There’s always more than one way to look at the world. There’s also more than one way to look at…
A new study by an international team of astronomers has shown that eclipsing binary stars could act as a natural…
Quasars are the most powerful sources of light in the universe, but sometimes they're hard to find. A team of…
Astronomers recently spotted a rare type of supernova explosion that was accompanied by a massive flare of ultraviolet radiation. Untangling…
Exoplanets have been a particularly hot topic of late. More than 4000 of them have been discovered since the first…
A new study by an international team of astronomers and cosmologists has used globular clusters to come up with new…
Four gamma ray telescopes have used a new method of interferometry to measure the size of two stars.
What’s the most interesting fact you know about Uranus? The fact that its rotational axis is completely out of line…
A prestigious pair of astronomers have published a paper recommending that a gravitational wave observatory be built on the far…
We've detected thousands of exoplanets, but for the most part, nobody's ever seen them. They're really just data, and graphs…