallest decision can change everything about you and alter the course of others for life. You might not know it when it happens – because it may seem as insignificant as what to order for dinner, what Christmas present to choose, or what radio station you listened to that morning. But sometimes the Cosmos has a grand scheme waiting for you if you’re willing to listen. In this case, it’s the story of a Celestron telescope – one that’s endured through decades of use and three generations of star gazers.

It all began in the mid-1980’s with a “Cometron” telescope, bought to view Halley’s Comet. Those were the halcyon days before the Internet. Learning the night sky was a slow and painful process because no ready open sources were available for instructions and few places (besides the local library) available for learning. I was hard on a telescope because I didn’t know any better. Nearly a decade of use later, there wasn’t much left of that old refractor but fond memories. I was ready for bigger and better things. No more attaching the optical tube to a vise for a mount, no more squinty little eyepieces. I wanted the big time. It was Christmas 1994 and I had no idea then what kind of role that a Celestron FirstScope would end up playing in my life…

And no clue just how “big” it was going to get.

rangerThe Celestron 114 Newtonian reflector and its well-manufactured equatorial mount opened my eyes. Comet Hale-Bopp, solar eclipse chasing, sunspots, variable stars, double stars, galaxies, lunar transient phenomena, star clusters, nebula… The night sky became my companion and the FirstScope my teacher. Together we learned to read complicated star charts, use setting circles, judge magnitudes and sky conditions, take notes and do astronomical sketching. Many nights and days were spent observing – be it with my old dog – or with my nearly grown sons. It was a world we traveled in alone – never knowing there were others that enjoyed the same hobby. Aperture fever soon enough had me in its grip and what better way to cure a fever than with a big Celestron Starhopper?

By the time telescope size had increased, so the world of communications had expanded. The Internet had entered my life in the form of a WebTV unit. The boys had long ago discovered girls and a new dog replaced an old one. When my Mother told me she heard about a some people meeting with telescopes on the radio, I finally knew I wasn’t alone. It was the first time the Celestron 114 was about to travel away from my rural backyard – and the beginning of its many journeys around the world. The event was my first public outreach and my introduction to Warren Rupp Observatory. From there, I knew there wasn’t any more going ”back home”.

on_the_hillEven though I had met some members of the astronomy club at their outreach event, I was shy my first night at the Observatory – afraid to put that little telescope alongside such fine, big company. Who was I but an older woman with no professional experience next to these guys? An hour after dark later, I knew who I was. I was woman with a star chart in her head and a little telescope that could mop up the skies. One that would eventually change the history of the Observatory just as surely as volunteering at the Observatory changed me…

And everything old became new again.

Did we travel? Oh, yes. The Celestron FirstScope has been all over the continental United States. We’ve quested in the south for Omega Centauri and chased eclipses from border to border. It’s been unceremoniously stuffed in the trunk of many sports cars to be hauled across state lines on vacations and off to public outreach events. It’s been shipped across the world and battered in the belly of an airplane. For months at a time, the FirstScope would often stay fully assembled so it could be quickly set outside the garage for daily solar, lunar and planetary viewing. It watched my sons grow as we exchanged confidences and solved problems under the comfortable cloak of darkness. It saw the birth of my grandchildren and their first views of the stars. It was my workhorse, my friend, my mentor… my telescope.

As time went on, I grew to trust Celestron’s durable quality. Like creating new recipes in the kitchen, Celestron came out with many designs that ended up part of my personal telescope fleet. While there were tasty treats that might have only appealed to a few and lasted for awhile, there were many winner dinners which have also endured the test of time to become family favorites. Yet, no matter how many times I might upgrade, trade or replace a Celestron telescope, I never had the heart to let go of the enduring FirstScope. Somehow, it felt like there was a reason I had to keep it around.

celeThe years passed and my hobby in astronomy soon turned into a career. Although I am not a professional astronomer, I realized a need many years ago to open friendly, natural communications about astronomy and how to use a telescope. Although I learned the “hard” way, I knew I couldn’t keep what I had learned to myself. Sharing the sky and the passion for what I do became my primary goal. The Celestron 114 followed me to what I thought was to be a permanent home at Warren Rupp Observatory as an historic piece – but it had other plans. Every time I looked at it, it would all but walk around on its three black legs and cry to be used again at more than just public nights.

And it didn’t have long to wait…

solar_mikeOnce in awhile you meet up with karma and you’ll know it when it comes to call. Our Observatory outreach had encouraged a new member, and he and his grandson have a passion which matches perfectly with everything the Celestron 114 FirstScope stands for. Many months ago, I told him to take the scope home with him and learn… it deserved to be used again. Although he was a little bit afraid of it, he took my advice and he and his grandson embarked upon a celestial journey that’s only beginning for them. Into their hands has come a case of Celestron eyepieces and filters. And, like long ago, that same old solar filter and a new canine companion to complete the circle.

DSC03687So what has become of Celestron FirstScope service and Warren Rupp Observatory? Just as surely as the Earth orbits the Sun, what goes around comes around. OPT Telescopes heard about our outreach efforts and understood that in order for us to keep our educational programs free to the public that we’d need donations… and donate they did. Not only do the many Celestron telescopes of our members serve the public, but OPT provided us with a fleet of Celestron FirstScope Telescopes and Celestron FirstScope Accessory Kits to serve the thousands of children we educate about the night sky each year. Because sometimes…

Everything old comes to new again.

Phaeton Place… Inside the Geminid Meteor Shower

What are Meteors Made of
The Geminids Meteors 2009 Early Preview All sky video Dayton, Ohio USA

Although the peak of the Geminid meteor shower has now passed, that doesn’t mean the activity will stop. For at least another week you’ll spot a rise in random activity that points back to the radiant of this reliable annual display. For most it will only be a bright streak that makes us yell out loud at its sudden beauty, but for some? We want the real dirt. We wanna’ know what’s really going on inside of Phaeton Place…

First noted in 1862 by Robert P. Greg in England, and B. V. Marsh and Prof. Alex C. Twining of the United States in independent studies, the annual appearance of the Geminid stream was weak, producing no more than a few per hour, but it has grown in intensity during the last century and a half. By 1877 astronomers were realizing that a new annual shower was occurring with an hourly rate of about 14. At the turn of the century it had increased to an average of over 20, and by the 1930s to from 40 to 70 per hour. Only ten years ago observers recorded an outstanding 110 per hour during a moonless night.

So why are the Geminids such a mystery? Most meteor showers are historic, documented and recorded for hundred of years, and we know them as being cometary debris. When astronomers first began looking for the Geminids’ parent comet, they found none. After decades of searching, it wasn’t until October 11, 1983 that Simon Green and John K. Davies, using data from NASA’s Infrared Astronomical Satellite, detected an orbital object which the next night was confirmed by Charles Kowal to match the Geminid meteoroid stream. But this was no comet, it was an asteroid.

Originally designated as 1983 TB, but later renamed 3200 Phaethon, this apparently rocky solar system member has a highly elliptical orbit that places it within 0.15 AU of the Sun about every year and half. But asteroids can’t fragment like a comet – or can they? The original hypothesis was that since Phaethon’s orbit passes through the asteroid belt, it may have collided with other asteroids, creating rocky debris. This sounded good, but the more we studied the more we realized the meteoroid “path” occurred when Phaethon neared the Sun. So now our asteroid is behaving like a comet, yet it doesn’t develop a tail.

20091214 geminidasSo what exactly is this “thing?” Well, we do know that 3200 Phaethon orbits like a comet, yet has the spectral signature of an asteroid. By studying photographs of the meteor showers, scientists have determined that the meteors are more dense than cometary material but not as dense as asteroid fragments. This leads us to believe that Phaethon is probably an extinct comet that has gathered a thick layer of interplanetary dust during its travels, yet retains the ice-like nucleus. Until we are able to take physical samples of this “mystery,” we may never fully understand what Phaethon is, but we can fully appreciate the annual display it produces.

But I promised you dirt, didn’t I? Then let’s take an even better look at “Phaeton Place”…

If you happened to catch one of these bright meteor displays, you may have noticed it seemed to hang around a little bit longer. There’s good reason for that. The speed at which them Geminids hit our atmosphere is around 80,000 mph, about half that of the mighty Leonids. So what can cause that? Let’s ask meteor expert Wayne Hally.

phaeton_orbit“There are three factors which combine to create a meteor’s starting speed in the atmosphere. The minimum speed is around 11 kilometers per second…this is due solely to the Earth’s gravity. A particle that has a speed of zero relative to the Earth, will be drawn in by gravity until it is traveling just over 11kps when it reaches meteor height (~100km). The second factor is the particle’s motion around the Sun, and can range up to 42 kps at the Earth’s orbital distance. Anything moving faster is not in orbit around the Sun, and is either passing through the solar system or has been accelerated by interaction with a solar system object and is on it’s way out. These are VERY rare. Meteor shower particles must be in orbit, since we pass them as our orbits intersect each year.” says Halley. “Finally there is the Earth’s motion around the sun..we are moving around 30 kps in our own orbit, so we are adding our own motion to that of the particle around the Sun. So showers with slow speeds (< 30 kps) are catching up to us from behind. Meanwhile, the fastest showers, such as the leonids, are moving at high speed in a retrograde orbit (opposite that of the Earth) and smash into our windshield (the atmosphere) at the highest speed. (~72 kps). (BTW, the theoretical fastest speed is not 72+30+11 kps, rather it is about 72.9 kps...the speeds are not added is the square root of the sum of the explain it simply, a particle moving 72 kps has less time to be accelerated and only reaches 73, while a particle whose speed is zero has lots of time to be accelerated by gravity so winds up at 11 kps)." Geminid_ZHR_vs_year_stripWant even more dirt? The Geminid meteor shower rate has been continually increasing as well. “The Geminids are strong-and getting stronger,” says Bill Cooke of NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office. Just like a giant vacuum cleaner sucking up the dirt from our homes, so Jupiter has been busy attracting the meteoroid stream and drawing it closer and closer to Earth’s orbit. Meteor expert Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario (UWO) says the trend could continue for some time to come. “Based on modeling of the debris done by Jim Jones in the UWO meteor group back in the 1980s, it is likely that Geminid activity will increase for the next few decades, perhaps getting 20% to 50% higher than current rates.”

Eventually this annual meteor shower could become a regular fireball showcase! And we’ll all be watching Phaeton Place…

Image Credits: Geminid Still Shots and Video – Courtesy of John Chumack, Geminid Still Photo – Courtesy of Haplo, Phaeton Orbit Plot – Courtesy of Randy Russell (UCAR), Geminid Meteor Rate Chart – Bill Cooke, NASA Meteoroid Environment Office. We thank you so much!

Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast – December 11-13, 2009

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! We be down here, but not quite out. It’s going to be an awesome weekend with the Geminid meteor shower, dark skies and plenty of excitement to go around! Unfortunately, this kid is grounded – but don’t let a little “cold” stop you from enjoying the celestial sights! Whenever you’re ready… I’ll see you in the back yard!

151371_1_En_13_Chapter_Page_12_Image_0003Friday, December 11, 2009 – On this date in 1863, Annie Jump Cannon was born. She was an American astronomer who created the modern system for classifying stars by their spectra. Tonight we celebrate this achievement.

Come along with meand have a look at some very specific stars with unusual visual spectral qualities! Let’s grab a star chart, brush up on our Greek letters, and start first by returning to Mu Cephei. Nicknamed the ‘‘Garnet Star,’’ this is perhaps one of the reddest stars visible to the unaided eye. At around 1,200 light-years away, this spectral type M2 star will show a delightful blue-purple ‘‘flash.’’ If you still don’t perceive color, try comparing Mu to its bright neighbor Alpha, a spectral type A7, or ‘‘white,’’ star. Perhaps you’d like something a bit more off the beaten path? Then head for S Cephei, about halfway between Kappa and Gamma toward the pole. Its intense shade of red makes this magnitude 10 star an incredibly worthwhile hunt.

151371_1_En_13_Chapter_Page_12_Image_0002To see an example of a B spectrum star, look no further than the Pleiades. All the components are blue-white. Want to taste an ‘‘orange?’’ Then look again at Aldebaran, or Alpha Tauri, and say hello to a K spectrum star. Now that we have your curiosity aroused, would you like to see what our own Sun would look like? Then choose Alpha Aurigae, better known as Capella, and discover a spectral class G star that’s ‘‘only’’ 160 times brighter than the one that holds our Solar System together! Still no luck in seeing color? Don’t worry. It does take a bit of practice! The cones in our eyes are the color receptors, and when we go out in the dark, the color-blind rods take over. By intensifying the starlight with either a telescope or binoculars, we can usually excite the cones in our dark-adapted eyes to respond to color.

Tonight is also the peak of the Sigma Hydrid meteor stream. Its radiant is near the head of the Serpent, and the fall rate is about 12 per hour—but these are fast! While you’re watching, check out the very close pairing of Spica and the Moon as they rise together. You’ll find the asteroid Ceres 8.7 degrees north of the lunar limb!

151371_1_En_13_Chapter_Page_13_Image_0003Saturday, December 12, 2009 – Today we honor the birth of S.W. Burnham. Born in 1838, this American astronomer spent 50 years of his life surveying the night sky for double stars. Although at the time it was believed that all visual binaries had been accounted for, Burnham’s work was eventually published as the General Catalogue of 1,290 Double Stars. His keen eye and diligent study opened the doors for him at observatories such as Yerkes and Lick. His lifetime count of binaries discovered eventually reached 1,340. He was also the very first to observe what would eventually be termed a ‘‘Herbig–Haro object,’’ and he discovered 6 New General Catalog (NGCs) and 21 Index Catalog (IC) objects.

Today in 1961, OSCAR 1 was launched. This name of this project, which started in 1960, stands for Orbital Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio. OSCAR 1 operated in orbit for 22 days, transmitting a signal in Morse code: the simple greeting ‘‘Hi.’’ The success of the mission helped to promote interest in amateur radio, which continues to this day!

151371_1_En_13_Chapter_Page_13_Image_0002Let’s honor Burnham’s work and our summering southern friends once again as we head toward the incomparable NGC 55. Located about two finger-widths north-northwest of Alpha Phoenicis (RA 00 15 08 Dec –39 13 13), this large, near edge-on galaxy is truly a southern gem. At magnitude 7.8, this bright member of the Sculptor Galaxy group can easily be spotted in binoculars. Mid-sized scopes will
begin resolution of mottling in the structure, while large aperture will show individual stars, nebulous areas, and dark dust clouds—with a very prominent one east of the nucleus. Rock on. . .

Sunday, December 13, 2009 – Tonight we have the hauntingly beautiful and mysterious displays of the Geminid meteor shower. First noted in 1862, the stream was weak but has intensified with time. Around 10 years ago, observers recorded an outstanding 110 per hour during a moonless night. . .and we’ve got a moonless night.

151371_1_En_13_Chapter_Page_14_Image_0002So why are the Geminids a mystery? Most meteor showers are cometary debris, documented and recorded for hundreds of years. When astronomers began looking for the Geminids’ parent comet, they found none. It wasn’t until 1983 that an object was detected matching the meteoroid stream. . .an asteroid. Originally designated as 1983 TB, but later renamed 3200 Phaethon, this apparently rocky Solar System member has a highly elliptical orbit, placing it within 0.15 Astronomical Unit (AU) of the Sun about every year and a half. But asteroids can’t fragment like comets—or can they? Phaethon may have collided with one or more asteroids in passing, creating rocky debris. Plausible, but the meteoroid ‘‘path’’ occurs when Phaethon nears the Sun—behaving like a comet, yet developing no tail.

By studying the spectral signature of the Geminid meteor shower, scientists have determined that the fragments are denser than cometary material, yet not as dense as an asteroid. Phaethon may be an extinct comet that has gathered a thick layer of interplanetary dust during its travels yet retains the ice-like nucleus. Without physical samples of this ‘‘mystery,’’ we may never fully understand what Phaethon is, but we can fully appreciate the annual display it produces! Thanks to the wide path of the stream, folks the world over get an opportunity to enjoy the show. The traditional peak time is tonight as soon as the constellation of Gemini appears, around midevening. The radiant for the shower is near the bright star Castor, but meteors can originate from many points in the sky. From around 2:00 a.m. tonight until dawn (when our local sky window is aimed directly into the stream), it is possible to see about one ‘‘shooting star’’ every 30 seconds.

Enjoy the incredible and mysterious Geminids!

This week’s awesome images are (in order of appearance): Annie Jump Cannon (widely used public image), Aldebaran – credit: John
Chumack, S.W. Burnham (historical image). NGC 55 (credit—Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech) and Geminid meteor (credit—NASA). We thank you so much!