With all this talk lately of rocks whizzing by Earth (or crashing through the atmosphere), it's remarkable that we didn't…
Yesterday a 50 meter (160 foot) rock passed just over 27,000 kilometers (17,000 miles) from the Earth’s surface. This big…
A small asteroid entered Earth’s atmosphere early Friday, February 15, 2013 over Chelyabinsk, Russia at about 9:20 am local Russian…
The uncanny -- but unrelated -- combination of today's close flyby of Asteroid 2012 DA14 and the meteor that created…
Here’s the latest video of the fast approaching asteroid named 2012 DA14 that’s screeching towards our planet and set to…
Our friends Ernesto Guido and Nick Howes from the Remanzacco Observatory -- along with Edward Gomez from the Faulkes Telescope…
Want to keep tabs on asteroid 2012 DA14 as it whizzes past Earth tomorrow (Feb. 15)? NASA TV and several…
If you haven’t heard yet, this Friday, February 15, 2013 will be a close flyby of an asteroid named 2012…
Our home planet is due for a record setting space encounter on Friday (Feb. 15) of this week, when a…
Mark your calendars: this Friday, February 15, 2013, is the close flyby of Near Earth Asteroid 2012 DA14, passing just…