A team of University of Manchester researchers proposes an intriguing answer to the puzzle of why we've found precious few…
The Sun causes the destruction of asteroids at a much greater distance than previously thought.
On March 5th, asteroid 2013 TX68 could be making a close flyby Earth. But NASA's asteroid watchers insist there's no…
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft has unveiled a new patch of intriguing bright features in the most recent series of striking close-up…
A grand finale meteor shower graces the skies of the Earth this weekend, as the December Geminid meteors reach their…
2015 looks like a fantastic year for the Geminids. With the Moon just 3 days past new and setting at the end…
A space-faring friend pays our fair planet a visit this week on the morning of December 3rd, as the Japanese…
The story of KIC 8462852 appears far from over. You'll recall NASA's Kepler mission had monitored the star for four years,…
Clouds hampered observations from the ground in Sri Lanka during the re-entry of WT1190F overnight, but a team of astronomers captured…
No one's 100% certain what WT1190F is — asteroid or rocket stage — but we are certain it will light…