[/caption] Archeologists have been divided about whether an extraterrestiral impact blasted North America about 12,900 years ago, wreaking havoc on…
Celestial impacts can bring life as well as wipe it out, say the authors of a new study out of…
The Solar System often throws up surprises for astronomers, but the recent discovery of a 2- to 3-km wide asteroid…
[/caption] Coastal formations called chevrons, large U- or V-shaped features found on coastlines around the world were originally thought to…
In 1979, the huge Chicxulub crater, measuring about 180 km (112 miles) in diameter, was discovered on the northern Yucatan…
[/caption] If Earthlings discovered a large asteroid heading towards our planet, how would we react? But more importantly would the…
[/caption] If you stay out in the Sun too long, you'll eventually get a suntan (or sunburn); your skin will…
[/caption] It may not look like much, but that drawing could save a life someday -- or 7 billion.…
[/caption] Officials are now saying the bright fireball seen over Virginia in the US on Sunday was probably a natural…
[/caption] Residents of Virginia in the US reported hearing booms and seeing flashes of light Sunday night, and originally, it…