
Cosmic C.S.I.: Searching for the Origins of the Solar System in Two Grains of Sand

"The total number of stars in the Universe is larger than all the grains of sand on all the beaches…

12 years ago

NASA Explains Their New Asteroid Retrieval Mission

NASA's FY2014 budget proposal includes a plan to robotically capture a small near-Earth asteroid and redirect it safely to a…

12 years ago

Official Confirms NASA Plan to Capture an Asteroid

Rumors have been leaking out for over a week, but now according to Alan Boyle at NBC News’ Cosmic Log,…

12 years ago

5 Weird Things About Vesta

When Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers first glimpsed Vesta on March 29, 1807 -- this date in history -- the asteroid was but…

12 years ago

Watch NOVA’s “Meteor Strike”

Watch Meteor Strike on PBS. See more from NOVA. It was an event that took the world by surprise: On…

12 years ago

Close Passing Asteroid 2013 ET Gets Its Picture Taken

Another space rock sat pretty for NASA's big dish photographer. The 70-meter (230-feet) Goldstone antenna zinged radio waves at 2013 ET on…

12 years ago

We Live in a Cosmic Shooting Gallery

In this new video from Big Think, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson says he's almost embarrassed for our species that it…

12 years ago

NASA’s KaBOOM Experimental Asteroid Radar Aims to Thwart Earth’s Kaboom

Over the past month, about a half dozen rather large asteroids have careened nearby our home planet and in one…

12 years ago

Top 9 Weird Asteroid Names (and 1 Awesome Asteroid Moon Name)

Cats, celebrities and fictional creatures all have a home in the asteroid belt. That's because the people that found these…

12 years ago

Russian Asteroid Explosion and Past Impactors Paint a Potentially Grim Future for Earth

The recent meteor explosion over Chelyabinsk brought to the forefront a topic that has worried astronomers for years, namely that an impactor…

12 years ago