
“Put LUCKY on My Tombstone.” Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins Dies at 90

We bid a reluctant but truly fond farewell today to Michael Collins. The NASA astronaut passed away at the age…

3 years ago

Remembering NASA Flight Director Glynn Lunney, 1936-2021

Legendary NASA flight director Glynn Lunney has passed away at age 84. Lunney played a key role in the early…

3 years ago

Is There An Apollo 14 Moon Tree Near You?

50 years ago this week, the Apollo 14 crew flew their mission to the Moon. Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell…

4 years ago

That’s no Asteroid, it’s a Rocket Booster

Follow-up observations by NASA scientists has confirmed that the mystery object 2020 SO is indeed a relic of the early…

4 years ago

Lunar Dust is Still One of The Biggest Challenges Facing Moon Exploration

The ESA is investing in research that will lead to spacesuits and materials that can handle one of the biggest…

4 years ago

What the Astronauts Saw as They Orbited the Moon During Apollo 17

This view always gets me *right there.* But this new version really gets me. This is what Apollo 17 astronauts…

4 years ago

Remembering Don Arabian, the ‘Mad Genius’ Behind NASA’s Apollo Engineering Team

One of the truly unsung heroes of the Apollo program has passed away at age 95. Donald D. Arabian, Chief…

4 years ago

AI Upscales Apollo Lunar Footage to 60 FPS

As exciting and thrilling as it is to watch all the historic footage from the Apollo Moon landings, you have…

4 years ago

Hilarious Supercut of Astronauts Falling on the Moon

The Apollo astronauts walked on the Moon, yes. But they also hopped, bounded, and shuffled. And sometimes they fell, spectacularly.…

4 years ago

Even More Things That Saved Apollo 13: The Nail-biting Re-entry Sequence

50 years ago today, on April 17, 1970, the crew of Apollo 13 came home. Safely. Successfully. The world breathed…

4 years ago