First Images of Near Earth Asteroid 2007 TU24

In case you had any doubts, it’s now official: Asteroid 2007 TU 24 will not impact or have any affect on Earth. Astronomers have obtained the first images of the near earth asteroid using high-resolution radar data. “With these first radar observations finished, we can guarantee that next week’s 1.4-lunar-distance approach is the closest until at least the end of the next century,” said Steve Ostro, Jet Propulsion Laboratory astronomer and principal investigator for the project. “It is also the asteroid’s closest Earth approach for more than 2,000 years.”

The radar images indicate the asteroid is somewhat asymmetrical in shape, with a diameter roughly 250 meters (800 feet) in size. Asteroid 2007 TU24 will pass within 1.4 lunar distances, or 538,000 kilometers (334,000 miles), of Earth on Jan. 29 at 12:33 a.m. Pacific time (3:33 a.m. Eastern time). So, while this image is pretty faint, (about 20 meters per pixel) as the asteroid gets closer, NASA will be able to obtain better images and more details about the object.

And just to repeat for anyone who still has any doubts, the scientists at NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program Office at JPL have determined that there is no possibility of an impact with Earth in the foreseeable future.

Asteroid 2007 TU24 was discovered by NASA Oct. 11, 2007. The asteroid should be visible to amateur astronomers using 3 inch (7.6 centimeter) telescopes. It will be brightest on January 29-30, reaching an approximate apparent magnitude of 10.3, and then become fainter as it moves farther from Earth. Anyone looking for the asteroid with amateur telescopes will need dark and clear skies. An object with a magnitude of 10.3 is about 50 times fainter than an object just visible to the naked eye in a clear, dark sky.

NASA detects and tracks asteroids and comets passing close to Earth. The Near Earth Object Observation Program, commonly called “Spaceguard,” discovers, characterizes and computes trajectories for these objects to determine if any could be potentially hazardous to our planet. They use several different tracking devices including the Goldstone’s 70-meter diameter (230-foot) antenna that is capable of tracking a spacecraft traveling more than 16 billion kilometers (10 billion miles) from Earth.

Ostro and his team plan further radar observations of asteroid 2007 TU24 using the National Science Foundation’s Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico on Jan. 27-28 and Feb. 1-4.

Original News Source: JPL Press Release

Comet Dust is Very Similar to Asteroids


Just so it’s clear in your mind: comets are dirty snowballs, asteroids are rocks. Got the difference? Wait… not so fast. Scientists studying the cometary dust picked up by NASA’s Stardust spacecraft, and they’re finding it’s surprisingly asteroid like.

When Stardust flew past comet Wild 2 in 2006, scientists knew they would be scooping up materials created with the very formation of the solar system. But they didn’t think the dust from Wild 2 would resemble meteorites more than ancient, unaltered comet.

Comets are thought to contain large amounts of primitive material in the Solar System. Both the ancient ices that formed out of the stellar disk, but also the rain of interstellar material falling into the Solar System.

According to researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the particles that fell off Wild 2 formed very close to the Sun when it was young. They had been baked and blasted by the intense ultraviolet radiation of a newly forming star. Furthermore, they didn’t find the kind of primordial materials and ices that should have been present on an ancient comet like Wild 2.
Tracks of material captured by Stardust. Image credit: LLNL

“The material is a lot less primitive and more altered than materials we have gathered through high altitude capture in our own stratosphere from a variety of comets,” said LLNL’s Hope Ishii, lead author of the research that appears in the Jan. 25 edition of the journal, Science. “As a whole, the samples look more asteroidal than cometary.”

But Wild 2 is clearly a comet and not an asteroid. It’s got a tail; what could be more cometlike? It’s a reminder that there isn’t a clearly defined line between the two objects – there’s a continuum between them.

The researchers were expecting to see very specific minerals in the Stardust samples that should be coming from comets: glass with embedded metal and sulfides, and sliver-like whiskers of the crystallin silicate enstatite. They found only a single sample of enstatite in their samples and it was oriented the wrong way.

There were similar minerals found, but the researchers realized that they were being created when particles from the comet slammed into the Stardust collector. They were able to recreate this process in the lab.

For future studies, the researchers are hoping to get their hands on larger-grained materials, called micro-rocks. These would suffer less alteration from the impact with the Stardust collectors.

Original Source: LLNL News Release

Near Earth Asteroid 2007 TU24 Will Make a Close Approach on January 29, 2008


An asteroid between 150-160 meters in diameter will pass within 540,000 kilometers (334,000 miles) of Earth on January 29 at 08:33 UT (3:33 EST). Hopefully this news won’t cause any alarmist cries of doom, as the asteroid has no chance of hitting Earth. But there is one reason to get excited about this close approach by an asteroid: it will be close enough to likely be visible to amateur astronomers.

Asteroid 2007 TU24 was discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey on October 11, 2007 and will approach the Earth to within 1.4 lunar distances. During its closest approach, it will reach an approximate apparent magnitude 10.3 on Jan. 29-30 before quickly becoming fainter as it moves further from Earth. So, for a brief time the asteroid will be observable in dark and clear skies with amateur telescopes of 3 inch apertures or larger.

According to NASA’s Near Earth Object Program, since the estimated number of near-Earth asteroids of this size is about 7,000 discovered and estimated undiscovered objects, an object the size of 2007 TU 24 would be expected to pass this close to Earth, on average, about every 5 years or so. They also say the average interval between actual impacts of Earth for an object of this size would be about 37,000 years. But rest assured, for the January 29th encounter, near Earth asteroid 2007 TU24 has no chance of hitting, or affecting, Earth.

2007 TU24 will be the closest currently known approach by an asteroid of this size or larger until 2027. Plans have been made for the Goldstone planetary radar to observe this object Jan 23-24 and for the Arecibo radar to observe it Jan 27-28, as well as Feb 1-4. The NEO office says they should be able to image the object with high resolution radar, and if so, 3-D shape reconstruction images should be possible. Way cool.

The illustration below is courtesy of amateur astronomer Dr. Dale Ireland from Silverdale, WA. The illustration shows the asteroid’s track on the sky for 3 days near the time of the close Earth approach as seen from the city of Philadelphia. Since the object’s parallax will be a significant fraction of a degree, observers are encouraged to use the NEO office’s on-line Horizons ephemeris generation service for their specific locations.

Now, we’re aware that there are some alarmists out there trying to freak people out about this asteroid visit. They’re posing the usual conspiracy theories about the astronomy community’s cover up. Don’t worry, there’s absolutely nothing to fear except a little cold weather as you stand outside, hoping to see the asteroid pass by with your telescope. If you want a more detailed debunking of this myth, check out Bad Astronomy’s excellent coverage.

Original News Source: NEO Program Press Release

When Do Asteroids Turn Dangerous?


One of the most spectacular sights in the night sky is a fireball; a rock from space impacts the atmosphere and blazes a trail that can last seconds or even minutes. These burn up harmlessly, but when do they turn dangerous? When do asteroids get large enough that they can actually get through the atmosphere and cause some destruction here on the ground?

During an invited talk at the Meteoroids 2007 conference held in Barcelona, Spain, Clark R. Chapman from the Southwest Research Institute delivered a presentation about how to define this line between harmless explosion in the sky and an impact that causes destruction here on the ground. The paper, entitled Meteoroids, Meteors, and the Near-Earth Object Impact Hazard was later published in the journal Earth, Moon and Planets.

Originally, researchers focused their efforts on the largest asteroids: the objects 2 km (1.2 miles) and above. These are the space rocks that could cause wide scale devastation across the planet, affecting the climate and leading the the deaths of hundreds of millions of people. It was calculated that an individual might have a 1-in-25,000 chance of dying in an asteroid impact.

Now that the Spaceguard Survey has discovered 75% of the asteroids 1 km and larger, your chances of dying have dropped to about 1-in-720,000. About the same chance as dying from a fireworks accident or amusement park ride.

According to Chapman, astronomers are now shifting their focus from the largest impacts – like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago – to the smaller, but still dangerous space rocks. For example, the rock that detonated in the air above Tunguska, Siberia in 1908. That object was probably only between 20-100 metres (65-325 feet) across.

And yet, it leveled the forest for thousands of square kilometres and would have caused immense destruction if it had hit a populated area.

A new survey, informally called the Spaceguard Two Survey, will begin soon with the goal of finding 90% of the near-Earth asteroids larger than 140 metres (460 feet) within the next 15 years.

There are many variables that go into calculating the resulting destruction from an impact. You have to consider the velocity, if it’s a metallic or rocky asteroid, and whether it’s fragmented or not.

What should the response be of national and international emergency management officials to a prediction that a 35 m NEA will strike a populated country a decade in the future? Following current interpretations, we would simply tell people near ground-zero to stay inside and not look directly at the high-altitude explosion. But if objects of that size could cause Tunguska-like damage, we might not only evacuate people for 100 km surrounding ground-zero but we would certainly consider a space mission to move or blow-up the threatening NEA.

Originally, researchers thought that Tunguska level events happened once in 4,000 years, but it might be more common, maybe as often as 1-in-700. And perhaps even smaller, more common, asteroids could still cause destruction on the ground – 1-in-200 years.

If Spaceguard Two Survey gets going, it should locate most of the larger asteroids, but even 50% of the Tunguska-sized impactors. It will even be tracking 1-2 million 30 metre objects.

And if one of those rocks is on a collision course with Earth, governments and space agencies will be able to work out an evacuation or prevention strategy.

Or at least encourage people to avert their eyes.

Original Source: SWRI

Asteroid 2007 WD5 Won’t Hit Mars


Sorry to disappoint those of you hoping for some Martian fireworks the end of this month. NASA’s Near Earth Object (NEO) Program office has effectively ruled out the possibility of Asteroid 2007 WD5 impacting Mars. The probability of such an event has dropped dramatically, to approximately 0.01% or 1 in 10,000 odds of an impact. Observers also say the asteroid has no possibility of impact with either Mars or Earth anytime in the next century.

Recent tracking measurements of the asteroid from several Earth-based observatories have provided a significant reduction in the uncertainties of the asteroid’s position during its close approach to Mars on Jan. 30, 2008. The best estimates now have 2007 WD5 passing about 26,000 km (16,155 miles) from the planet’s center at approximately 12:00 UTC (4:00 am PST) on Jan. 30th. The NEO office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory has 99.7% confidence that the pass should be no closer than 4000 km (2,485 miles) from Mars’ surface.

The 50 meter (164 feet) wide asteroid was discovered in late November of 2007 by astronomers at the University of Arizona as part of the Catalina Sky Survey. Other telescopes used to track the asteroid are the Kitt Peak telescope in Arizona, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey telescope in New Mexico, New Mexico Tech’s Magdalena Ridge Observatory, the Multi-Mirror Telescope in Arizona, the Mauna Kea telescope in Hawaii and the Calar Alto Observatory in Spain.

An impact on Mars by 2007 WD5 could have created a .8 km (1/2 mile) wide crater on the planet’s surface. Many scientists were excited by the prospect of such an event, one that could possibly be tracked by the many spacecraft orbiting and on the surface of the red planet.

NASA’s Spaceguard Survey continually searches for Near-Earth Asteroids such as 2007 WD5, and their goal is to discover 90% of those larger than 1 km in size. JPL’s NEO office says that goal should be met within the next few years. Each discovered asteroid is continually monitored for the possibility of impact on Earth.

Original News Source: Near Earth Object Program press release

1-in-75 Chance Of Tunguska-Size Impact On Mars


A 164-foot (50 meter) wide asteroid will be crossing the orbit of Mars at the end of January 2008. Currently, there is a 1-in-75 chance of the “Mars Crosser” hitting the Red Planet, and if it does, the 30,000 mile per hour speeding mass would generate a three megaton explosion (approximately the size of the terrestrial Tunguska impact over Siberia in 1908) and create a crater half-a-mile wide somewhere north of Meridiani Planum. So, the Mars Rover Opportunity will get a ringside seat should this once-in-a-thousand-year event occur…

NASA’s Near-Earth Object Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California reported this month that a known Near Earth Asteroid (NEO) will be crossing the path of Mars on January 30, 2008. This puts asteroid “2007 WD5” in a special group of asteroids: “Mars Crossers“. NASA’s Near Earth Object Observation Program (or “Spaceguard” program) is intended to track asteroids that come close to the orbit of Earth, but also provides data for any asteroids tracked near our planetary neighbors.

Scientists are both excited and concerned by the possibility of an impact on Mars. Whilst this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to observe an impact of this size on Mars (remember the excitement at Shoemaker-Levy hitting Jupiter in 1994?), this event would eject millions of tons of dust into the Mars atmosphere, interfering with the Mars Expedition Rovers, and hindering orbital imaging of the planet. The Phoenix mission (currently en-route) will undoubtedly be affected. Looking far into the future, this event could have serious consequences for manned exploration.

“Right now asteroid 2007 WD5 is about half-way between the Earth and Mars and closing the distance at a speed of about 27,900 miles per hour […] Over the next five weeks, we hope to gather more information from observatories so we can further refine the asteroid’s trajectory,” – Don Yeomans, manager of the NEO Office at JPL.

Although the odds are low, and the asteroid is expected to miss Mars by 30,000 km, asteroid hunters will be keeping a close eye on the progress of 2007 WD5 as it barrels closer and closer to the Red Planet and our robotic explorers.

Source: Near Earth Object Program

Bigger Risks from Smaller Asteroids?


When astronomers first made the connection between asteroid impacts and extinction events on Earth, it was kind of frightening. There are hundreds of thousands of those things out there zipping around! But dedicated asteroid hunters have located many of the largest planet smashers, and new programs are in the works to find the rest. But now it seems that even the smaller asteroids could be more destructive than previously believed.

Almost 100 years ago, something detonated in the atmosphere above Tunguska, Siberia, flatting the forest. Had it struck a populated area, the results would have been disastrous.

But now researchers have simulated the kind of spacerock that caused the Tunguska explosion. And here’s the bad news: it was probably a much smaller object than previously believed.

“The asteroid that caused the extensive damage was much smaller than we had thought,” says Sandia principal investigator Mark Boslough of the impact that occurred June 30, 1908. “That such a small object can do this kind of destruction suggests that smaller asteroids are something to consider. Their smaller size indicates such collisions are not as improbable as we had believed.”

Since smaller asteroids are more likely to hit the Earth than larger objects, we might want to get a little more concerned about the risks.

A new supercomputer simulation recreated the kind of fireball that could have caused the Tunguska explosion. They took into account how winds travel along the topography of the ground, and the health of the forest to see how easily the trees would be blown down.

What was originally believed to be a 10-20 megaton explosion was probably only 3-5 megatons. So it took a much smaller object to create the devastation in Tunguska.

The researchers didn’t actually suggest a new size for the object, estimating that sounds complicated. “It depends on the speed and whether it’s porous or nonpourous, icy or waterless, and other material characteristics.”

Original Source: Sandia News Release

Oops, That Isn’t an Asteroid, it’s Rosetta


Remember when I mentioned that ESA’s Rosetta was inbound to make a flyby of the Earth on November 13th? Well, another group of astronomers were watching this “unknown” object, and thought that it was actually an asteroid that was going to be making a close flyby of our planet. The astronomers realized their mistake, but not after an alert was sent out to the astronomical community. Oops.

The alert was sent out by the Minor Planet Center, a clearinghouse of asteroid information organized by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory for the International Astronomical Union.

Astronomers had been tracking the approaching object, designated 2007 VN84. After many observations from astronomers around the world, they calculated that it would pass us by at a distance of 1.89 radii (from the middle of the Earth).

It would have been huge news, but Denis Denisenko from Moscow’s Space Research Institute (IKI) realized that its flight path perfectly matched the upcoming Rosetta flyby.

Here’s a link to an animation, captured by astronomers in Germany, of Rosetta inbound to the Earth.

And so, just to set the record straight, ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft made its flyby on Tuesday, November 13th at 20:57 GMT, passing just 5,301 km above the Pacific Ocean. This has given it the gravitational boost it needs to meet up with Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014.

Original Source: MPEC Alert

Tunguska Meteoroid’s Cousins Found?


It’s a cosmic whodunit: a meteorite exploded in the air near a remote part of Russia called Tunguska in 1908, and the meteorite that caused the event all but disappeared. Where did it come from? Was it an asteroid or part of a comet? Astronomers have taken up the case, using mathematical simulations to track down the perpetrator. They even think they might even know a few of its siblings.

Tadeusz J. Jopek and his team at the Astronomical Observatory UAM in Poland – in collaboration with the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur in France – looked for the possible origins of the Tunguska meteor by essentially running the explosion backwards, and mathematically simulating where the parent object of the event would have been before the impact.

By taking the existing forensic evidence of the impact to estimate the velocity and impact angle of the Tunguska meteorite, the team was able to simulate the possible orbit and speed of the object before it hit the earth. In doing this, they created 3311 virtual “particles” as possible origins of the object.

They then analyzed the orbits of near-earth objects that lie in the most likely region for the past 20,000 years to find possible matches with their simulated particles. It is still unclear exactly where the Tunguska meteor came from, and there are over 130 suspects.

“We believe that TCB originated as the result of a breakup of a single body : a comet or an asteroid. In our study we concluded that it is more probable that it was an asteroid. We cannot point to which one; instead we have found several candidates for the Tunguska parent, and the asteroid 2000 WK63 is an example of it,” Dr. Tadeusz said.

This is a hard case to solve indeed, as there remains little physical evidence of the original object near Tunguska, and the only tools astronomers have to work with are mathematical and statistical simulations. The question still remains whether the parent was a comet or asteroid, and indeed if the near-earth object it came from has been discovered yet.

“Such statistical conclusion gives no absolute sure [sic] that one of the presently known asteroids was indeed the Tunguska cosmic body parent. Therefore it is possible that still, the real Tunguska parent body is undiscovered.” Dr. Tadeusz said.

Source: Earth, Moon, and Planets Journal

Undergrad Team Discovers 1,300 Asteroids


A team of undergrad astronomers at the University of Washington figured out how to turn an annoyance into a major discovery, uncovering 1,300 new asteroids; nearly 1 out of every 250 known objects in the Solar System. How did they pull of this feat? It was actually a side project to their actual research: searching for supernovae. The asteroids were getting in the way.

The undergrad researchers were looking through data gathered as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This is a collection of detailed images of the sky gathered by an automated 2.5-metre telescope. The researchers were looking for evidence of exploded stars, called supernovae, but asteroids kept getting in the way.

Instead of just working around the asteroids that were blocking their view, they decided to keep track of them, and see if any were unidentified. It turned out that 1,300 were brand new.

Andrew Becker, a UW research assistant professor in astronomy explains the initial frustrations, “I kept asking the students what they had found and they kept saying, ‘More asteroids. No supernovae, but lots of asteroids.'”

The undergrads developed programs that let them search through the Sloan data automatically, identifying asteroids, and helping them classify them. In addition to discovering 1,300 new asteroids, they compiled additional data on 14,000 asteroids that were already known. This allows astronomers to calculate their trajectories with better accuracy, and determine if any are a threat to the Earth in the future.

Original Source: UW News Release